pclgbti student town hall meeting

PCLGBTI Student Town Hall Meeting Presidents Commission on Lesbian, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PCLGBTI Student Town Hall Meeting Presidents Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues February 24, 2011 Agenda Welcome Chair of Presidents Commission on LGBT Issues Tanner Wray University Libraries

  1. PCLGBTI Student Town Hall Meeting President’s Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues February 24, 2011

  2. Agenda

  3. Welcome Chair of President’s Commission on LGBT Issues Tanner Wray – University Libraries

  4. Commission’s Charge

  5. Acknowledgements

  6. Town Hall Organizers

  7. Dr. Wallace Loh President University of Maryland

  8. Background

  9. 2003 LGBTQ National Campus Climate Survey

  10. Moving Forward

  11. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey - Campus Pride

  12. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey - Campus Pride Responde spondents nts Faculty Staff 7% 46% Adminstrat 21% 61% ors 10% 17% Undergradu ates Graduates

  13. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey - Campus Pride

  14. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey: Safety

  15. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey: Transgender Population

  16. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey: Intersections

  17. 2010 National Campus Climate Survey: People of Color

  18. UMD: Recruitment & Retention of LGBTQ Students

  19. Potential Good Practices

  20. Potential Good Practices Continued

  21. Your Voice Matters: Town Hall Open Forum -Interpreters -Recording of Notes -2 minute comments -Open and honest -Results will be analyzed by the PCLGBTI

  22. Topic: Campus Climate

  23. Topic: Intersections of Identity

  24. Topic: Recruitment & Retention

  25. Your Voice Matters: Town Hall Open Forum

  26. Thank you for your time and attendance

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