park river w atershed revitalization i nitiative

Park River W atershed Revitalization I nitiative in collaboration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Park River W atershed Revitalization I nitiative in collaboration with the Farmington River Watershed Association Mary Rickel Pelletier , LEED AP (860) 881-5089 m The Park and Farmington River Watersheds meet along the

  1. Park River W atershed Revitalization I nitiative in collaboration with the Farmington River Watershed Association Mary Rickel Pelletier , LEED AP (860) 881-5089 m

  2. The Park and Farmington River Watersheds meet along the Metacomet Ridge – and so overlap into seven shared municipalities. MDC drinking water supplies are drawn from the Farmington River Watershed into the Park Watershed. 11,263 sq miles

  3. to m inim ize spraw l, design successful high density urban areas

  4. pavement and the water cycle More Runoff Arriving Faster

  5. w ater quantity problem s w ater quantity problem s flooding and erosion flooding and erosion

  6. non- - point source pollution point source pollution non The #1 water quality problem in The #1 water quality problem in the U.S. the U.S.

  7. 46.4% of basin developed in 2002

  8. im proving the absorbency of landscapes is a cost effective solution

  9. plus, healthy landscapes increase property values

  10. w ho ow ns and m anages w atershed land and w aterw ays? state governm ent properties m unicipal properties ( cem eteries, parks, flood plains, schools, ect.) corporate and institutional cam pus properties farm s and com m unity gardens com m ercial and retail properties private residential yards

  11. US EPA US EPA Green I nfrastructure Green I nfrastructure Pilot Project Designation Pilot Project Designation Benefits: Benefits: federal funding for pilot projects federal funding for pilot projects technical assistance technical assistance assistance in negotiating consensus assistance in negotiating consensus How to become part of the pilot program: How to become part of the pilot program: align interested government stakeholders stakeholders align interested government meet together to discuss terms of the pilot meet together to discuss terms of the pilot involve elected municipal officials involve elected municipal officials

  12. Rooftops to Rivers: Rooftops to Rivers: Green Strategies Green Strategies for Controlling for Controlling Storm w ater and and Storm w ater Com bined Sew er Com bined Sew er Overflow s Overflow s Natural Resources Natural Resources Defense Council Defense Council report available at: report available at: water/pollution/rooftops/ water/pollution/rooftops/ contents.asp contents.asp

  13. Chicago City Hall W illiam McDonough + Partners Chicago, I llinois com pleted 1 9 9 9

  14. Green Stream s W atershed Protection Strategy Milw aukee, W isconsin Photos courtesy of Kevin Shafer, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District $ 27 million supplemental environmental project funds conservation easements and a greenways initiative

  15. Green I nfrastructure Exam ples: Green I nfrastructure Exam ples: Street Design Street Design Tr Tree plantings ee plantings Swales and Swales and Porous pavers Porous pavers bioretention bioretention (GreenWorks)

  16. Environm ental Benefits of Green Environm ental Benefits of Green I nfrastructure I nfrastructure □ Reduces sew er overflow s □ Filters polluted storm w ater □ Recharges groundw ater □ Reduces heat island effect □ I m proves air quality □ Provides w ildlife habitat and recreational space □ Protects stream banks □ Conserves energy Maplewood, MN. Photo Courtesy of Bob Newport, U.S. □ Conserves w ater EPA, Region 5 □ Prevents flooding □ Captures carbon □ I m proves urban aesthetics

  17. How to spend spend $ $ 8 0 0 m illion 8 0 0 m illion dollars for a sustainable future ? dollars for a sustainable future ? How to On underground concrete storage: underground concrete storage: On  Reduce sew age overflow s  Reduce sew age overflow s OR OR Green I nfrastructure Strategies: Green I nfrastructure Strategies:  Reduce sew age  Reduce sew age overflow s overflow s  restore stream corridors  restore stream corridors  create urban open space  create urban open space  generate green jobs  generate green jobs  increase real estate values  increase real estate values  m itigate clim ate change  m itigate clim ate change  reduce sum m er heat deaths  reduce sum m er heat deaths  conserve  conserve energy and w ater energy and w ater  create recreational areas  create recreational areas  strengthen flood controls  strengthen flood controls  expand habitat corridors  expand habitat corridors  renew urban forests  renew urban forests  etc,  etc, … …

  18. create a netw orking resources for w atershed inform ation

  19. Trinity College Environm ental Science

  20. Trinity College Green Cam pus 2 0 0 7 Source-to-Sea Clean-up along the South Branch

  21. 2 0 0 8 Source-to-Sea Clean-up along the South Branch

  22. new design solutions w ill depend upon innovative collaborations

  23. wish list pr ogr essive leader s with a gr een vision willing to delegate and able to change factual envir onmental r epor ting focus on the value of healthy ecosystems ongoing collabor ation with academia statistical r esear ch and civic activism


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