Pharmaceutical chemistry terminology
Pharmacy It is concerned with the collection, preparation and standardization of drugs In other words it covers the cultivation of medicinal plants, synthesis of compounds of medicinal value,chemical analysis and testing of the compound Pharmacology It is concerned with the effect of drugs on livibg animals l,organs or tissues Actually the word pharmacology is a Greek word,’pharmaca’ means drug ‘logos’ means treatise Pharmacology includes various terms like toxicology,posology and therapeutic
Pharmacodynamics It deals with the response of living organisms to cheimcal stimules in the absence of disease This tells about possible use of a particular therapeutic agent in the treatment of disease in human Pharmacophore It is a functional group whose presence is responsible for the medicinal activity of a drug Removal of pharmacophore from the molecule of the drug completely destroys the medicinal value Some of the functional groups are – R,-OH,-OR,-CHO,-X etc
Pharmacokinetics It is the study of the action of drugs in the body ADM ADMEE means absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion ADME is formed from the intial letters of pharmacokinetics and pharmacology for absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion ADME influence the drug level and kinetics of drug exposure to the tissues
Receptor In bio chemistry a receptor is a protein molecule embedded in either the plasma membrane or the cytoplasm of cell A molecule which binds or attach to a receptor is called ligand The ligands are also called neuro transmisster
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