Performance Modeling of High Performance Computing [HPC] S. Amirhossein Abtahizadeh March 18 th , 2016
Section 1 Failed Attempt 2
Section 1 Ontological Performance Modeling 3
Section 1 Ontology Internet Of Things (IoT) Semantic Web Web of Data 4
Section 1 Web of Data Web 1.0: HTTP Web 2.0: Social Networks Web 3.0: Web of Data 5
Section 1 Web of Data Collections of data Distributed among machines How to present data? 6
Section 1 <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Ontology [ <!ENTITY xsd "" > ]> <owlx:Ontology owlx:name="" xmlns:owlx=""> </owlx:Ontology> 7
Section 1 Web of Data Resource Description Framework (RDF) Query another dataset (OWL) To understand what is “Wine”? 8
Section 1 Semantic Web Interconnected Ontologies Languages: RDF, XML, Turtle Query: SPARQL 9
Section 1 Semantic Web Google: “polymtl gigl professors” 10
Section 1 Semantic Web What about: “How many professors at polymtl are working on research topic cloud computing now?” 11
Section 1 SPARQL For machines! Not human 12
Section 1 PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?capital ?country WHERE { ?x ex:cityname ?capital ; ex:isCapitalOf ?y . ?y ex:countryname ?country ; ex:isInContinent ex:Africa . } 13
Section 1 Internet of Things (IoT) Semantic Web Infrastructure Interconnected machines Raspberry PI* 14 *
Section 1 Research Objective: Present “performance” with Ontology 15
Section 1 Research Objective: Share common understanding of Application Performance 16
Section 1 Research Objective: Tackle the ambiguity of WHAT IS PERFORMANCE? Nice and clear description in terms of OWL XML fields 17
Section 1 Define quality attributes (What is the availability of the system?) QA 1 QA 2 QA 3 QA 4 QA 5 18
Section 1 Research Methodology: Develop a Cloud-based app Define scenarios Measure performance with OWL Using logical axioms 19
Section 1 Axioms: Inference Response time < 2ms à P = 90% 20
Section 1 Building Ontology: 100+ axioms Cascaded classification 10+ inferred rules 21
Section 1 22
Section 1 23
Section 1 FAILED! OWL/XML is not efficiently designed Performance is subjective 24
Section 2 Performance and Energy Modeling of High Performance Computing (HPC) 25
Section 2 What is HPC? Parallel processing Advanced applications Massive computations Scientific programs 26
Section 2 What is HPC? Super fast transactions Distributed algorithms Message Passing Interface (MPI) 27
Section 2 In the domain of HPC We deal with CPU-intensive apps Data might be just an array! Computations might be exponential. 28
Section 2 Aggregate computer powers Clustering at very large-scale “Computing at the speed of innovation!”* * IBM ( 29
Section 2 Message Passing Interface (MPI) 30
Section 2 MPI is a Library To write parallel programs It provides collective functions 31
Section 2 MPI is available in many languages: C, C++, Java, Python, R 32
Section 2 • When we have networking libraries, why bother using MPI ?! • Optimized for performance • Fastest network transport found • Within a computer: MPI will use shared memory (not network!) • Fast cluster interconnects: MPI will use Infinibands, … • Enforces guarantees (reliable messages, In-Order) • Think about the problem, forget about the network 33
Section 2 Research Objective: Given a set of input variables: Network bandwidth, CPU power, Throughput, Disk speed, Memory, … What is the optimized configuration for the best performance/energy achieved? 34
Section 2 Def (Performance && Energy): Return Multi-objective Optimization 35
Section 2 Why? • Efficient resource provisioning (what to choose?) • Predict the changes in your system (what will happen if.. ?) • Performance becomes part of the design • Itemized scenarios (what is important?) • Avoid surprises with performance when deploying Enterprise reputation (risk management!) 36
Section 2 How? 37
Section 2 ScienDfic Dataset ApplicaDon Model Benchmark MPI Master 38 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 100
Section 2 Architecture Not yet accessible! 100 nodes ORACLE Solaris Cluster ORACLE VirtualBox 39
Section 2 Test Architecture Digital Ocean Cloud Platform 10 nodes ORACLE Solaris Cluster MPI4PY 40
Section 2 Scientific Application Schaffer problem 41
Section 2 Run time Your laptop: life time HPC XT-Cluster: less than a minute 42
Section 2 from platypus.algorithms import NSGAII from platypus.core import Problem, evaluator from platypus.types import Real class Schaffer(Problem): def __init__(self): super(Schaffer, self).__init__(1, 2) self.types[:] = Real(-10, 10) @evaluator def evaluate(self, solution): x = solution.variables[:] solution.objectives[:] = [x[0]**2, (x[0]-2)**2] algorithm = NSGAII(Schaffer()) 43
Section 2 Methodology Memetic Algorithm Recurrent Neural Network Prediction Model 44
Section 2 Memetic Algorithm Genomes: Set of observed values of Performance & Energy 45
Section 2 Memetic Algorithm Genomes: NumPy array 46
Section 2 Memetic Algorithm Fitness Function: Schaffer optimization 47
Section 2 Memetic Algorithm Cross-Over: Alternating-position Operator 48
Section 2 Recurrent Neural Network Bi-directional data Both past and future 49
Section 2 Prediction Model Compare with benchmarks Linear trend estimation Least Square Error 50
Section 2 Measuring Energy Consumption Power-API Physical devices 51
Section 2 Correlation? Between performance & energy Coefficient: +0.217 52
Section 2 • s 53
Section 2 • Trend Estimation: 83.59% Per slice of one separate run Noise? I’m working on it .. 54
Conclusion Multi-objective optimization of Performance & Energy In High Performance Computing 55
Conclusion Predict performance and energy SAVE MONEY! Show that this approach is scalable 56
Conclusion Cloud resource selection 57
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