phase two engagement part one kennedy road overpass

Phase two engagement part one Kennedy Road overpass Pitt Meadows - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Phase two engagement part one Kennedy Road overpass Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project Peter Cohen Manager, Infrastructure Delivery Amanda McCuaig Manager, Project Communications Tuesday, July 7, 2020 Vancouver Fraser

  1. Phase two engagement – part one Kennedy Road overpass Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project Peter Cohen – Manager, Infrastructure Delivery Amanda McCuaig – Manager, Project Communications Tuesday, July 7, 2020 Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Vancouver Fraser Port Authority |

  2. Presentation overview In this report Recap of the phase one engagement 5 Phase two overview 7 Project guiding principles 10 Proposed design 14 Additional project updates 27 How to get involved 31 Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 2

  3. A two-part process: phase two public engagement Due to COVID-19, we are unable to host However, we feel it is important to come back to in-person engagement as originally planned for the community with updates, so the Vancouver this summer. Because we know the community is Fraser Port Authority in partnership with the City of extremely interested in the opportunity for more Pitt Meadows and Canadian Pacific are splitting conversation around the Harris Road underpass the second phase of public engagement for the and noise mitigation elements of this project, we Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements are postponing that part of the engagement to the Project into two parts: fall, in hopes that we will be able to host some form of in-person engagement at that time. Phase two engagement, part one Phase two engagement, part two Kennedy Road overpass Harris Road underpass July 7 – July 28, 2020 Fall 2020 We are here Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 3

  4. Port of Vancouver and COVID-19 ● Pitt Meadows is home to the Vancouver Intermodal Facility and Auto Compound, which receive and export goods every day from across Canada to the Port of Vancouver ● As a federal authority, our mandate is to enable Canadian trade ● We must continue to ensure the safe movement of goods to support Canada's economy, while considering local communities and the environment ● Projects like the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project support the flow of goods via road and rail while bringing benefit to local communities and the environment ● When this extraordinary time ends and the country turns their minds to what happens after COVID-19, the port authority aims to continue progressing projects such as this that will help keep Canadians working and secure our ability to trade with the world Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 4

  5. Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project Recap of phase one engagement Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 5

  6. Recap of key outcomes from fall 2019 engagement The most common themes we heard were around: Safety Traffic impacts during construction Design considerations During our first phase of public engagement Noise and vibration (listen and learn) during fall 2019, we had more than 380 community members complete Business impacts the online questionnaire and about 200 people attend the open house. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 6

  7. Phase two engagement Overview Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 7

  8. Phase two engagement process overview – summer/fall 2020 Phase two engagement, part one: Phase two engagement, part two: Kennedy Road overpass Harris Road underpass July 7 – July 28, 2020 Fall 2020 ● ● Update on the guiding principles Update on the technical work and designs for the Harris Road underpass ● Update on the technical work and designs ● for the Kennedy Road overpass Update on the relocation of the heritage ● buildings How to best engage remotely if we still can’t ● meet in person this fall Update on the noise and vibration study and mitigation measures ● Update on the rail track configuration Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 8

  9. Interim engagement process overview – July 7-July 28, 2020 Council EPC Council Opportunity to share feedback Presentation Presentation (email, phone and questionnaire) July 7, 2020 July 28, 2020 Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 9

  10. Phase two engagement, part one Project guiding principles update Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 10

  11. Update of overarching project principles We presented 17 draft guiding principles during the first round of engagement seeking feedback to improve them or ideas for new ones. Of the 17 draft principles we shared, we: ➔ Updated three of these ➔ Added six additional guiding principles Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 11

  12. Update of overarching project principles – updated principles Three updated guiding principles: Refined/new Original principle Ensure the design improves safety and Ensure the design improves safety, access long-term access for all road users and that and travel times for all road users including the design of the Harris Road underpass feels pedestrians, cyclists and first responders safe for all users Ensure the design of the Harris Road Explore ways to integrate the historical underpass complements the aesthetics of Pitt characteristics of Harris Road into the final Meadows and reflects the history and heritage design of the community Mitigate the impact to businesses during construction by ensuring access is maintained Maintain access to all businesses during and the supporting awareness for the regular business hours community that businesses are open Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 12

  13. Update of overarching project principles – new principles Six additional guiding principles (23 in total) Limit disruption to transit routes and Design the project to consider future stops during construction and population growth and the need to maintain safe pedestrian and cycling accommodate differentmodes of access along Harris Road during transportation along Harris Road and construction, especially for those with the adjacent West Coast Express station​ with strollers and mobility aids Maintain, protect and enhance Ensure that detour routes can greenspace including exploring accommodate traffic volumes, opportunities to replace trees that including rush hour traffic, may be impacted by the project​ throughout construction Ensure noise and vibration mitigation Ensure traffic management during during construction meet current construction meets current best best practice standards practice standards Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 13

  14. Phase two engagement, part one Kennedy Road overpass proposed design Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 14

  15. Technical process Research and data Developdesign Proposed design Final design collection options We are here Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 15

  16. Kennedy Road overpass – update Research and data Developdesign Proposed design Final design collection options Completed Ongoing ● ● Archaeological Overview Assessment Ongoing engagement with the City and others ● Topographical survey ● Ongoing consultation with Indigenous ● Utility locates groups and identifying participation and ● Geotechnical site investigations cultural recognition opportunities ● ● Traffic data collection and analysis Progressing concept designs ● Environmental field work and permitting ● Considering public realm opportunities strategy based on fall 2019 engagement feedback ● Alignment options analysis Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 16

  17. N Kennedy Road overpass – identified alignment i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 17

  18. Kennedy Road railway crossing – today i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 18

  19. Kennedy Road overpass – illustration i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 19

  20. Kennedy Road overpass – southern approach (looking north) i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 20

  21. Kennedy Road overpass – cross-section (looking north) i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 21

  22. Kennedy Road overpass – consideration of elevated views i Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 22

  23. Work with the city to Consider public space consider connections to the improvements (water Pitt River Greenway along fountains, bike racks, etc.) Ferryslip Road Consider stormwater and drainage needs with new road Explore what opportunities alignment and infrastructure there are to harness the elevated views of the overpass Consider opportunities for the Consider what opportunities underside of the overpass in there are for plantings terms of safety, wildlife adjacent to structure movement and flood control Ensure beginning and end of the multi-use path provides a safe connection to the existing road network Vancouver Fraser Port Authority | 23

  24. Kennedy Road overpass – pedestrian and cyclist connections Vancouver Fraser Port Authority |

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