patient survey findings 2013 14 st peters street st

Patient Survey Findings 2013- 14 St Peters Street, St Albans, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey Findings 2013- 14 St Peters Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3HD Tel: 01727 851589 Fax: 01727 854372 Parkbury House Surgery Objectives To share the demographic profile of the surgery. To update

  1. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey Findings 2013- 14 St Peters Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3HD Tel: 01727 851589 Fax: 01727 854372

  2. Parkbury House Surgery Objectives To share the demographic profile of the  surgery. To update about Patient Reference Group  (PRG) status. To share the Practice Survey 2013-14  process and findings. To share the comments/suggestions from  patients. To identify and to agree with PRG on the  next steps to develop an action plan.

  3. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Current Registered Patients

  4. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Patients- Age Group Currently we have 18,184 number of registered patients under 65 to 74 55 to 64 18 7% 12% 18 to 24 45 to 54 75 to 84 14% 25 to 34 4% 35 to 44 85 or over 2% 45 to 54 35 to 44 17% 55 to 64 65 to 74 under 18 23% 18 to 24 75 to 84 25 to 34 6% 85 or 15% over

  5. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Patients- Gender Currently we have 18,184 number of registered patients Female 50% Male 50%

  6. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Patients - Ethnicity Currently we have 18,184 number of registered patients 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% Asian/White mixed Any other mixed ethnic group Asian any other ethnic group White Black/white caribbean mixed other 19% Black/white african mixed White Bangladeshi Black Caribbean Irish 2% Black African Black any other ethnic group Chinese White British Pakistani Indian 69% White British White Irish White other Ethnic catergory not stated

  7. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Reference Group (PRG) Profile

  8. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Reference Group (PRG) Profile- Gender Currently we have 19 PRG members Female 47% Male 53%

  9. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Reference Group (PRG) Profile- Age Group Currently we have 19 PRG members under 18 65 to 74 75 to 84 85 or over 17% 18 to 24 11% 6% 25 to 34 35 to 44 35 to 44 5% 45 to 54 55 to 64 55 to 64 33% 65 to 74 45 to 54 28% 75 to 84 85 or over

  10. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Reference Group (PRG) Profile- Ethnicity Currently we have 19 PRG members Indian Irish Pakistani 6% 6% 5% White british 83%

  11. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey 2013-14 The Process

  12. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey 2013-14- The Process A discussion meeting was held with the PRG members during  December 2013 to decide on the process of conducting the survey. A survey questionnaire was drafted by the PRG members and  subsequently finalised by January 2014 focusing around the following areas About Parkbury House surgery o Contacting Parkbury House by phone o Waiting time o Seeing the doctor of preference o Seeing a doctor at the surgery o Seeing a Practice Nurse at the surgery o Overall Satisfaction o

  13. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey 2013-14- The Process The survey was conducted by distributing 500 questionnaires  to patients attending the Practice between 24 th January till 14 th February 2014. In total 336 responses has been received.  The data entry and analysis has been completed during  February 2014

  14. Parkbury House Surgery Patient Survey 2013-14 The Findings

  15. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Respondents- Gender In total 315 responded Male 34% Female 66%

  16. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Respondents- Age Group In total 322 responded 65 to 74 18 to 24 85 or over 15% 75 to 84 2% 12% 25 to 34 18 to 24 4% 35 to 44 55 to 64 16% 45 to 54 55 to 64 25 to 34 16% 65 to 74 45 to 54 14% 75 to 84 35 to 44 85 or 21% over

  17. Parkbury House Surgery Demographic Profile of Respondents- Ethnicity In total 334 responded Any other mixed ethnic group 1% I'd 0% 1% White Irish , 4% White 1% Asian – any other ethnic 1% rather group 1% 1% other , Asian/White mixed not say , 8% 1% 9% Bangladeshi 1% Black African Black Caribbean Chinese Indian Pakistani White British White British , White Irish 71% White other I'd rather not say

  18. Parkbury House Surgery Accessibility into the building In total 334 responded Not very easy Fairly easy 7% 23% Not at all easy 3% Very easy 67%

  19. Parkbury House Surgery Accessibility into the building- Comments/suggestions Front doors no longer open  automatically. Very tricky Accessibility into the with a buggy.  building not at all easy for my disabled mother -slopes both sides would be great. I do not like your double  door entry with the automatic second door. I feel unstable as I have to manoeuvre to allow it to open.

