Pinal County Rabies and Animal Control Ordinance 050510 Proposed Ordinance/Fee Changes
Purpose Of Of Chang Changes Pinal County Animal Care and Control has not had Fee or Ordinance updates since 2010 In 2010 the facility had 2 buildings and 85 kennels to house dogs, as 2012 we have 3 buildings and 152 kennels to house dogs. Costs to care for animals is increasing significantly. Add fee for feral/stray cats. Cats are considered wild in the state of Arizona and also “free roaming”. Our government shelter is mandated to deal with “domestic” animals ONLY. This does not include feral cats, only domestic cats. We currently take in cats as a courtesy to the public at no cost. The cost to house, feed, board, vaccinate, alter, etc… is very expensive. Adding a fee for feral cats would help ease some of the costs associated with their care. The cost to care of the animals is rising, especially because the time they are housed and cared for is dramatically increasing to keep up with the “No Kill” movement. Some dogs have been housed for almost one year.
Pu Purpose of of Chang Changes Con Conti tinued nued In keeping with other facilities and the inventory PCACC takes in everyday, some of the fees need to reflect repeat offenders by adding fees for a second or third offense and a range for the State mandated recovery fee from $50.00 up to$150.00 depending on each situation and the repeated offenses being committed by animal owners. This also gives incentive for the dog owners to alter their pet which could help with the animal consistently running loose and reproducing. Lastly, the PCCAC Ordinances need to be revised to move along with the changing landscape of our duties to the public, and revising some of the language that either no longer applies to Animal Care and Control or needs to be updated.
Pi Pinal nal Coun County Rabies Rabies and and Ani Animal al Con Contr trol ol Or Ordi dinance nance Number Number 050510 050510 Or Ordi dinance nance Proposed oposed Changes Changes to to Languag Language Clean up of language ‐ Example: “Destroy” to “Humanely Euthanized”, “or” changed to “and” on some Ordinances (page 3 and 4 section V A.) Section IV A. Excessive Noise: Removal of “any animal or bird” and “meows, squawks, or makes any other noises”. Limiting this Ordinance to “dogs”, and “barking” only. Also removing language of optional misdemeanor infractions, and limiting it to civil only. (page 3 section IV A. 3)
Pi Pinal nal Coun County Rabies Rabies and and Ani Animal al Con Contr trol ol Or Ordi dinance nance Number Number 050510 050510 Or Ordi dinance nance Proposed oposed Changes Changes to to Languag Language Page 7 Section IX: Removal of Paragraph “L” The only exception from the requirements of section “K” above shall be for kennels in possession of current kennel permit issued by Animal Care and Control, housing only racing greyhounds. For racing greyhounds, all aspects of care including kennels and kennel confinement requirements shall be those established by the Arizona Racing Commission. Greyhound Racing is now illegal in Arizona and this paragraph is no longer valid or needed in the Ordinance.
Pi Pinal nal Coun County Rabies Rabies and and Ani Animal al Con Contr trol ol Or Ordi dinance nance Number Number 050510 050510 Or Ordi dinance nance Proposed oposed Fe Fee Changes Changes ◦ Removal of Adoption Deposit Fees: They are no longer used ◦ Early Disposition Class (In lieu of Citation) $45.00 to $50.00 ◦ Fines for Civil Violations per offense for 1 st offense ‐ $250.00 change to $100.00 up $250.00 at hearing officer discretion ◦ Fines for Civil Violations ‐ per offense for each 2cnd or subsequent count ‐ $500.00 change to $300.00 up to $500.00 at hearing officer discretion
Pi Pinal nal Coun County Rabies Rabies and and Ani Animal al Con Contr trol ol Or Ordi dinance nance Number Number 050510 050510 Or Ordi dinance nance Proposed oposed Fe Fee Changes Changes Add Fee ‐ Impound Initial Fee for Feline (stray or feral) $20.00 Add Alternative Fee ‐ Kennel Permit Class I and II fee $75.00 in lieu of $150.00 with proof of spay/neuter certificates for all dogs Add Alternative Fee ‐ Adoption of Owned Animal in Lieu of Quarantine Fees of $339.00 (Dog)$140.00 (Cat)$65.00 Add Alternative Fee ‐ Adoption of Owned Animal in Lieu of impound fees (Dog)$140.00 (Cat)$65.00
Pi Pinal nal Coun County Rabies Rabies and and Ani Animal al Con Contr trol ol Or Ordi dinance nance Number Number 050510 Or 050510 Ordi dinance nance Proposed oposed Fe Fee Changes Changes Add Fee Range from $50.00 ‐ $150.00 for repeat offenders for State Mandated Recovery Fee A.R.S. § 11 ‐ 1022. Sterilization of impounded dogs and cats; definition A dog or cat shall not be released to its owner from a county, city or town pound or from an animal shelter unless one of the following applies: The dog or cat has been sterilized and implanted with a microchip for the purposes of identification at the dog or cat owner's expense. **The owner pays a fifty dollar recovery fee, in addition to any fees and costs otherwise required pursuant to this article. ($50.00 is the minimum and can be increased on a case by case basis)
Fee Comparisons with Maricopa County and Pima County BASIC SERVIC E (F EES) MC C AC PIMA C C Pina l AC C L ic e nse -Alte re d Do g $17.00 $17.00 $15.00 L ic e nse Una lte re d Do g $42.00 $62.00 $30.00 O wne r Surre nde r $51.00 N/ C a t this time $40.00 Impo und F e e s Alte re d $45.00 $75.00 $20.00 Impo und F e e s Una lte re d $45 + Ma nda te $125 + Ma nda te $35+ Ma nda te Sta te Ma nda te d F e e $200.00 $50.00-$250.00 $50.00 T he sta te ma nda ted fee of $50.00 minimum is c ha rg ed a long with other fees if a nima l is not a ltered T he ma nda te is a n inc entive to a lter pets in lieu of extra c ha rg es. Shelters c ha rg e wha t they wa nt. Da ily fe e L ic e nse d/ Alte re d $15.50 $15.00 $15.00 Da ily F e e Unlic e nse d/ Una ltrd $31.00 $35.00 $15.00 Stra y C a ts (F e ra l) $96.00 Do no t ta ke in $0.00 Ke nne l Pe rmit $328.00 $400.00 $150.00 Q ua ra ntine F e e s $500.00 $500.00 $339.00 Ea rly Dispo stio n C la ss No t O ffe re d No t O ffe re d $40.00
Publ ublic ic Not Notice ce of of Proposed oposed Chang Changes Publish proposed changes to website: August 10th 2017 60 days to receive public comments: October 10th 2017 Back to BOS for vote: TBD
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