State’s lead traffic safety organization Recipient of federal transportation safety funds 22 traffic safety professionals
To prevent crashes, reduce injuries & save lives by identifying and addressing the state’s most critical traffic safety problems.
Most pedestrian fatalities occur away from intersections on roadways without crosswalks. Approximately 40 percent of fatalities occur between 3:00pm and 7:00pm. Most pedestrian fatalities occur in urban areas. More than two-thirds of 2009 pedestrian fatalities were male. Cell phone use – a growing trend
27% of 2009 fatal crashes involved pedestrians New Law: Stop and stay stopped for pedestrians in the crosswalk & at intersections Pedestrians must take “due care,” yield the right of way when not in crosswalk
Update pedestrian signage Pedestrian Decoy Program School crossing guards New immigrants Alcohol
Pedestrian safety is a Shared Responsibility Pedestrians and motorists must both do their part to keep pedestrians safe No Single Strategy
Questions Comments Discussion? Gary Poedubicky NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety 609-633-9300
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