partial matching between surfaces u i using fr chet

Partial Matching between Surfaces U i Using Frchet Distance F h t - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Partial Matching between Surfaces U i Using Frchet Distance F h t Di t Carola Wenk University of Texas at San Antonio J i t Joint work with Jessica Sherette k ith J i Sh tt Geometric Shape Matching p g Consider geometric

  1. Partial Matching between Surfaces U i Using Fréchet Distance F é h t Di t Carola Wenk University of Texas at San Antonio J i t Joint work with Jessica Sherette k ith J i Sh tt

  2. Geometric Shape Matching p g • Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a number of basic objects f b i bj points line segments triangles such as • How similar are two geometric shapes? • Choice of distance measure • Full or partial matching • Full or partial matching • Exact or approximate matching • Transformations (translations, rotations, scalings) ( , , g )

  3. Shape Matching - Applications • Character Recognition • Fingerprint Identification • Molecule Docking, Drug Design g, g g • Image Interpretation and Segmentation • Quality Control of Workpieces Quality Control of Workpieces • Robotics • Pose Determination of Satellites • Pose Determination of Satellites • Puzzling • . . .

  4. Distance Measures • Directed Hausdorff distance → (A B) A A B B δ δ (A,B) = max min || a-b || i || b || a ∈ A b ∈ B → (B,A) δ • Undirected Hausdorff-distance → (A B) δ (A,B) δ → (A,B) , δ → → → (B,A) ) δ (A,B) = max ( δ But: But: • Small Hausdorff distance • When considered as curves the distance should be large • The Fréchet distance is well-suited to compare continuous shapes. i h

  5. Fréchet Distance for Curves f,g: [0,1] → R 2 δ F (f,g) = inf max ||f(t)-g( σ (t))|| σ :[0,1] [0,1] t ∈ [0,1] [ , ] [ , ] [ , ] where α and β range over continuous monotone increasing reparameterizations only. p y • Man and dog walk on g one curve each • They hold each other at a leash f • They are only allowed to go forward g • δ F is the minimal possible leash length ibl l h l th [F06] M. Fréchet, Sur quelques points de calcul fonctionel, Rendiconti del Circolo Mathematico di Palermo 22: 1-74, 1906.

  6. Free Space Diagram g g > ε ≤ε f f f • F ε (f,g) = { (s,t) ∈ [0,1] 2 | || f(s) - g(t)|| ≤ ε } white points free space of f and g p g

  7. Free Space Diagram g α g β f f • F ε (f,g) = { (s,t) ∈ [0,1] 2 | || f(s) - g(t)|| ≤ ε } white points free space of f and g p g • δ F (f,g) ≤ ε iff there is a monotone path in the free space from (0,0) to (1,1) • Can be decided using DP in O(mn) time [AG95] [AG95] H. Alt, M. Godau, Computing the Fréchet distance between two polygonal curves, IJCGA 5: 75-91, 1995.

  8. Fréchet Distance for Surfaces • Given: Two surfaces P,Q: [0,1] 2 → R d P Q • The Fréchet distance is defined as: δ F (P,Q) = inf max ||t- σ (t)|| t ∈ P σ :P → Q σ homeomorphism • Is δ F ( P , Q ) = δ F ( ∂ P , ∂ Q )? h δ F ( ∂ P , ∂ Q ) ≈ w/2 No: δ ( P Q ) δ F ( P , Q ) ≈ h/2 h/2 w [BBW08] K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk, Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons, CGTA 41: 2-20, 2008.

  9. Fréchet Distance for Surfaces • For piecewise linear surfaces: [G98] • Computing δ F is NP-hard, even when one surface is a triangle, [BBS10] or when both surfaces are polygons with holes or terrains [AB09] • δ F is upper-semi-computable; it is unknown if it is computable δ F is upper semi computable; it is unknown if it is computable • For simple polygons: • δ F can be computed in polynomial time [BBW08] • Partial δ F can be decided in polynomial time [SW12] • For folded polygons: 11] • δ F can be approximated in polynomial time [C [CDHS W 11] S [BBS10] K. Buchin, M. Buchin, A. Schulz, Fréchet distance for surfaces: Some simple hard cases, ESA: 63-74, 2010. [SW12] J. Sherette, C. Wenk, Computing the Partial Fréchet Distance Between Polygons, SWAT, 2012. [CDHSW11] A F Cook IV A Driemel S Har Peled J Sherette C Wenk Computing the Fréchet [CDHSW11] A.F.Cook IV, A. Driemel, S. Har-Peled, J. Sherette, C. Wenk, Computing the Fréchet….Folded Polygons,WADS, 2011. Folded Polygons WADS 2011 [BBW08] K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk, Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons, CGTA 41: 2-20, 2008. [G98] M. Godau, On the complexity of measuring the similarity…, Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, 1998. [AB09] H. Alt, M. Buchin, Can we compute the similarity between surfaces?, D&CG, to appear.

