Passport to the T EX Canvas Pavneet Arora
Jean-luc Doumont
Toronto rhymes with...
PART I Canvas
Lou Dorfsman, CBS
cooperation collaboration confrontation Conversational Canvases
–Ricky Bobby “If you ain’t irst, you’re last!” Talladega Nights Size of user base
Invent (HP) Build (Microsoft) Maker Fair (Raspberry Pi) Interactions
Robert Bringhurst
Imagination Intuition Interpretation Introspective Canvases
“he writer who loses his self-doubt, who gives way as he grows old to a sudden euphoria, to prolixity, should stop writing immediately: the time has come for him to lay aside his pen.” –Colette Self-doubt
Garland Pens, Providence, RI
Garland Pens, Providence, RI
PART II Passport
PART III Stories
ConT EXt Brejlov, Czech Republic
Pavel Striz
Gus Grissom
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