parents english workshop

Parents English Workshop Au Autumn umn 20 2014 14 Todays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year 3 and 4 Parents English Workshop Au Autumn umn 20 2014 14 Todays Workshop To give you an overview of the English Curriculum To share with you how English is taught at St Josephs To develop your understanding of

  1. Year 3 and 4 Parents’ English Workshop Au Autumn umn 20 2014 14

  2. Today’s Workshop • To give you an overview of the English Curriculum • To share with you how English is taught at St Joseph’s • To develop your understanding of writing vocabulary • To give you ideas for supporting your child’s reading and writing development at home.

  3. Achievement • At St Joseph’s we have and achieve high standards • Our students make accelerated progress • For the second year running, St Joseph’s is in the top 1% of schools nationally for our value added score.

  4. New Curriculum • New National Curriculum was introduced this school year • Expectations have been raised • We trialled parts of the new Curriculum throughout the summer term of the last school year • Changes to the use of levels to assess students.

  5. Key Stage 2 • In KS2, the students learn to change the way they speak and write to suit different situations, purposes and audiences. • They plan, compose and edit their writing to improve their work • They develop longer fiction and non-fiction writing through extended writing across different subject areas • They read in a range of contexts across all subject areas.

  6. Government Guidelines The curriculum outlines these areas for the teaching of writing: • Planning and drafting • Composition • Punctuation • Spelling • Handwriting and presentation

  7. What do these terms mean to you? Planning and drafting - write notes, develop ideas, change ideas, proofread, discuss and evaluate their own and other’s writing. Composition – the writing process; developing sentences; using ‘wow words’ or ambitious vocabulary; using different sentence openers and connectives; showing the features of the text.

  8. The types of texts students write in Year 3 and Year 4 Fictio ction Non Non-Fi Fictio ction stories reports plays recounts poems explanations diary entries instructions letters persuasive recounts arguments

  9. The Key Skills Words VCOP V ocabulary Sentences C onnectives O peners Texts P unctuation

  10. Words/Vocabulary Jack tidied his room. In this sentence can you name the nouns? verb?

  11. Vocabulary Jack tidied his room . noun – who/what

  12. Vocabulary Jack tidied his room. verb – doing word / action

  13. Vocabulary Jack carefully tidied his room. adverb – describes the verb

  14. Vocabulary Jack carefully tidied his messy room. adjective – describing word

  15. Vocabulary nouns verbs adjectives adverbs

  16. Vocabulary

  17. Words to sentences Building interesting sentences: - different sentence starters - connectives - vary the length and structure - punctuation

  18. Sentences Connectives

  19. Sentences Add a connective: Jack carefully tidied his room because he had lost the tv remote.

  20. Sentences Sentence starters:

  21. Sentences Sentence starters: Without even being asked , Jack carefully tidied his room.

  22. Sentences Vary the length: Jack carefully tidied his room. His mother nearly fainted in shock. Jack carefully tidied his room because his mother had discovered a nest of vicious rats were living in his underwear drawer.

  23. Sentences Punctuation

  24. Sentences Punctuation: Jack carefully tidied his room, as he was eager to keep his parents happy.

  25. Texts - Features of different text types - Paragraphs - Author’s techniques and language styles

  26. Writing Assessment National Averages End d Ye Year r 3 2A/ A/3C End d Ye Year r 4 3B 3B End Year 5 3A/4C End Year 6 4B

  27. Marking At St Joseph’s we use these marking codes: Sp You have mis-spelt a word You have missed a P punctuation mark Check your grammar. G Does it make sense? Green Pen Question – GPQ Answer the question with a green pen Next Steps – Read these carefully.

  28. Feedback • We have a whole school marking policy which ensure children receive daily feedback and opportunities to extend their learning • Every lesson has a clear LO and success criteria which give students clear steps to achieve the outcome • Children respond to marking by answering GPQs and understanding the next steps in their learning.

  29. Handwriting At St Joseph’s we develop children’s handwriting joins with a ªc[u[rã[i[¹Ö ¡]c[ri[p[t ¡[t[Ò¯e. All letters, except capitals, ¡[t]a[Œt í›om ¶t[«e ¶l[i[±e . Capital letters do not join. Letters ó ªü ¶h ¶þ have a ‘tail loop’

  30. Handwriting In your English pack, you have a copy of the St Joseph handwriting letters. ªa ¶b ªc ªd â ó ªü ¶h ¶i ¶ý ¶„ ¶l ¶m ¶n ª‹ ¶p ªq ¶r ¡ ¶t ¶u ¶v ¶w ¶ ˆ ¶þ ¶z How does your own handwriting compare?

  31. Reading Strategies

  32. How you can help! The success of children’s reading and writing is based on • a rich talking environment • experience of many stories that have been read to them • being able to join in with stories and add their own ideas • children being engaged in a range of speaking a listening activities • Reading opportunities in any situation

  33. How you can help! • Enjoy books! • Tell them stories! Read together. Listen to them read. • Visit the library • Listen to audio books; discuss interesting television shows and documentaries • Encourage your child to retell their stories to you • Ask your child their opinion on important real-world issues.

  34. How you can help! • Experience the world – visit your free, local, world-class museums and talk about everything you see. • Tell jokes! • Make up riddles and poems • Find real writing opportunities that engage your child – letters, emails, invitations, shopping lists, microwave instructions, oven instructions. • Celebrate the written word!

  35. Thank you for attending our Parents’ English Workshop


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