pervasive wireless scenarios and research challenges

Pervasive Wireless Scenarios and Research Challenges Spring 08 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pervasive Wireless Scenarios and Research Challenges Spring 08 Research Review Jun 2, 2008 Prof. D. Raychaudhuri 1 Introduction: The Promise of Wireless Everywhere Wireless technology

  1. Pervasive Wireless Scenarios and Research Challenges Spring 08 Research Review Jun 2, 2008 Prof. D. Raychaudhuri 1

  2. Introduction: The Promise of Wireless Everywhere… � Wireless technology rapidly migrating from communications to a multitude of embedded real-world applications … Video cam detector Wireless video surveillance Tracking farm animals V2V collision avoidance “Kid finder” Wireless cornea implant 2

  3. Introduction: Pervasive Wireless will Enable Integration of Physical World with the Internet … Ambient interfaces Application Management & “Human in the Loop” Control Software Global Pervasive Network Computation (Future Internet) & Storage To Actuators Protocol module Content & Location Aware Routers Network Connectivity & Computation Hospital with Smart Public Space Embedded Monitoring Vehicles with Sensors & Wireless Virtualized physical world object From Sensors Multiple radio standards, � Cognitive radios Autonomous Wireless Clusters (“ecosystems”) Robotics Application 3

  4. Introduction: Wireless Network Evolution towards Pervasive Systems MSC Internet (IP-based � clean slate) Public Switched Network (PSTN) Mobile network overlays, etc. Seamless Internet Custom BSC extension Mobile Infrastructure or just a (e.g. GSM, 3G) Open BTS local network?? WLAN BTS Infostation Access cache Dynamic Spectrum Point Reuse WLAN Hot-Spot VOIP Ad-hoc CDMA, GSM network or 3G radio extension access network VOIP Broadband Media cluster (dual-mode) (e.g. UWB or MIMO) Low-tier clusters ~2000 ~2010 and beyond (e.g. low power 802.11 sensor) 4

  5. 5 Emerging Wireless Scenarios

  6. Emerging Wireless Scenarios: Open Mobile Networks � Open mobile products should promote new applications beyond cellular voice/data � IP-based WiMax or cellular routers will simplify Internet integration and enable heterogeneous networks � Open handset software for third party application development � Overlay networks (built on IP tunnels) can provide new network functionality � Open mobile alliance, Android, etc. � Many new location aware applications being developed 6

  7. Emerging Wireless Scenarios: Multi-Hop Access Networks � Multi-hop/mesh networks help to expand coverage and serve low- Wired Internet Infrastructure power devices Mesh GW or AP � Ad hoc mesh networks are required for vehicular & sensor applications � Metro area mesh WiFi networks an alternative to wide area cellular � Technology involves new multi-hop routing & discovery protocols � Cross-layer effects can be significant in dense Mesh Router mesh scenarios � open research issues Hierarchical Mesh Network The $49 Mesh Router from Meraki Networks 7

  8. Emerging Wireless Scenarios: Dynamic Spectrum & Cognitive Radio New techniques for � spectrum coexistence needed as radio density Maximum Amplitudes increases Atlanta Heavy Use Heavy Use Smart radios with fast Less than 6% Less than 6% � Occupancy Occupancy Amplidue (dBm) scan, agility, etiquette New Orleans Time Sparse Use Medium Use under consideration by FCC San Diego Dynamic adaptation of � radio (PHY/MAC) – Frequency (MHz) Frequency implications for networking Data Signal Spectrum Policy Server Spectrum Coordination Dynamic Spectrum Protocols Wired For Coordination Internet Next-gen wireless devices with dynamic spectrum capability 8 (fast RF scan, agile, adaptive PHY/MAC)

  9. Emerging Wireless Scenarios: P2P and DTN � P2P and DTN network protocols expected to migrate from niche scenarios to wider usage � Router mobility � Network may be disconnected at times …delay tolerant protocols � Caching and opportunistic data delivery …. In-network storage � Content- and location- aware protocols WINLAB’s i-media Internet Prototype (2003) Mobile DTN Router Opportunistic High-Speed Link Ad-Hoc (MB/s) Network Mobile DTN Router Roadway Sensors Static DTN Router 9 Mobile P2P User

  10. Emerging Wireless Scenarios : Sensor Nets Pervasive Compute & Storage Application Servers Agents User interfaces for information & control Sensor net/IP gateway Mobile Internet (IP-based) Overlay Sensor Network Infrastructure 3G/4G BTS GW ZigBee, Relay Node UWB, etc. Sensor/ Ad-Hoc Sensor Net A Actuator Ad-Hoc Sensor Net B � Sensor net scenarios involve: Virtualized Physical World Object or Event � Large scale � Limited CPU speed and transmit power � Intermittent connectivity, low-speeds, ad-hoc modes � Location and content-awareness � May involve closed loop control in real-time 10

  11. Emerging Wireless Scenarios: Vehicular Networks Vehicle safety and � information/convenience New 802.11p radio access � standard Potentially high density � Irrelevant vehicles Networking involves in radio range for few seconds � location awareness… Following vehicle, Ad hoc network formation � in radio range for minutes and disconnections Network (group) mobility � Passing vehicle, in radio range for tens of seconds V2V and V2I modes � Desired message delivery zone (Idealized) Broadcast range 11

  12. 12 Research Challenges

  13. Pervasive Wireless: Research Challenges � Technology foundations � WiFi, WiMax, Bluetooth, Zigbee radios � Sensor devices, RFID, active tags, … � Location determination systems (custom or infrastructure based) � Dynamic spectrum management and cognitive radio � Sensor network gateways, mesh relay nodes � Architectures and protocols � Geographic MAC, multicast and routing protocols � Multi-hop wireless network protocols (MAC + routing) � Location and content aware networks (overlay, clean-slate) � Future Internet architecture for pervasive wireless 13

  14. Pervasive Wireless: Research Challenges (cont.) � Software technologies � Privacy mechanisms, particularly location privacy � Security for RFID systems, sensor nets, p2p nets, etc. � Micro OS and distributed run-time environment; � Open networks and virtualization � Application domains � Geographic search & mobile services � Vehicular systems (V2V, V2I) � Medical systems � Social networks, p2p 14

  15. Pervasive Wireless: Rutgers Activities � Rutgers Computing Coordination Council (CCC) selected “pervasive computing” as a strategic theme for inter-departmental/center collaboration � Involves CS, ECE and SCILS as well as WINLAB, Marine & Coastal, Center for Autonomic Computing, CAIT, others …. � Internal seed program with 7 projects funded, ranging from pervasive systems security to underwater glider coordination � Workshops and colloquia � WINLAB research � Growing portfolio of pervasive wireless research projects � Range of topics including spectrum issues, geographic MAC/routing, location technology, privacy and security to be covered in today’s research review 15


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