  10. Partial Fréchet Distance • Given: Two simple polygons P, Q (coplanar, triangulated), and some ε >0. • Task: Decide whether there exists a simple polygon R ⊆ Q such that δ F (P,R) ≤ ε . • Points in P ∩ Q are not • P ∩ Q = ∅ • P ⊆ Q mapped straight down ⇒ Similar to proj- ⇒ R=P, ε =0 ecting P to ∂ Q ecting P to ∂ Q • Mapping of points is M i f i i not independent from other points

  11. Approach for Fréchet Distance between Simple Polygons b t Si l P l Q Restrict the homeomorphisms: P c’ a’ Map diagonals in P only to Map diagonals in P only to c a shortest paths in Q. b’ σ b For ε >0, find homeom. such that: For ε 0, find homeom. such that: 1. δ F ( ∂ P, ∂ Q) ≤ ε 2. Every diagonal D in P has distance ≤ ε to corresponding (specifies mapping for diagonal endpoints) shortest path in Q Map boundary & check diagonals: Comp te combinatoriall eq i alent mappings from ∂ P to ∂ Q Compute combinatorially equivalent mappings from ∂ P to ∂ Q, that also ensure small δ F between diagonals and shortest paths This yields a polynomial time algorithm This yields a polynomial-time algorithm. [BBW08] K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk, Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons, CGTA 41: 2-20, 2008.

  12. (Double) Free Space Diagram • Free space diagram: ∂ P× ∂ Q Free space diagram: ∂ P ∂ Q • Boundary mapping from ∂ P to ∂ Q corresponds to a monotone path from bottom to top (that maps all of P).

  13. Approach for Partial Fréchet Distance b t between Simple Polygons Si l P l • Since we have to find R ⊆ Q, the boundary of R is not known. ⇒ Cannot just map boundaries anymore ⇒ Cannot just map boundaries anymore. • We extend simple polygons approach in a different way: 1 Map boundary & check diagonals: 1. Map boundary & check diagonals: Compute combinatorially equivalent mappings from ∂ P to ∂ Q some closed curve in Q , that also ensure small δ F between Q F diagonals and shortest paths . ⇒ (Q ,ε )-valid set of neighborhoods 2 Construct R from (Q ε ) valid set 2. Construct R from (Q ,ε )-valid set Prove that a (Q ,ε )-valid set of neighborhoods always contains a valid simple polygon R ⊆ Q ⊆ Q p p yg

  14. 3D Free Space Diagram • Free space diagram: ∂ P×Q • Sequence of slices p ×Q • Sequence of slices p i ×Q • Boundary mapping from ∂ P to closed curve in Q corresponds to a monotone path from first slice to last slice. • Note: Path need only be monotone along P.

  15. Reachability Scenario in Q: Pair of adjacent slices in free space diagram: • a 2 is reachable from a 1 iff δ F (p 3 p 4 , π (a 1 ,a 2 )) ≤ ε , iff δ ( i h bl f ( )) where π (a 1 ,a 2 ) is the shortest path in Q between a 1 and a 2 . • a 2 is reachable from a 1 , but a 3 is not. 1 , 2 3

  16. Neighborhoods • ε -disk D ε (p 3 ). • Neighborhood of p i : Maximal connected subset of • Points in D ε (p 3 ) ∩ Q can be D (p ) ∩ Q D ε (p i ) ∩ Q mapped to p 3 . d t

  17. Propagate Reachability Scenario in Q: Pair of adjacent slices in free space diagram: N 4 N 3 N 3 • a 2 is reachable from a 1 iff δ F (p 3 p 4 , π (a 1 ,a 2 )) ≤ ε , iff δ ( i h bl f ( )) where π (a 1 ,a 2 ) is the shortest path in Q between a 1 and a 2 . • All points in one neighborhood are reachable from all points in p g p another neighborhood, if there exists one reachable pair of points. • Compute reachability between two neighborhoods in O(n) time.

  18. Algorithm: Neighborhoods • Each slice contains at most O(n) neighborhoods per point point. • There are O(n 2 ) pairs of neighborhoods to test g reachability between, for each pair of slices.

  19. Algorithm: Neighborhoods • There are O(m) slices, where m=|P| • We can compute and • We can compute and propagate reachability through free space diagram g p g in O(n 3 m) time • ⇒ Test whether a reachable path exists, and construct th i t d t t valid set of neighborhoods, in polynomial time. p y

  20. Slight Modification • Modify algorithm, by merging • So far we have only mapped ∂ P, but we have not considered the slices in a different order: diagonals of P yet. • Locally from left to right • Merge in diagonal-nesting- order order

  21. Approach for Partial Fréchet Distance b t between Simple Polygons Si l P l • Since we have to find R ⊆ Q, the boundary of R is not known. ⇒ Simply mapping boundaries does not work ⇒ Simply mapping boundaries does not work. • We extend simple polygons approach in a different way: 1 Map boundary & check diagonals: 1. Map boundary & check diagonals: Compute combinatorially equivalent mappings from ∂ P to ∂ Q some closed curve in Q , that also ensure small δ F between Q F diagonals and shortest paths . ⇒ (Q ,ε )-valid set of neighborhoods 2 Construct R from (Q ε ) valid set 2. Construct R from (Q ,ε )-valid set Prove that a (Q ,ε )-valid set of neighborhoods always contains a valid simple polygon R ⊆ Q ⊆ Q p p yg

  22. Finding R • A valid set of neighborhoods • We want to compute a simple We w o co pu e s p e polygon R that maps every p i to a point in its associated neighborhood. neighborhood.


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