A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L Pet Paws is on a mission to improve pet parents’ lives with technology. This pet journal was created for easy and fast set up to keep and share all of your pet’s information at your fingertips. BY KATE NESTEROV
E M PAT H Y M A P I A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L TASKS User 1 is not very tech-savvy. He does not know a lot about mobile apps and how to operate them. He wants to be able to have an app that is super east to use so that he can enter his pet’s information without having any difficulties. OVERALL GOAL FEELINGS The user has a pet that has The user gets very frustrated some minor health issues. He when using new apps because would like to keep a record of they sometimes confuse him - USER 1 all the vet visits and as he is not very tech-savvy. medications. The user wants to Sometimes he feels hopeless have all of the information when installing new apps and ready in case he needs to pass first time using them. it on to another vet. He wants to accomplish this task without a huge learning-curve to understanding how the app itself works. PAIN POINTS INFLUENCES The user is not tech-savvy. The user is influenced by his The application he uses need pet and vets that his pet to be very straight-forward visited. He needs a way to keep and easy to use. a record of vet visits.
E M PAT H Y M A P I I A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L TASKS User 2 is a very busy pet owner. She has 2 dogs and 3 cats. She wants to keep all of the information about her pets neatly organized in one app. She wants to be able to enter all of the information with ease, without having to type too much on her mobile phone. FEELINGS OVERALL GOAL The user becomes irritated and User 2 is going away for a tired if she has to enter long vacation and wants to give a paragraphs of information. She detailed care instructions to would prefer if the app she uses the pet-sitter. She needs to USER 2 asks her the right questions for enter all of the information the task she is doing/information about her 5 pets in a matter she is entering. of short time. She needs the app to ask her the right questions. PAIN POINTS INFLUENCES Having to enter everything The user is influenced by his manually, she wants to type pet and the pet-sitter. She also less when intering the has 5 pets, that’s a lot of information about her pets. information to enter!
E M PAT H Y M A P I I A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L TASKS User 3 has lost her pet once, she was very afraids he lost his pet forever. She got very lucky as her neighbor saw her pet and immediately called her. User 3 needs to have a way to have her pets chip # recorded on her phone and be able to notify the pet control shelters if her pet goes missing. FEELINGS OVERALL GOAL The user got very scared when her pet went missing. She was User 3 needs to record her pet’s very worried that she would not be able to find her pet. She was USER 3 chip # in her mobile phone and be able to report her pet missing also angry that she did not know at ease. her pet’s chip # and did not have a way to notify pet control shelters about her pet missing. PAIN POINTS INFLUENCES User 3 not knowing the pet’s The user is mostly chip # and not being able to influenced by her pet. notify the pet control shelters.
SIGN IN SCREEN 2 ACCOUNT CREATED 1 I want to DO. - I want to create an account - I want add a pet & add information A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L IMAGE ICON U S E R F LOWS AWESOME! You have successfully created your account, now let’s add your pet. Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Email Sign Up ADD PET 3 4 5 7 8 9 SELECT PET SPECIES INPUT BASIC INFO MALE/FEMALE 6 INFO CATEGORIES MICROCHIP # FOOD INFO VET SEARCH FIRST BASIC INFO FEW MORE QESTIONS YOU’RE DONE WITH BASICS NEVER LOOSE YOUR PET FOOD VETERINARIAN Your pet is a... Now let’s get to know your pet. Is your pet male or female? Select other categories you would like Enter your pet’s microchip number Let’s talk about your pets diet ����������������������� ��������������������������������� information at any time. How many times a day do you feed your pet? Zip Microchip # 900064879325114 DOG 2 MALE MATEO Microchip # Are all the meals the same? Feeding Info YES NO Incidents MICROINTERACTION CAT What type of food? Vaccinations FEMALE To start, what is your pet’s name? Exams Dry Wet Both mixed Medications Mateo Any prefered brand? FISH Veterinarian Info Science Diet Exercise MAP Special Instructions And when is your pet’s birthday? JANUARY 17 2014 1 small can of wet food mixed with about 1/3 cup of dry food HAMSTER FEBRUARY 18 2015 MARCH 19 2016 Skip Skip Skip Skip NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) NEXT (CTA) 12 10 MAIN HOME SCREEN REPORT LOST PET Report Lost Pet 2 I want to KNOW. - I want to know where my pet is - I want to report my pet missing Which pet went missing? Mateo Lucy Mateo Skip Microchip # 900064879325114 So sorry your pet is missing. We will make sure that it gets back to you as quick as possible. The chip has ������������������������������������������������������� any animal shelter scans this microchip. REPORT MISSING (CTA) 13 SHARE PET PROFILE 11 MAIN MENU 3 I want to SHARE. ���������������� - I want to email vet/sitter/groomer information about the pet 1 Home Choose pet Find ER or Specialist My Veterinarian Report a Pet Lost Mateo Lucy Request My Records ���������������� 2 Enter receivers email karen.petsitter@gmail.com SEND (CTA) Settings Log In
U S E R T EST I N G S C R I P T A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L PARTICIPANT INTODUCTION [W elcome the participant, offer them tea or coffee. Offer the opportunity to use bathroom facilities.] Thank you for coming today. My name is Kate. I am working on designing an application that will help users keep track of the pets’ records such as microchip number, health information, and other records. As part of the process I am asking a variety of people to attempt various tasks using it to see what elements of the design need to be changed. I’d like to tell you that we’re testing the application, and not your abilities. If you find parts of this application difficult to use or understand, so will other people, and it will be my job to make sure I make the appropriate changes to improve it. Today’s session will last for about an hour, If you want to stop for a break at any time, just say so. MOBILE DEVICE + EQUIPMENT INTRODUCTION [The user is walked to a testing station. There is a mobile device with Mr.Tappy attached to it, which is also attached to a laptop which will be recording the interaction.] This is the mobile device that you will be using. It has the prototype application installed on it. As you will be using it I will be seeing your interactions on the computer through this device (Mr.Tappy).I will also be taking a video of your interactions so that we can analyse the data in depth at a later stage. The videotape will not be used for any other purpose. Please read and sign this consent form, which states that you give us permission to videotape. [Administer consent form.] Let us begin. INTRODUCE TASKS We have a total of 5 tasks, and I’ll give them to you one at a time. I’ll be asking you to ‘think aloud’ as you work. For example, if you don’t know what something is for, please say ‘I don’t know what this is for’, or something similar. I may also ask you from time to time to ask you what you are thinking. Do you have any questions before we begin? p 1
U S E R T EST I N G S C R I P T A P E T C A R E J O U R N A L TASK 1: SIGN IN Please unlock the phone and open the Pet Paws. Please go ahead and sign up for a new account. Go ahead and click continue. TASK 2: ADD YOUR FIRST PET After completing the sign in you will get to add your first pet along with its basic information. Go ahead and do that. [The user will select “add pet”, then select the species, sex, and enter the name and birthday of the pet] What did you think? TASK 3: SELECT OTHER CATEGORIES Ok, go ahead and select 3 other categories of information you would like to fill out at this time. Now you can go ahead and fill them out, or you can skip any of them if you would like to. What did you like about this part? TASK 4: REPORT LOST PET Now you are at the main menu, go ahead and report your pet lost. TASK 5: SHARE PET PROFILE Great. Now imagine you are going away on a trip and need to send your pets information to your pet sitter. Go ahead and do that using the application. TASKS COMPLETION Thank you. That completes the tasks. [Stop recording] Once again, I’d like to say thanks for coming today . [Give the participant their payment: a giftcard.] Do you have any comments or questions about today’s session? p 2
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