pharmaceutical industry in oic member countries

Pharmaceutical Industry in OIC Member Countries Production, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pharmaceutical Industry in OIC Member Countries Production, Consumption and Trade STATISTICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC COUNTRIES ORGAN IZA T I O N OF ISLAMIC COOPE RA T I O N 1 Pharmaceutical Industry


  2. Pharmaceutical Industry • An indispensable part of health care system. • …develops, produces, and markets drugs…for use as medications. • innovation…….almost all epidemics and chronic diseases are curable today. Despite all progress….. • On average, 30% of the world population lacks access to life-saving medicines. – whereas, in some countries of Asia and Africa, the number may be as high as 50% . • …. the share of medicines in out-of-pocket health payments is ranging between 40 to 60% in majority of LDCs. 2

  3. Pharmaceutical Production and Consumption Percent • Billion US$ One of the largest and rapidly 1000 10 growing global industries 800 8 – valued at US$ 942 billion 600 6 with a growth rate of 5.1% 400 4 over the previous year. 200 2 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total World Market Growth Over previous Year • Asia Both in terms of production Australia Latin America and consumption, it is highly Africa 7% 17% Japan concentrated in the developed 12% regions . North America 37% – North America (37%), Europe 27% Europe (27%) and Japan (12%) accounted for nearly 76% of global market Source: IMS Health Market Prognosis, May 2012. 3

  4. Pharmaceutical Industry in OIC - I • Local production and consumption data is largely unavailable. • In member countries with data, local production satisfying a tiny share of demand. MENA : – Saudi Arabia : … biggest market| US$ 3.4 billion| …with 19 licensed manufacturer …. satisfying only 20% of demand (2011). – Egypt : one of the major flourishing markets| US$2.7 billion | ...with 119 licensed companies… satisfying more than 90% of demand (2011). – Jordan : 16 licensed manufacturers …. satisfying 50 % of demand (2010). – UAE: 8 manufacturing units…. satisfying 10 % of demand (2008). – Morocco: 40 licensed manufacturers……satisfying 70% of demand (2010) . – Tunisia: 47 licensed manufacturers……satisfying 45% of demand (2011) . 4

  5. Pharmaceutical Industry in OIC - II Asia :  Turkey: .. largest OIC market| over 9 billion US$| ...ranked 7 th in Europe and 16th in world ... 134 licensed companies… satisfying 90% of demand (2011) .  Kyrgyzstan: 42 licensed manufacturers…satisfying 4% demand (2011) .  Malaysia: one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical market | valued over 1 billion US$| ... with 250 licensed manufacturers...satisfying 25-30% of domestic demand (2011) .  Indonesia: …a growing market| over US$ 2 billion| …with 204 domestic manufacturers ...satisfying 80% of demand (2010) .  Pakistan: | US $1.25 billion | …with 478 licensed manufacturers…satisfying 47% demand (2009) . 5

  6. Pharmaceutical Industry in OIC - III Sub-Saharan Africa: – Nigeria: ...second leading producer in SSA | US$ 2.5 Billion market| … 146 licensed manufacturers...satisfying 25% of demand (2011) . – Senegal: 5 licensed manufacturers…satisfying 15% of demand (2011). – Côte d’Ivoire: 8 licensed manufacturers...satisfying 10% of demand (2011) . – Cameroon: 13 licensed manufacturers...satisfying 4% of demand (2010). 6

  7. Pharmaceutical Trade • Pharma exports increased from US$ Exports 3.5 8 1.6 billion to US$ 2.4 billion. 7 3.0 6 2.5 – share in world exports remained 5 Billion US$ 2.0 Percent constant at about 1% . 4 1.5 3 1.0 – 2 share in developing countries 0.5 1 exports remained stable at 7% . 0.0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Exports Share in DCs Total Share in World Total Imports 25 28 • Pharma imports increased from US$ 20 13 billion to US$16 billion. 21 Billion US$ Percent 15 – share in world imports declined 14 10 from 4.4% to 3.4% . 7 5 – share in developing countries 0 0 imports decreased from 24% to 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 14% . Total Imports Share in DCs Total Share in World Total Trade balance deficit increased from US$ 11 billion to over US$13 billion 7

