plan do study act cycle your way to continual improvement

Plan-Do-Study-Act: Cycle Your Way to Continual Improvement with the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Plan-Do-Study-Act: Cycle Your Way to Continual Improvement with the PDSA Model October 30, 2014 Help Us Count! If you are viewing as a group, please go to the chat window and type in the name of the person registered and the total number of

  1. Plan-Do-Study-Act: Cycle Your Way to Continual Improvement with the PDSA Model October 30, 2014

  2. Help Us Count! If you are viewing as a group, please go to the chat window and type in the name of the person registered and the total number of additional people in the room, e.g., Tammy Jones, +3. This will help us with our final count.

  3. Reminders All attendees are in listen-only mode. We want to hear your questions! To ask a question during the session, use the chat tool that appears on the bottom right side of your control panel. Attendees will receive an evaluation survey after the webinar. Please let us know how we are doing and new topics you would like us to cover.

  4. Webinar Archives Access previous webinars, sorted by topic: • Clinical Services ( Diabetes, ADHD) • SBHC Operations (PCMH, HIT) • Policy & Advocacy • Quality Improvement • Special Initiatives • School-Based Health Alliance Tools

  5. Objectives 1. Describe the two parts of the improvement model. 2. Identify who should be on the SBHC improvement team. 3. Learn how to set improvement Aims. 4. Learn how to develop improvement measures.

  6. Today’s Presenter Panelist Photo Here Laura Brey Senior Training and Technical Assistance Specialist School-Based Health Alliance

  7. What are we trying to accomplish? AIM content: Explicit statement Specific actions Stretch goals AIM characteristics: Time specific Measurable Define participants

  8. Example The clinic will improve care of HIV/AIDS patients by making changes in the following areas: self – management and adherence support; decision support for clinicians; clinical information systems; delivery system design; community linkages; and leadership. Focusing on education, prevention, and early intervention, our goals include:

  9. Example • 80% of patients with at least one visit every 3 months • 85% of patients with documented medication education/adherence counseling • 90% of applicable patients with PCP/MAC prophylaxis

  10. AIM Tip #1 Achieve agreement and write the aim clearly

  11. AIM Tip #2 Include numerical goals

  12. AIM Tip #3 Set stretch goals

  13. AIM Tip #4 Avoid aim drift

  14. AIM Tip #5 Be prepared to refocus the aim

  15. Second Question How will we know that a change is an improvement?

  16. Measurement for Learning Measurement for and Process Improvement Research Purpose To bring new knowledge into To discover new knowledge daily practice Tests Many sequential, observable One large "blind" test tests Biases Stabilize the biases from test to Control for as many biases as test possible Data Gather "just enough" data to Gather as much data as learn and complete another possible, "just in case" cycle Duration "Small tests of significant Can take long periods of time to changes" accelerates the rate obtain results of improvement

  17. A Family of Measures • Outcome measures • Process measures • Balance measures

  18. Outcome Measures Measures of the customer or patient

  19. Process Measures Measures of the workings of the system

  20. Balance Measures Measures of the other parts of the system

  21. Measurement: Types and Time Changes That Result in A P Improvement S D Process Measures A P S D Harm Hunches Outcome Theories Measures Ideas

  22. Tips for Measurement #1 % Patients with a Visit in Past Three Months Plot data over time Tracking a few key measures over time is the single most powerful tool a team can use.

  23. Tips for Measurement #2 The perfect is the enemy of the good.

  24. Tips for Measurement #3 Samplin g

  25. Tips for Measurement #4 Integrate measurement into the daily routine

  26. Tips for Measurement #5 Use both words and numbers

  27. Third Question What changes can we make that will result in improvement?

  28. Change Concept While all changes do not lead to improvement, all improvement requires change

  29. What is the PDSA Cycle? Act Plan • Objective • Questions and • What changes predictions (why) are to be made? • Plan to carry out • Next cycle ? the cycle (who, what, where, when ) Study Do • Complete the • Carry out the plan • Document problems analysis of the data • Compare data to and unexpected predictions observations • Summarize what • Begin analysis was learned of the data

  30. Repeated Use of the PDSA Cycle Changes That Result in Improvement A P S D Implementation of change Wide-scale tests of change A P S D Follow-up tests Hunches Theories Very small scale Ideas test

  31. Why Test? • Increase degree of belief • Document expectations • Minimize resistance • Learn and adapt • Evaluate costs and side effects

  32. Start Small and Do More Improved Decision Support A P Cycle 1E: Implement and S D monitor the standards Cycle 1D: Revise and test flow- sheet with all patients for one week Cycle 1C: Present refined flowsheet to Use of A P all 3 clinicians and document feedback flowsheet will S D Cycle 1B: Revise flowsheet and test with improve care Dr. Burton’s patients next Monday to known Cycle 1A: Adapt Clinic X Standard’s based flow sheet and test with one of Joanne’s standards patients

  33. PDSA Tip #1: Scale Down Years Quarters Months “Drop 2” Weeks Days Hours Minutes

  34. PDSA Tip #2: “Oneness”

  35. PDSA Tip #3: Changes in Parallel Self- Delivery Clinical Community Decision Leadership Manage- System Information Resources Support ment Design Systems Support

  36. PDSA Tip #5 Resistant Indifferent Ready Current Situation Cost of Very Small Very Small Very Small failure Low Scale Test Scale Test Scale Test Confidence large that current Cost of Very Small Very Small change idea Small failure will lead to Scale Test Scale Test Improvement small Scale Test Cost of Very Small Small Large failure High Scale Test Confidence large Scale Test Scale Test that current change idea Cost of will lead to Small Scale Large failure Implement Improvement small Test Scale Test

  37. Teams “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” --Jon R. Katzenbach

  38. Team Composition • System • Technical • Day-to-day

  39. Team Practice: Tip #1 Team Time • Huddles

  40. Team Practice: Tip #2 Simplify Team Reports • Good bullets; not paragraphs • Shorter, more frequent

  41. Team Practice: Tip #3 Ask for forgiveness, not permission

  42. Team Practice: Tip #4 Learning with others

  43. Web Resources enceofImprovementHowtoImprove.aspx

  44. References Deming WE. Out of the Crisis . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering Study; 1982. Deming WE. The New Economics . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering Study; 1993. Langley J, Nolan K, Nolan T, Norman, C, Provost L. The Improvement Guide . San Francisco, California: Jossey- Bass; 2 nd edition 2009.

  45. Questions? Please enter your questions into the “Chat” box of the GoToWebinar control window

  46. Save the Date 2015 Annual Convention June 16 – 19 JW Marriott Austin, Texas Call for Abstract Submission Now Open! Deadline: November 3, 2014

  47. Membership Individual - $100 Organizational - $500 • All individual member • A national voice benefits advocating for SBHCs at • Discounts on professional the federal level • Access to exclusive services and products • Letters of support for members-only content on the website (including grants archived resources) • Monthly Federal Policy To learn more, visit: Updates And many more….

  48. Closing Reminders This presentation has been recorded and will be archived on the School- Based Health Alliance website within the next 2-3 business days. To request support and technical assistance related to PDSA and Improvement Models, please send us an e-mail at: Take a moment to fill out three poll questions that will appear on your screen. We will also be sending out a brief email evaluation survey within the next two days. Please let us know how we are doing.

  49. Thank You for attending! Additional Questions? Contact us at:


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