pgx test a life saver

PGx Test: A Life Saver Personalized Medicine for Everyone Current - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PGx Test: A Life Saver Personalized Medicine for Everyone Current Prescriptions Take this, if it doesnt work, well try something else. TRADITIONAL TREATMENT Traditional testing results in a one size fits all approach

  1. PGx Test: A Life Saver “Personalized Medicine for Everyone”

  2. Current Prescriptions “Take this, if it doesn’t work, we’ll try something else.”

  3. TRADITIONAL TREATMENT Traditional testing results in a “one size fits all” approach with a population of patients suffering adverse drug events, or not responding to the medication. TRADITIONAL TREATMENT 3

  4. Genetic Variations

  5. The number of people who die in America because of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR’s) is equivalent to a large aircraft crashing every day resulting in 300 deaths! That’s over 100,000 per year!

  6. “One in six hospital admissions of older adults is because of an adve vers rse e dru rug eve event …” Ma March 1, 2013 issue ue

  7. Because se of of th these se fa factor ors, s, doc octor ors s are co concern rned ed which prescription medications… ➢ Will l work rk best; t; ➢ Will l work rk least; ➢ Will l not work; rk; ➢ The dosag age amoun ount; t; ➢ Might ght cause use harmful rmful side effect fects; s; ➢ May have ve catas astro trophic phic inter erac actions. ions.

  8. What if there was a test that would… Eliminat nate e this guesswor work by by giving ng doctors ors the right informa rmation ion to prescri cribe be the right t medicat cation, ion, in the right dosag age, e, at the right t time, to all their patie ients? s?

  9. Welcome to… The he New New Frontier ontier of of P Per ersonaliz sonalized ed Medicine Medicine thr through DN ough DNA A Testing! esting!

  10. Personalized Drug Therapy with Pharmacogenetics DNA Testing

  11. Orga gani nizat ation ions s ad adoptin ing g Ph Phar arma maco coge genetic netic tes estin ing ∙ Ma Mayo o Clinic ic ∙ Vander derbi bilt lt Univer ersi sity y Me Medi dical cal Center er ∙ Jo Johns hns Hopkin Hopkins Me Medi dica cal Center er ∙ Duke Medical Medical Center er ∙ Hos Hospit pital al Corpor rporat ation ion of of Amer erica ica ∙ St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

  12. Wh Why y Sho houl uld d Ph Phys ysic ician ians s Tes est the their ir P Pat atie ients? Pharmac rmacog ogenet netic c testing ELIMINATES ➢ Trial and error prescr crip iptions ons ➢ Common “One Size Fits All” medication management ➢ Guesswo work Doctors testing patients ENHANCES ➢ Pa Patient t Care, , Satisf sfacti action on and Conf nfide idenc nce ➢ Complianc iance

  13. Calls it… “Future of Medicine”

  14. Cornell University Columbia University Call it… “Precision Prescription”

  15. How i ow is th the t test st co cond nduc ucted? ed? Doct ctors ors obt btai ain n a ver very y simple ple Pharmac armacog ogene eneti tic c cheek eek swa wab sample, ple, righ ght t in the of offi fice. ce. ➢ Me Medi dica care usual ally ly pays s for r it, as we well as many y oth other er insur uran ance ce compa mpanies nies ➢ One-time ime, lifet etime me test st ➢ We NEVER VER balance ance bill the patien ent Ri Right Informa mation, ion, Ri Right Drug, g, Ri Right Dose, se, Ri Right fr from m the beginni ning ng .

  16. CYP 450 Metabolizer Types… IZER DRUG METAB ABOL OLIZE UG METAB ABOLISM ISM Po Poor or Met etabol bolize izer r (PM) ) No None or ve very y low ow In Inter ermediat mediate e Met etaboli bolizer er (IM IM) Red educed ced Excelle lent Met etabol bolize izer r (EM) No Normal rmal Ultra-Rapi pid d Met etabol bolize izer r (UM) ) Increased ased

  17. Pharmacogenomics Testing With PGxOne™ testing physicians are provided with clear, clinically actionable recommendations, allowing them to select the optimal drug at the best dose for each patient. 18

  18. Vital l informat ormation ion is deliver ered ed qui uick ckly ly to the doctor’s office Info formati rmation on is like a privat vate, e, indivi viduali dualized zed consult ltation ation ➢ Discus usses ses your r gene netic tic make-up p and how your r body respon ponds ds to differ ferent t medic icatio ations ns ➢ Predicts icts drug – drug interact ractio ions ns with recomm commend ndatio ations ns for altern rnativ atives Informa matio tion n give ves s peace e of mind d for patient ents and physic icia ians ns ➢ Impro roved ved patient nt health th ➢ Impro roved ved patient nt comp mpli lianc nce ➢ Bette tter r outc tcomes mes ➢ Reduc uced d liabili lity ty

  19. Th That at Beg Begs t the Qu he Ques estio ion: n: Is t s there re any re reaso son a d doc octor or wo wouldn't n't use the test, since… 1) 1) It can decr creas ase e adve verse rse drug ug react actions; ions; 2) 2) It’s quick and easy to administer; 3) 3) It can lower the doctor’s liability; 4) 4) Patients ients want t it (in fact, ct, may demand mand it)!

  20. Who N Wh Nee eeds ds Th This is Tes est U Urge gently ly? Practitioners who have patients who: ✦ Have multiple drug types prescribed ✦ Are taking medications with black box warnings that recommend PGx testing. ✦ Are taking medications related to risk for Thrombosis (Blood clot). ✦ Have a history of poor medication compliance. ✦ Poor compliance is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and health-care costs.

  21. Who N Wh Nee eeds ds Th This is Tes est U Urge gently ly? Practitioners who have patients who: ✦ Have multiple chronic conditions ✦ Require a higher-than-standard dosage to achieve the desired result ✦ Have had a severe adverse drug reaction ✦ Have had unexpected or unexplained responses to medications ✦ Have had multiple unsuccessful drug trials ✦ Have health issues in multiple organ systems

  22. Cur urrent ent Us Usag age It is estimated ted that less than 6% of f doctor tors are current rently y off fferi ering ng the e phamacog macogene enetic ic tes est to their patients ents. Yet et, in 2-3 ye years s is s will bec ecome me routi utine ne and patients will ‘demand it’.

  23. If inf infor ormat mation ion is th there to i e to imp mprove ove pa pati tient ca nt care, why , why no not ma t make ke a pa part of t of your ‘Standard Care’?

  24. Wh Who Do Y o Do You K ou Know? now?

  25. Do i Do it No t Now, w, or or Do i Do it La t Later ter It’s going to happen Dem Demand and the the PG PGx Te x Test st TO TODAY DAY!

  26. • In today's world, only 30-60% of drugs work effectively to rid a patient's illness. • However, with the application of pharmacogenomics, the success rate of drugs will increase to 100% (responders)

  27. Pr Pres escr crip iption tion Dr Drugs No L o Lon onger r a G Guessi ssing ng Game me!

  28. What Can We Do So That Everyone Responds Well To Treatment? 29

  29. Q&A Q&A


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