PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Helme lmet: t: $150.00 Nomex Hood od: $45.00 Pa Pass ss Device: e: $245.00 Air Pa Pack k with h Mask $4500.00 Fire e Clothi thing: g: $1300.00 Fire e Truc uck: k: $550,000.0 .00 Yearly rly Train aining ing $1308.00
WHY? Protecti ection on From: m: To: • Fire Save lives es • Chemicals micals Protect ect proper erty ty • Elec ectr tric icity ity Resp spond ond quickly ly • Smok oke • Sharp p objects cts • Pissed ssed off dogs/an s/anim imals als
STRESSFUL EVENTS THAT CAN OVERLOAD YOUR MIND AND BODY • Ex Expos osure ure to T o Traumat aumatic ic Ev Event ents • Ser erio ious us Mis ista takes es • Sig igni nific icant ant Rel elat ations ionship ip Pr Prob oblem lems • Med edic ical al Is Issu sues es
POST TRAUMATIC STRESS • Expo posure sure to Trauma • Intrusi usive e thoughts, ughts, nig ightma mare res, , chec ecki king g out • Avoid idance nce beh ehavi vior ors s and d em emoti tiona onal l numbin bing • Neg egat ativ ive e cogn gnit ition ions ab about ut sel elf/other hers/w s/world orld • Hype per arousal sal • Sig igni nific ican ant t impa impact t on qual n qualit ity y of lif ife e
THE FOUR MAJOR NEURAL SYSTEMS “OUR FOUR BRAINS” Execu cuti tive e Brain: : “Prefrontal Cortex” The brain space for self regulation, purpose, intention, meaning and spiritual intelligence Thinking Brain: “ Neocortex ” The brain space for right brain creativity and left brain logic Emoti tion onal al Brain: “Limbic System” The brain space for feeling, interacting, relating and emotional intelligence Primit itive e Brain: “Amygdala” The space in the brain for (fight, flight, and freeze) and instinctive action in response to threat and stress. The space in the brain where aggression and defensiveness in experienced
SIGNS OF BEING FLOODED BY STRESS • Anger/irritability/can’t relax • Excessi essive e alcohol/subs hol/substa tance nce use • Slee eep pr p proble blems/ ms/nightm ightmare res • Rel elation ionshi ship p pr proble blems ms • Fee eelin ing nu g numb and d det detache hed • Intrusi usive e thoughts ughts-da day y mares es • Tir ired ed, worrie ied, d, worn n do down, n, stuc uck in in y your ur min ind • Dif iffic iculty ulty focusin cusing/ g/co conce centr ntratin ating
THE GOOD NEWS You u can cont ntrol your ur brain in and body ody and d help p your childre dren n and d clients ents imp mprove e their eir ability ty to manag age e st stres ess Ho How? w?
Trau auma ma/ / PTSD D Mind d Shielding elding Inter erven entio ions Asses essmen ment of trau auma ma impac mpact Psycho ho-edu educatio ation of trauma ma symp mptomolo omology and inter erven entio ions Symptom om redu eductio ion Resi silie lience focused sed qu quest estio ioning ing Cogniti itive restr tructurin ing Connec ectin ting with h a comm mmunity ity Movi ving forward towar ards goals, als, desir ires es and d hopes es Bec ecoming oming a trauma ma educat ator or Mind d shielding elding from om past presen esent t and future e trau auma ma Findi ding your r source of healing: ling: Using mind d and body ody to heal al and learn arn from om trau auma ma experi eriences.
THE MIND BODY BRIDGING TOOL BOX Tuning ing into your r senses (relaxing xing the body, clearin ing the • mind d clutter) r) • What t are my storyline ines s • Thought ht labeling ng Awareness of “Mind Clutter” and “Body Tension” (Active • Identi tity y System) m) • Aware warenes ness s of unmet et expectations tations or (requireme uirements) nts) • Mind Body Mapping ing • Experie iencin ncing g your Source (wel wellspring spring of inner r wisdo dom) m)
4 RELATIONSHIP COMMUNICATION DISASTERS 1. 1. Crit itic icis ism 2. 2. De Defen ensi siven eness ess 3. 3. Con ontem empt 4. 4. Ston onewal alli ling ng
4 COMMUNICATION RELATIONSHIP BUILDING C MASTERY SKILLS 1. 1. Sof oft t sta start up t ups 2. 2. Op Open en to inf o influe uenc nce 3. 3. 5: 5:1 po 1 posi siti tive e to neg o negat ativ ive 4. 4. Tur urni ning ng towar ards ds an and r d rep epai air at attem empts ts
Qu Quest estio ions? ns?
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