pillars for

PILLARS FOR Coalition Effectiveness June 18, 2018 Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PILLARS FOR Coalition Effectiveness June 18, 2018 Presentation by: Mr. Tracy T. Johnson Provide strategies for Coalitions to be effective in the implementation process Objectives Learn the five (5) Ps of coalition successes Overview

  1. PILLARS FOR Coalition Effectiveness June 18, 2018 Presentation by: Mr. Tracy T. Johnson

  2. Provide strategies for Coalitions to be effective in the implementation process Objectives Learn the five (5) P’s of coalition successes

  3. Overview • Developed from years of experience working in communities (non profit work, state and federal work) on coalitions & youth development. • Offered as a guidance to assist communities developing Coalitions (for all purposes) • Reviewed several models

  4. SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework

  5. The 5 P’s Pillars of Coalitions P P P P P R A O R R O S W E E S E S S I R E T O B N I C A N C G E S E E S E S

  6. Passion Here, the community and the members of the coalition posses this trait naturally and it comes through in many different ways... Passion is deep in each of us….because community members and coalition members believe, respect, honor and most importantly love our community. We all (community & Coalition) want the most and the best outcomes for our children and the families in the community.

  7. This involves making sure that members of key stakeholders (faith community, The champions, elders, and grassroots organizations) are intimately involved with Powerbase the process of being a part of our coalition.

  8. The Powerbase The community realizes that not having this important aspect of the community involved may negatively impact the behavioral health of many of the people in our community.

  9. This trusted Powerbase group is foundational in that it provides the basic needs of safety, guidance, and protection. This provided security allows the The coalition to mature and flourish while in the early stages of development. Powerbase The authority of the Powerbase helps a coalition survive against need thwarting environments and lessens the experiences of need frustrations, mal-functioning, and ill-being.

  10. Process This is a step many coalition members do not like to participate in and is very difficult to maintain but ultimately allows the Coalition to be very successful when it is a part of the coalition. The process is where we need to have a step by step understanding which will create an infrastructure and a design in our Coalition so that we can really be effective and move our coalition and our members to have successful outcomes.

  11. Many times our Coalitions seem to consciously or unconsciously want to ignore this “P”. This includes like planning, rules, regulations, procedures and knowing how to effectively engage and market to our community. Process In many instances, many coalitions “bypass” this such as knowing how to ensure that when we receive our financial resources… how to properly use them for the purpose given, or doing a strategic plan and then follow through and since it provides the Coalition a strategy or a roadmap for success completion.

  12. Important to maintain Ultimately allows the Coalition to be very Process successful Want to keep everyone on the “Same Page” Everyone is on the same understanding

  13. • Create an structure and a design which can lead Coalitions to be effective • Move to ensuring successful outcomes. Process • Coalitions seem to consciously or unconsciously want to ignore this “P”. – Planning rules, regulations, procedures and knowing them

  14. P Process P r a e s s s t i i o g n e Presence Powerbase

  15. Prestige This is when a coalition has the respect of the community. The community knows the Coalition is there for them. The community has noticed the work of the coalition and has trust the coalition has been there for community and has a lot of respect for the coalition.

  16. Prestige This means the community realizes that what programs or interventions the Coalition brings is well meaning will come to fruition with their support. The Coalition’s word and “deed” is very important.

  17. Presence A coalition is known in the community and they “Consistently” see their work. Community members know when there are community events, dialogs or concerns, the Coalition is there to support or be actively involved

  18. Presence 1 2 3 Being seen and known identifies the coalition as The community realizes and regularly and over time having a presence in the knows that the coalition is throughout the community….. community. there willing and able to help out in order to make a positive impact on their community.

  19. Building Blocks of Collaborative • Relationship • Dedication • Trust • Shared Knowledge • Leadership • Assessment

  20. Relationships Relationships take time. They Personal relationships are the require repeated conversations cornerstone for networking and and frequent occasions for collaborative agreements working and planning together. (Perkins, Borden, and Knox, That is how shared visions and 1999). common purposes emerge.

  21. Trust Trust facilitates communication Creates a willingness and commitment to identify with the collaboration Trust is nurtured when members of the collaborative network together produce a written document specifying their mission, expectations, and terms for exchanging resources. Trust is cultivated & maintained through constant communication : a constant exchange of information; not one-sided

  22. Questions/Feedback 22


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