  8. Intra-OIC Pharmaceutical Trade Exports • Intra-OIC pharma exports increased 2400 51 47 2100 from US$ 727 million to US$ 880 43 1800 39 1500 million. Million US$ 35 1200 Percent 31 900 – 27 share in OIC total exports 600 23 300 19 decreased from 45% to 36%. 0 15 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Intra-OIC Exports OIC-Non OIC Exports Share of Intra-OIC in OIC Total Exports • Intra-OIC pharma imports increased Imports 24000 9 from US$ 886 million to US$ 1399 in 20000 2010 before declining to US$ 697 7 16000 million in 2011. 12000 5 Million US$ Percent 8000 – share in OIC total imports 3 4000 decreased from 6.5% to 4%. 0 1 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Intra-OIC Imports OIC-Non OIC Imports Share of Intra-OIC in OIC Total Imports This underlines the fact that member countries rely heavily on non-OIC countries to satisfy their domestic demand. 8

  9. Exports of Vaccines for Human Use • OIC countries are still accounting Share of OIC in Total World Vaccine Export Percent 0.7 0.65 for less than 1% of the total world 0.62 0.61 0.6 vaccine export s . 0.5 – OIC export s of vaccine recorded 0.36 0.4 only 131 million USD. 0.26 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 • Intra-OIC export s of vaccine OIC's export to world Intra-OIC exports Million USD accounted for 36% of total vaccine 131 140 Thousands exports of OIC countries in 2009, 120 but it decreased to only 12% in 2010 100 80 60 49 40 18 16 20 0 2009 2010 9

  10. Imports of Vaccines for Human Use • Share of OIC in Total World Vaccine Import OIC countries accounted for 8% in Percent total world vaccine import s in 2008 9 8.01 7.46 and this ratio remained above 7% 8 7.19 6.46 7 6.13 in the following two years. 6 5 – OIC import s of vaccine recorded 4 over 1 billion for the first time in 3 2009 and reached to almost 1.4 2 1 billion in 2010, which is 10 times 0 higher than their exports. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 OIC's import from world Intra-OIC imports • Intra-OIC import s of vaccine Million USD 1600 accounted for 1.8% of total OIC 1,397 1400 import in 2009, but decreased to 1,114 1200 only 1% in 2010. 1000 800 600 400 200 20 15 0 2009 2010 10

  11. Policy Recommendations - I • Pharmaceutical production requires skilled human resources like scientists, pharmacists, biologists and lab technicians. – Member Countries should encourage and empower their education system to impart quality knowledge in academic disciplines like Chemistry, Biology, Medicines and other natural sciences. • Member Countries should also give due attention to convert the brain drain of highly skilled people into brain gain – by facilitating the national Diaspora to return to their countries. • Pharmaceutical industry is a research intensive industry . – proper R&D facilities should be built and – provide necessary financial resources to develop an innovative pharmaceutical industry in the member economies. 11

  12. Policy Recommendations - II • At the intra-OIC level: – Member Countries should collaborate with each other by sharing expertise for the development of pharmaceutical industry. – Students mainly from LDCs can be enrolled in pharmaceutical related academic disciplines in member countries with substantial pharmaceutical base [like Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Malaysia] to equip them with necessary knowledge and expertise in this field. • At the international level : – Member Countries should collaborate with the international agencies like WHO, UNCTAD and World Bank to benefit from their expertise and financial resources to build their domestic pharmaceutical industry. 12

  13. THANK YOU..! M A Z H A R H U S S A I N R E S E A R C H E R S E S R I C m h u s s a i n @ s e s r i c . o r g w w w . s e s r i c . o r g 13


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