The Vision for the Partnership Working together: To provide an overview and strong local voice for greenspace, and raise awareness of its value and the benefits of good quality green infrastructure To create a more resilient and sustainable environment for people and wildlife in Salisbury and the surrounding area To influence policy and provision, and the enhancement and management of the greenspace network for the longer term
Where has the Partnership come from? • The idea • Launch in 2012 – keynote speaker Ian Phillips……. • Importance of green space/green infrastructure • Workshops provided mandate • Steering Group Urban woodlands
Current partners Local Specialist Interest Groups Local Authority South Wilts Biodiversity Group Salisbury & District Natural History Wiltshire Council – officers concerned with public Society open space, public rights of way, green River Bourne Community Farm infrastructure strategy, spatial planning, CPRE South Wiltshire Group landscape, ecology, countryside, public health Salisbury Civic Society Salisbury Vision COGS (Cycling Opportunities Group Parish Councils Salisbury) Salisbury City Council Bemerton Activity Trails Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Salisbury Beekeepers Wilton Town Council Community/ Wiltshire Bat Group Five Rivers Association Bat Group Volunteers Wiltshire Botanical Group Friends of Harnham Watermeadows Wilton Community Land Trust Dean & Chapter, Salisbury Cathedral Friends of Harnham Slope Environmental Friends of Churchill Gardens Agencies Sarum Academy Salisbury Wildlife Group Natural England Walking for Health Link2Nature (Wiltshire & Swindon Wessex Community Action Local Nature Partnership) Forestry Commission Environment Agency RSPB Wiltshire Wildlife Trust English Heritage
Current target area for the Partnership Wilton Laverstock and Ford Salisbury City
The steering group • Pam Rouquette – Walking for Health • Roger Dudin – South Wiltshire Biodiversity Group • Les Lipscombe – Salisbury Wildlife Group • Councillor Michael Pope – Salisbury City Council • Councillor Colin Froude – Salisbury City Council • David Bradley – Parks Manager, Salisbury City Council • Mary Noyce – Technical Officer, Open Spaces, Wiltshire County • Phil Sheldrake – Conservation Officer, RSPB • Russell Spencer – Hampshire Avon Co-ordinator, Environment Agency • Chris Cochrane – Broken Bridges • Jacob Dew – Co-ordinator, Hampshire Avon Catchment Partnership • David Law - Laverstock & Ford PC • Nicola Lipscombe – Salisbury Civic Society, Current Chair
What is greenspace/green infrastructure? Downland Cemeteries/ Playing fields Urban Churchyards Parks Allotments Allotments Street trees Street trees Street trees River corridors Cycle ways Woodlands/Forest & Footpaths Urban woodlands Water meadows Village greens Urban woodlands
Why is GI so important? It is multifunctional and plays a vital part in delivering the ecosystem services we need to survive: varied and biodiverse habitats clean air and water climate change mitigation flood protection maintenance of soil fertility food fuel
Why is GI so important? It enhances our quality of life: provides inspiring places places that are rich in wildlife places to play and exercise places to relax and enjoy places to experience and learn about the natural world
Why is GI so important? It helps create attractive and distinctive places in which to live: adds value to property attracts businesses to invest in an area stimulates job opportunities brings local communities together
Local issues Lack of knowledge about what and where green spaces are Poor connectivity between existing green spaces Lack of joined up thinking Lack of resources, skills and vision for the overall planning and management of current greenspace assets Management regimes that bring few benefits for wildlife eg. ubiquitous grass mowing Problems of overuse and misuse especially on the urban fringe
Local issue – Fragmented Ownerships Country Park at Durnford Woodford South Hampton Park 2 Newton Avon Valley Laverstock Nature Reserve & Ford River Bourne Community Farm Quidhampton Wilton Salisbury Clarendon Park Netherhampton Harnham Slope Woodland Britford
Local issue – Development Pressures Longhedge Durnford Old Sarum Woodford South Airfield Newton Fugglestone Red Laverstock & Ford Erskine Salisbury Hampton Park Barracks Quidhampton Wilton Clarendon Park The Maltings Netherhampton Southampton Road Gateway? Britford
Local issue – Complicated administrative groupings Amesbury Area Board Southern Area Board Salisbury Area Board South West Area Board 1 Local Authority, 4 Community Areas
Local issue – Complicated administrative groupings Durnford Woodford South Newton Laverstock & Ford Quidhampton Wilton Salisbury Clarendon Park Netherhampton Britford + 10 Parishes
Opportunities & priorities for action Fill the knowledge gaps by asset mapping & data gathering Influence the local planning process - development control decision making as well as policy Involve local people & businesses, & spread the message about the value of greenspace assets & green infrastructure Create a one-stop shop for greenspace matters & volunteers Improve habitat diversity and range; encourage reviews of existing management practices eg SAGP input into SCC review Provide one voice for greenspace and share responsibility, skills and resources
Greenspace audit & asset mapping Greenspace – what and where it is, the existing links, the gaps and the potential for making improvements Typology: 1. Readily accessible community greenspace 2. Restricted/controlled access greenspace 3. Natural/semi-natural greenspace 4. Productive greenspace 5. Strategic greenspace 6. Linear features Sample Map
Detailed greenspace mapping typology
Phase 1 & 2 Habitat Mapping Improved grassland Small swamp area Neutral grassland Broadleaved, mixed & yew woodland River Bourne Community Farm South Wiltshire Biodiversity Group are co-ordinating the habitat mapping of area & working with Salisbury & District Natural History Society & other local specialists to survey the Cathedral Close & other priority areas. Data will be shared with WSBRC
Gathering additional baseline data Parish Surveys Public Open Space Surveys • Trained SAGP volunteers have supported Wiltshire Council with their Public Open Space Survey. The data is being used to develop county wide standards & is also available for SAGP to use locally • WC consultation on Part 1 Draft as part of Core Strategy Review ends on 26 May Local residents training for their hedgerow surveys in Laverstock & Ford
Evaluating the potential for improvement Opportunities for groups & volunteers to get actively involved in more greenspace surveys to find out……… • How greenspace is currently used • How people value their local green spaces – what they like & don’t like about them • Historic & cultural value – of spaces & features eg. Market Place • Landscape/townscape value – contribution of setting & local features such as key trees, tree groups, views, landmarks etc to local distinctiveness eg. Lombardy Poplars • Linear features – informal routeways, hedgerows & lines of trees often associated with footpaths, cycle routes & other transport corridors • Ecosystem service delivery – contribution to biodiversity, water retention, air quality, carbon capture, climate change mitigation, jobs, food, fuel etc Urban woodlands
The digital mapping set up FlexViewer Wiltshire Council Server SAGP Viewer ESRI ArcGIS ESRI ArcGIS Access for Volunteer version OS Licence partners to view Controlled access Data storage for editing etc Email attachment WFS Link Google Drive SAGP data SAGP Quantum storage GIS Database & MAGIC workspace Natural England QGIS Cloud Forestry Commission Access for partners English Heritage to view Environment Ordnance Survey Agency Wiltshire Council Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Record Centre SAGP Data sources 20 September 2015
Resources for Partners The greenspace asset mapping will provide a tool for managing & enhancing local greenspace, i mproving connectivity & developing a longer term strategy It will be possible to see the bigger picture across wards & parishes, & allow for joined up thinking & action It will support the neighbourhood planning process It will be possible to better defend our green spaces against loss from development Website:
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