piedmont unified school district

Piedmont Unified School District Learning Environment - Fall 2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Piedmont Unified School District Learning Environment - Fall 2020 June 24, 2020 Overview Piedmont Unified School District closed all schools on March 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance Learning became the mode of learning

  1. Piedmont Unified School District Learning Environment - Fall 2020 June 24, 2020

  2. Overview Piedmont Unified School District closed all schools on March 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance Learning became the mode of learning for schools in Piedmont and across the nation. Over the past several weeks, Piedmont Unified has engaged in planning discussions with stakeholders from across the District and county to consider the return to a safe school environment and the reopening of schools in August 2020. Many issues related to the re-opening of public schools are still being determined and developed by the California Department of Education, California Department of Public Health, local health departments, and individual school districts. PUSD must continue to be flexible in our planning as conditions change. 2

  3. Overview Presentation Agenda: 1. Superintendent recommendation for a return to Piedmont Schools in Fall 2020. a. Assembly Bill 77 - Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill b. Public Engagement c. Health & Safety i. Center for Disease Control ii. California Department of Education iii. California Department of Public Health iv. Alameda County Department of Public Health d. Interscholastic Athletics e. Committee Work f. Grades g. Decision-making & Next Steps h. Resources 3

  4. Current Recommendation Superintendent Recommendation: Piedmont Unified students and educators return to campuses under a Blended Learning Model* that, (a) Ensures that any daily bell schedule meets the minimum instructional minute requirements and provisions as set forth by AB 77 (43501). (b) Ensures that the health and safety precautions, as provided by the Center for Disease Control, the California Department of Public Health, and the Alameda Department of Public Health can be followed for the safety of students and stafg. * A Blended Learning Model is a weekly combination of In-Person and Online Synchronous/Asynchronous Lessons (synchronous learning is online or distance education that happens in real time, whereas asynchronous learning occurs through online channels without real-time interaction). 4

  5. Assembly Bill 77 - Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill (Currently in Committee for Budget and Fiscal Review) Extends the 2019-20 ADA Hold Harmless to the 2020-21 School Year, contingent on student ● participation reporting and local Continuity of Learning and Attendance plan elements. 43502 (a): (School Districts) … shall ofger in-person instruction, and may ofger distance learning, pursuant ● to the requirements of this part. 43502 (c): (School Districts) shall satisfy the annual instructional day requirements ... through in-person ● instruction or a combination of in-person instruction and distance learning pursuant to this part. 5

  6. Assembly Bill 77 - Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill 43503: Distance learning may be ofgered under either of the following circumstances: ● (A) ... as a result of an order or guidance from a state public health offjcer or a local public ■ health offjcer. (B) For pupils who are medically fragile or would be put at risk by in-person instruction, or who ■ are self-quarantining because of exposure to COVID-19. 43504 (b): (School Districts) shall ofger in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible. ● 6

  7. Assembly Bill 77 - Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill 43501: … the minimum school day for a (School District) is as follows: ● (a) 180 instructional minutes in kindergarten. (b) 230 instructional minutes in grades 1 to 3, inclusive. (c) 240 instructional minutes in grades 4 to 12, inclusive. 43504 (c): … school districts to ofger 180 instructional days per school year..., an instructional day is a day ● in which all pupils are scheduled for the length of the day ... in a classroom under the immediate supervision of a certificated employee or in distance learning that meets the minimum requirements described in this part. 7

  8. Public Engagement ThoughtExchange Piedmont closed its ThoughtExchange on May 29, ending with 1,689 people contributing nearly 2,700 thoughts and an extraordinary 105,156 ratings applied to those thoughts. Instructions on the posed question "What are the most important things our school district needs to think about as we continue to respond to COVID-19 and plan for the future?" asked participants to rate 20-30 other thoughts. Our community on average rated 62 thoughts each. Student Surveys on Distance Learning Students in grades 3rd-5th and 6th-12th were surveyed on their distance learning experience the second week of May. Survey questions were based on a survey developed by the California School Climate, Health, and Learning Survey (CalSCHLS) Regional Center who developed the California Healthy Kids Survey and delved into similar issues. Administrators also added questions aligned with our Distance Learning implementation. The surveys were previewed by school stafg, who also provided feedback, before being sent to students the week of May 11. Administrators reviewed the results of the surveys at an administration team meeting on May 21. 8

  9. Public Engagement Reopening Schools Taskforce During the June 10, 2020 Board of Education Meeting, district stafg presented on the progress of the PUSD Reopening Schools Advisory Taskforce (Board Background, Presentation). The Reopening Schools Advisory Taskforce has 105 members who represent the following stakeholder groups: high school students (11), parents (20), classified stafg (13), certificated stafg (46), site and district administration (13), school board (2). 9

  10. Public Engagement Reopening Schools Taskforce The responsibilities of the members were as follows: Develop a “blueprint for the Learning Landscape for 2020-21” considering the range of issues and ● complexities on topics such as: health and safety, equity, instruction, assessment/grading, special education, student support services; Work collaboratively to reach consensus when possible on multiple scenarios to recommend to the School ● Board for reopening schools at each level; Develop a plan to provide full distance learning in preparation for a surge of the virus resulting in another ● shelter-in-place, and for students whose families may decide on behalf of their children not to return to school until a vaccine is developed. 10

  11. Public Engagement Reopening Schools Taskforce Scenarios and Prototypes of Elementary and Secondary Schedules The following graphic illustrates learning models discussed during the taskforce meetings. These models range from full distance learning to the full return to school when there is an efgective vaccine. Taskforce members discussed the scenarios before reviewing prototypes of schedules. 11

  12. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Families - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 As of 6/24/2020 -- 1,072 responses 12

  13. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Families - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 Do you anticipate feeling comfortable having your child(ren) attend school in-person beginning in the fall of 2020 if the District is able to follow the health and safety guidelines outlined by the CDPH, CDE, and CDC? 13

  14. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Families - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 The Alameda County Public Health Department will likely require the District to restrict the number of students on campus so there may be a blended model of instruction with a mixture of in-person and distance learning. Given these conditions, and if the District is able to reopen safely following the health and safety guidelines, which option are you more likely to choose? 14

  15. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Stafg - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 As of 6/24/2020 -- 131 responses 15

  16. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Stafg - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 Do you, personally, anticipate feeling comfortable returning to work in person if the District is able to follow the health and safety guidelines outlined by the CDPH, CDE, and CDC? 16

  17. Public Engagement Survey of PUSD Stafg - Plans for your child(ren) returning to school in 2020-21 For employees who work at school sites, public health conditions will likely require the District to restrict the number of students on our campuses, so there may be a blended model of instruction with a mixture of in-person and distance learning. Given these circumstances, which option would you prefer? 17

  18. Health & Safety The PUSD Health and Safety Task Force continues to meet in order to develop Board Policy 0470 - COVID-19 Mitigation Plan. This Board policy will provide District’s expectations on the following topics: 1. Social Distancing Requirements 2. Personal Protection Equipment and Hygiene Practices 3. Sanitization of Facilities and Equipment 4. Student Absence and Attendance 5. Health Screening of Students and Stafg As discussions have progressed, I am making the following recommendations in relation to the adoption of a Blended Learning Model: 18


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