  20. Parkbury House Surgery Others can overhear patients conversation at reception In total 334 responded Yes, and I am not happy about it. No, other patients 15% cannot overhear 5% Do not know 8% Yes, but I do not mind 72%

  21. Parkbury House Surgery Others can hear patients conversation at reception- Patient comment ‘I do not mind patients overhear what I say except on one or two occasions when I needed to mention something personal’.

  22. Parkbury House Surgery Receptionist helpfulness In total 330 responded Fairly helpful Very helpful 27% 70% Not very helpful 3% Not at all helpful 0%

  23. Parkbury House Surgery Receptionist helpfulness- comments/suggestions Excellent reception team!  Reception staff sometimes bit  stressed, not managing queries & number of patients very well, Receptionists are excellent,  would like them to take control, professional & kind. marshal us, so they themselves Have always received prompt feel less stressed.  and useful treatment from The receptionists are fairly  reception. helpful depends who you speak to. It would be nice to be greeted More customer focus training   with a smile at reception. for reception staff.

  24. Parkbury House Surgery Cleanliness of the surgery In total 333 responded Fairly clean Not very clean 31% 1% Do not know 2% Very clean 66%

  25. Parkbury House Surgery Getting through telephone In total 319 responded Very easy, 46% Not very easy, Fairly easy, 41% 7% Not at all easy, 2% Have not tried, 4%

  26. Parkbury House Surgery Speaking to a doctor on the telephone In total 315 responded Fairly easy Not very easy 32% 4% Not at all easy 3% Do not know 2% Have not tried 6% Very easy 53%

  27. Parkbury House Surgery Speaking to a nurse on the telephone In total 304 responded Have not tried 45% Very easy 18% Do not know 19% Fairly easy 13% Not at all easy 3% Not very easy 2%

  28. Parkbury House Surgery Getting tests results over the telephone In total 304 responded Do not know 21% Not at all easy Have not tried 2% 39% Not very easy 4% Fairly easy 16% Very easy 18%

  29. Parkbury House Surgery Booking a doctor’s appointment over the telephone In total 311 responded Fairly easy 32% Not very easy 8% Not at all easy 6% Very easy 46% Do not know 2% Have not tried 6%

  30. Parkbury House Surgery Able to see a doctor on the same day or within next 2 days In total 313 responded No 11% Cannot remember 8% Yes 81%

  31. Parkbury House Surgery Unable to see a doctor within the next 2 days - Reasons In total 70 responded Another reason 7% Cannot remember 19% There were not any I could have seen a appointments nurse but wanted to 60% see a doctor 3% Times offered did not suit me 11%

  32. Parkbury House Surgery Waiting time In total 310 responded More than 30 minutes 16-30 minutes 6% Cannot remember 16% 2% I am normally seen at my appointment time 7% Less than 5 minutes 13% 5-15 minutes 56%

  33. Parkbury House Surgery Waiting time- Patients Opinions In total 312 responded I find the time I wait is too long and unreasonable 10% No opinion 5% I do not normally have to wait I find the time I wait is 10% reasonable 75%

  34. Parkbury House Surgery Waiting time- comments/suggestion Please improve the waiting time. It is very difficult to  wait for an appointment with a 3 year old especially if it is a 30-40 min delay. If the wait is going to be more than say 15 minutes  patients it would be appreciated if the doctor would alert us when they call each patient. Some of the doctors are less timely than others- at times  I have had to wait 40 minutes.

  35. Parkbury House Surgery Preference to see a particular doctor In total 307 responded Yes 52% No 48%

  36. Parkbury House Surgery Frequency in seeing doctor of choice In total 180 responded A lot of the time Some of the time 22% 34% Always or almost always Never or almost 33% never 11%

  37. Parkbury House Surgery Experience in seeing a Doctor 189 200 186 184 182 177 180 166 164 160 140 117 109 120 102 99 91 95 93 100 80 60 40 24 24 17 20 18 16 13 12 8 9 20 7 7 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 Listening How was the Gave enough Explaining tests Involving you Treating you Taking your Doctor in time and treatments in decisions with care and problem asking about about your concern seriously your symptoms care Very good Good Neither good or poor Poor/very poor Does not apply

  38. Parkbury House Surgery Seen by a Nurse in the past 6 months In total 311 responded Yes No 59% 41%


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