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Mihir Thakkar Founder and Instructor
● Quick Recap ● Categories of ML Algorithms SESSION ● Build a Naive Bayes OBJECTIVES Classifier
Supervised Machine Learning Features House Size (Sq feet) Location Age (years) Prize (Lakh Rs) 500 Mumbai 2 70 Training Data 1500 Pune 3 100 2000 Banglore 4 60 1000 Mumbai 2 ? Test Data 3000 Pune 10 ?
Linear Regression E.g. Predict the score of a student based on number of hours studied Create a Model y = M * x + B 90 Error Predicted Score for Score 10 hours studied = 60 60 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Hours Studied
Categories of Machine Learning Algorithms Discriminative Generative IMDB IMDB Like Rating Rating Dislike Movie Time Movie Time E.g. Linear Regression E.g. Naive Bayes Classifier
Naive Bayes Algorithm
Naive Bayes Algorithm
Why is Naive Bayes, called Naive?
● Simple and Easy to Implement ● Executes Quickly Advantages of ● Scales for Real-time Use Naive Bayes Cases and Massive Data Sets
QUIZ Naive Bayes Algorithm is best suitable for cases where: 1. Speed of algorithm is critical 2. Accuracy of classification is critical
Setup Environment pip install numpy matplotlib pandas scikit-learn scipy zip
Ham or Spam Email Classification
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