partners for better communities

Partners for Better Communities DIGN IN TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Partners for Better Communities DIGN IN TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS Christina Owens Community Development Specialists N o v e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 9 Partners for Better Communities OVERVIEW What an Environmental Review is

  1. Partners for Better Communities

  2. DIG’N IN TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS Christina Owens Community Development Specialists N o v e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 9 Partners for Better Communities

  3. OVERVIEW  What an Environmental Review is and why we do it  Basic Terms & Definitions  The Process Statutory Checklist/Thresholds for Compliance Forms and Publications Timing Partners for Better Communities

  4. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Review is … • The process used to determine if an action created from the expenditure of federal funds will adversely affect the environment. Why… • Required by law as a result of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) of 1969 and Related Acts Partners for Better Communities

  5. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Purpose • Ensure environmental information is made available to public officials and citizens before decisions are made and before actions are taken. Intent • Protection of both the Environment and the Project Partners for Better Communities

  6. RELATED ACTS 24 CFR Part 58.5 • National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 • Floodplain & Wetland Management • Floodplain Management — E.O. 11988 • Wetlands Protection — E.O. 11990 • Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 • Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (Sole Source Aquifers) • Endangered Species Act of 1973 • Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 • Clean Air Act • Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 • Environmental Justice — E.O. 12898 • HUD Environmental Standards (Noise, Explosives and Thermal, Runway Clear Zone) Partners for Better Communities

  7. OTHER REQUIREMENTS 24 CFR Part 58.6 • Airport Hazards • Runway Clear Zones/Clear Zones (RCZ/CZ) • Accident Potential Zones (APZ) • Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 • Coastal Barrier Resource Act of 1982 Partners for Better Communities

  8. TERMS & DEFINITIONS Partners for Better Communities

  9. Terms & Definitions Project • An “activity or group of related activities, designed by the recipient to accomplish, in whole or in part, a specific objective” [§58.2(a)(4)] • “Aggregation” Project = Acquisition + Demolition + Construction Partners for Better Communities

  10. Terms & Definitions Responsible Entity The Responsible Entity (RE)= a unit of local government, tribe or State (Per 24 CFR Part 58) Partners for Better Communities

  11. Terms & Definitions Certifying Officer • Is the highest-ranking ELECTED official. This can be delegated to other government officials but MUST be in writing • Must have the technical capacity and administrative capability to carry out the ER duties • Has the legal capacity to carry out ER responsibilities • Holds the responsibility to act on behalf of the Responsible Entity in the environmental review process • Executes the Request for Release of Funds and Certification Form (HUD specific requirement) • Accepts jurisdiction in federal courts for RE Partners for Better Communities

  12. Terms & Definitions Environmental Review Record (ERR) • Written record of the environmental review undertaken for each project • Must be available for public review • Must Contain the Following: • Project Description • Statutory Checklist • Environmental Checklist • Maps • Public Notices • Documentation of determinations or findings as evidence of review, decision making and action Partners for Better Communities

  13. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS Define Project & Scope Determine “Level of Review” Conduct Review Publish Notices and Submit RROF & Certification (if required) Partners for Better Communities

  14. DEFINE PROJECT & SCOPE Project Description - Project Name -Type of Construction -Specific Location -Types of Activities -Time frame Be THOROUGH but be CONCISE Partners for Better Communities

  15. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW” • Exempt • Categorically Excluded Not Subject to §58.5 — CENST • Categorically Excluded Subject to §58.5 — CEST • Environmental Assessment — EA • Broad Level Tiered Review • Environmental Impact Statement — EIS Partners for Better Communities

  16. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW Exempt and Categorically Excluded NOT Subject to §58 (CENST) • Activities which are deemed not to affect the human and/or physical environment. Partners for Better Communities

  17. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW Categorically Excluded Subject to §58 (CEST) • CEST projects are those where construction involves only replacement or renovation of existing facilities or structures and no disturbance to the previously undisturbed natural or built environment Partners for Better Communities

  18. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW Environmenta lAssessment (EA) • A project that will involve new construction or significant expansion of existing facilities in which existing facilities or structures will be altered or the cultural environment will be disturbed. Good Rule of Thumb If you turn dirt — an EA is needed! Partners for Better Communities

  19. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW BROAD-LEVEL TIERED • Tiering is appropriate when there is a requirement to evaluate a policy or proposal in the early stages of development or when site specific analysis or mitigation is not currently feasible and a more narrow or focused analysis is better done at a later date. Partners for Better Communities

  20. DETERMINE “LEVEL OF REVIEW Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) • New construction or disturbance of the natural or built environment that will have a significant impact on the environment • DHCD must be notified immediately Partners for Better Communities

  21. CONDUCT REVIEW  Exempt and CENST  NOT Subject to §58.5  Compliance with §58.6 is REQUIRED  NO Publication Requirements  Document finding in the ERR, Complete and Submit a “Certification of Exemption”, then proceed with project Partners for Better Communities

  22. MUST Exercise and Demonstrate Due Diligence CONDUCT REVIEW  For all other “Levels of Review”  Categorically Excluded Subject to §58  Environmental Assessment • Broad Level Tiered  Begin this process by completing the Statutory Checklist Partners for Better Communities

  23. CONDUCT REVIEW STATUTORY CHECKLIST Partners for Better Communities

  24. CONDUCT REVIEW Research and Consultation • Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) • Floodplains and/or wetlands Partners for Better Communities

  25. CONDUCT REVIEW Research and Consultation  Write letters and/or emails to regulatory agencies — as necessary  Question: How long do we have to wait for a response? Partners for Better Communities

  26. CONDUCT REVIEW  Categorically Excluded Subject to §58  Statutory Checklist --If your project is in compliance with each statue and if the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) concurs with the “No historic properties affected” your project will convert to Exempt , document file and proceed with project --If compliance is required for even one 58.5 Statue, proceed with Public Notice and RROF process Partners for Better Communities

  27. DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF IMPACT For Environmental Assessment GENERAL LEVEL OF DETERMINATION 1. Not A Major Federal Action - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) 2. Major Federal Action may significantly affect the quality of the human environment (FOSI) - EIS required Partners for Better Communities

  28. PUBLISH NOTIFICATIONS/TIMING • Publish and/or Post FONSI/NOI-RROF (combined notice) • Allow 15 or 18 days for comment period • Address/resolve any comments received • Sign RROF/C and submit to DHCD and other required agencies • Allow 15 days for the State objection period Partners for Better Communities

  29. CALENDAR Partners for Better Communities

  30. REMINDERS • RE conducts research — not the resource agencies • Make sure to use current and correct forms. • ERR has a standardized format for each level of review — make sure to use the correct form. • Be sure to meet current Compliance Thresholds • Your ERR is good for 5-years • RE is responsible for the integrity of your ER --not the consultant Partners for Better Communities

  31. RESOURCES Tribal Directory Assessment Tool (TDAT) — An EPA tool used to facilitate the environmental review process-- VCRIS (Virginia Cultural Resource Information System) provides interactive views of information in the DHR’s IPaC is a project planning tool which streamlines the USFWS environmental review Partners for Better Communities

  32. • Use of other agency ERR’s  HUD specific Requirements  Runway Clear Zones and Clear Zones  Flood Insurance  Coastal Barriers  Adopted by governing body of locality Partners for Better Communities

  33. Contact Info: Christina Owens, DHCD, Community Development Specialist 276-274-3058 or Doug Ellis, DHCD, Community Development Specialist 804-371-7115 or Partners for Better Communities

  34. QUESTIONS Partners for Better Communities


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