people sports and vitality

People, Sports and Vitality a challenge and an opportunity! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

People, Sports and Vitality a challenge and an opportunity! A.C. (Aarnout) Brombacher Eindhoven University of Technology 18-Jun- 12 (#) /department Industrial Design Major themes at TU/e level (Strategic Areas) 18-Jun- 12

  1. People, Sports and Vitality a challenge and an opportunity! A.C. (Aarnout) Brombacher Eindhoven University of Technology 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  2. Major themes at TU/e level (Strategic Areas) 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design 2

  3. The challenge • Many/most people in the “developed world” lead a strongly sedentary lifestyle with a severe impact on public health The escalating pandemics of obesity and sedentary lifestyle [Manson 2004] • Strong imbalance between calorie intake (↑) and energy use (↓) • Average energy balance adult female (USA): use approx 2000 kCal; intake approx 2500-3000 kCal. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise [2001, 33(12):2145-2156] • Reinforced by a double demographic development • More people at risk, also getting older (?) • How can we prevent a serious societal problem • Many people suffering from chronic diseases • Low quality of life • Exponentially growing costs 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  4. • If people would maintain their car in the same way they currently maintain their body the roads would be empty 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  5. Research problem not trivial • Very little field data available on daily activity patterns of adult human beings • Mostly diary studies (bias!) • Even more difficult how to design propositions that, positively, affect these patterns • Low participation and extreme drop-out rates for sports at ages beyond 15 • Successes exist but underlying mechanisms still under subject of further research (Vlaanderen Loopt) 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  6. Research program People, Sports and Vitality • TU/e research program • Sponsored by TU/e board under the Impulse 1 program “Mine your own Body” • 5 participating faculties (B, EE, ID, IE&IS, W&I) • Close collaboration with several key-partners outside TU/e • Fontys, University of Utrecht, 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  7. Research structure 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  8. Key research questions • Can we create new concepts/propositions that make sports/activities an attractive part of everyday life • Can we create new concepts/propositions where technology creates added value for the sporters (/coaches) involved • Can we validate these propositions in context 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  9. Major new developments • Data acquisition • Analysing and Modelling • Designing interventions 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  10. Data acquisition 2010: measuring in lab-context. Loose relation with field behavior 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  11. Revolution in data acquisition (2010- …) Truly versatile portable real-time 24/7 data acquisition platform 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  12. New possibilities, available with no/low threshold • Direct measurement • Position (GPS) / time • Acceleration • Activity type (walking/running/cycling) • Measurement via connected sensors • Heart rate/ECG • Respiration • (EMG) • (Transpiration) 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  13. A very recent example…. 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  14. Another example: Smart Goals (Chris Heger, Mark de Graaf) 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  15. Some further examples… 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design

  16. The future • Research, • on end-users level, • data-centered • based upon new, often low-cost, technology, • directly in the field • New products/systems/services • Using detailed on-body information (during sports activities and/or 24/7) • To support wide ranges of sports (priority: running, swimming and football) • On the level of both top-sporters as well as mass-markets 18-Jun- 12 (‹#›) /department Industrial Design


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