the future of legal services in seven minutes and four

The Future of Legal Services in seven minutes and four chapters 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Future of Legal Services in seven minutes and four chapters 1. Dont forget Stumbling Stones Anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present . (Speech by former German President Richard von Weizscker

  1. The Future of Legal Services

  2. in seven minutes …

  3. … and four chapters

  4. 1. Don‘t forget

  5. Stumbling Stones

  6. “Anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present .“ (Speech by former German President Richard von Weizsäcker during the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the End of War in Europe and of National- Socialist Tyranny on 8 May 1985 at the Bundestag, Bonn)

  7. Independent legal profession - cornerstone of democracy

  8. Minimum requirements, guaranteed by respective regulation:

  9. Core principles: - Act in complete independence and sole interest of the clients

  10. Core principles: - Act in complete independence and sole interest of the clients - Avoid any conflict of interest

  11. Core principles: - Act in complete independence and sole interest of the clients - Avoid any conflict of interest - Observe strict professional secrecy

  12. Legal Aid for Legal Advice and Representation before Court Settle Case-Law, German Federal Constitutional Court („Bundesverfassungsgericht“): The general principle of equality in conjunction with the social state principle and the rule of law requires that the legislator both in the judicial and the extrajudicial area ensures that a person seeking legal help does not fail in exercising and enforcing his/her rights due to lack of income or insufficient assets.

  13. Legal Aid for Legal Advice and Representation before Court

  14. Public Legal Information and Arbitration Office

  15. 2. Today

  16. Laws online …

  17. Find-a-Lawyer Search Platforms

  18. Find-a-Lawyer Search Platforms

  19. Find-a-Lawyer Search Platforms

  20. Find Case-Law, Legal Publications, Standard Contracts, Laws etc.

  21. Find Case-Law, Legal Publications, Standard Contracts, Laws etc.

  22. Legal Services provided by Consumer Organisations

  23. Legal Services provided by Tenants ‘ Associations

  24. Legal Services provided by Trade Unions

  25. Legal Services provided by Chambers of Commerce

  26. Legal Services provided by Law Clinics

  27. Legal Services provided by Law Clinics

  28. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  29. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  30. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  31. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  32. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  33. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  34. Lawyer Hotlines/Lawyer Referrals/Lawyer Advice through Third Party Platforms

  35. Legal Tech / Rule Engines / Legal Process Automation

  36. Management of Legal Outsourcing

  37. Automated Services / Debt Collection

  38. Automated Services / Assistance in Responding on Warning Letters

  39. Automated Personalized Documents

  40. IT-based Management of Contracts, Texts, Cases etc.

  41. IT-based Management of Contracts, Texts, Cases etc.

  42. Online Dispute Resolution:

  43. Online Dispute Resolution:

  44. 3. What‘s next?

  45. Artificial Intelligence: Watson takes over …

  46. What if …

  47. SIRI, can you please assist me with my divorce? Sure! I already expected your request. Your spouse wants the divorce too …

  48. She wants the house, the car and the boat …. You can keep the rest…

  49. My mediation algorithm tells me it’s a fair deal … … considering your previous misbehaviors I know about …

  50. If you accept this proposal, you’ll get a free coupon for shopping on iTunes, value € 9,99 plus ….

  51. … a free movie

  52. 4. Conclusions?

  53. Undisputed advantages of new technologies: • Easier access to knowledge • Higher productivity • Faster dispute resolution

  54. Risks? • Core values under challenge?

  55. • Is your provider providing independent services? • Does your provider avoid conflicts of interest? • Will he keep your secrets confidential?

  56. • Are IT-based solutions able to explain their results, proposals or decision without just referring their algorithm?

  57. • Can IT-based solutions serve to develop the law by telling us if a automatically predicted result of a case is just or not?

  58. • Challenges and chances: Lawyers need to be flexible and adopt to new technologies.

  59. • Challenges and chances: One size doesn’t always fit all – it will be the lawyer’s task to tell what fits.

  60. • Challenges and chances: It will remain the lawyer’s task to find solutions where clients need personal assistance – be it in negotiations with other parties, be it in representation before court or be it where business just remains people’s business.

  61. Thank you!


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