Pare arent t In Infor forma mation tion Meeting ting Robinso binson n Se Seco condary dary Sc School For or Pare rents ts of of Risin ing g El Eleven enth th Graders ers January ary 2020 020
How ow will ll an IB cla lass s be diffe fferen rent t from om a re regular lar cla lass? s? You wi will l be c e chal alleng enged ed to think k more e abst stra ractl tly y and and an anal alyticall tically. . The e rea eading ing and and wr writin ting g ar are e more e so sophist sticate ted. d. You must st be co e committe tted d to 3 30 m minutes es of homew ework k per er night t per er clas ass, s, and a and able e to h handl andle e long-te term rm as assi signm gnments. ents. You wi will l nee eed to c complet ete e an an inter ernal al as asse sess ssmen ent t (whi which ch could be wr e writte tten n or ora ral, , dep epend ending ing on t the e course se and and whi which h may involve e res esea earch rch). ). You wi will l nee eed to si sit for the e e exam am at the en e end of t the e course se.
What ar are m e my o y opt ptio ions ns fo for coursewor rsework k wit ithin in IB IB? IB Di B Dipl plom oma IB ce B certif tifica icates tes – indivi dividual ual IB B co cour urses ses in su subje ject cts s about t whi hich ch you h u have e a pa passi ssion on and d an interest erest
Full ll IB IB Di Dipl ploma oma Req equi uirem rements ts One e exam m level el course urse in in ea each h of f the e si six x are reas: s: ❑ Englis ish ❑ World d Languag guage Thre ree e cours rses es at the e Hig igher er Level el (HL) L) ❑ Social cial Stud udies ies and thre ree e courses urses at the e ❑ Scie ience ce Stan andar ard d Level el (SL) ❑ Ma Math th ❑ and the e Elec ecti tives. es. ❑ IB Theory of Knowledg edge – junior or year ❑ Exten tended ed Ess ssay ❑ CAS (Crea reativ tivity ity, Actio ion n and Ser ervi vice) ce)
IB IB Dip Diploma ma Requirem uiremen ents ts To be complete eted in grad rades es 11 and nd 12 Ext xten ended ed Essa say y (EE)-MO MOSTL STLY Y JUNIO IOR R YEAR 3,000 – 4,000 word essa say, , on a topic c of stud uden ent int nterest est Provides es excell llen ent prepa parati tion on for indepen penden dent t study udy at universi ersity y level Theory of Knowled edge e (TOK)-JUN JUNIOR IOR YEAR WITH H RAISE SE MEETI ETINGS S DURIN ING SENIOR R YEAR Critical al reflecti ection on of how we know and wh what we k know Develops ops awaren eness ess of cultu tural al perspect spectiv ives es and biases es Allows ws for connecti ections ons to be establish lished ed between en discipl iplines es Cre reativ ivity ty, , Activi vity ty, Serv rvice ce (CAS)-SUM SUMMER ER 2020-MA MAY Y 2022 A f framewor ork k for exper erien enti tial al learni ning, ng, involving ing studen dents ts in new and active roles Develops ops awaren eness ess and a sense nse of responsib ponsibili ility ty towards ds the commun unity ty
Wh Why y pu pursue rsue the fu full ll dip iploma? oma? Pre repar aratio tion n packag ckage e fo for r colleg ege e (the e IB IB has s always ys bee een des esig igned ed to • get et st studen ents ts throu ough colleg ege e cours rses, es, not t nec ecessar essaril ily y out ut of f them em) IB IB em emphas asize izes s re readin ing, g, wri riting, ting, and sp speaki eaking ng sk skil ills; s; st studen ents ts lea earn rn to • ask sk and answer swer thei eir r own n ques estio ions ns Coll lleg ege e admissi ission n adva vantag ages es • Lif ifel elong ong lea earners, rners, critical ritical and comp mpas assi siona onate te thin inkers, ers, global al cit itiz izen ens • Possib ssible e colleg ege e cours rse e cre redit it or r advan vance ced d st standing ding fo for r im impress ressiv ive e IB IB • exam m sc scores res Scholarship larship opp pport ortunities nities • Most ost ri rigorous us hi high h sc schoo ool prog ogram am •
Why y choose ose cer erti tifica ficates tes over er the e di dipl ploma? oma? Chal allenging enging yourse self f in so some su e subject ect ar area eas s and g and get etting ing good gr grades des in those se course ses s is be s bette ter r than an doing g the e full diploma a and and ea earnin ing g we weaker aker gr grades. des. Some e st students ents wa want to t take ake Academ emy y course ses s and and the e diploma a is ha s hard to do do wh when en you ar are e out of t the b e buil ilding ding for multipl iple e per erio iods. ds. Some e st students ents wh who have a e a st strong rong inter erest est in, and and commitm tments ents to, extra tra- curricu riculars lars find that they y do n not have en e enough time e to m mee eet the e dem emands ands of b both the fu e full l diploma a and and thei eir r activ ivities. ities.
English ish opti ptions ons: IB En Engli lish h Liter terature: ture: For or the studen dent wh who o li likes s to o talk lk and wri rite te abou out t boo ooks, ks, pl plays ys, , po poetry try and shor ort stor ories ies IB En Engli lish h Languag guage e and Liter erature: ture: For or the stude dent wh who o enjo joys ys cla lass s deba bates tes and discu cussions ssions and interpr erpretin eting g differe ferent ki kinds s of of texts xts (n (not ot just boo ooks ks, , etc.) .)
IB English ish options: ns: Lang g and Lit Lang g and Lit Liter erature ture HL Liter erature ture SL SL HL HL SL SL Formal rmal Essay 1200 200-15 1500 00 word rd No essay 1200 200-15 1500 00 word rd No essay (Se Senio nior r year) ar) essay abou out one requir uired ed essay abou out one requir uired ed work studied died work studied died Indiv divid idual ual One 15-min minute te One 15-min minute te One 15-min minute te One 15-min minute te Ora ral l (IA) A) ora ral l exam ora ral l exam ora ral l exam ora ral l exam (Junior nior year) ar) connec ecting ting text connec ecting ting connec ecting ting text connec ecting ting text to global obal text to glob obal l to global obal to global obal context conte text conte text conte text Numbe mber r of 6 works 4 works 13 wor orks ks 9 works works studied died over er two o years rs
IB IB Wo World d La Languag guages es At b both the e Higher er and S and Standa andard rd Level els, s, st studen ents s ar are e as asked ked to do t the e followi wing: ng: • Communica nicate te clea early y and ef and effect ectiv ivel ely y in a r a ran ange e of si situatio tions, s, res esponding ding to t texts ts, , and t and to ea each other er, , en engag aging ing in disc scussio ussion wi with the e tea eacher er throu rough wr writing ting and sp and spea eakin king • The e Higher er Level el lan angu guag age e optio ion req equire ires s st students ents to rea ead and and res espond d to two wo wo works s of liter eratur ture e in the e tar arget et lan angu guag age. . (5 yea ears s of a a lan angu guag age e is re s required ired for this s optio ion)
IB IB Hi Histor tory y Op Opti tions: ons: Choices ices as s a junio ior: r: IB IB His istor tory y of f the e Amer ericas icas HL I I or r US His istory tory , AP US Histo istory ry, US His istor tory y HN HN Choices ices as s a se senior: ior: th Century IB IB Topics pics in in 20 th entury World His istor tory y HL II II: a contin inuatio tion n of f the e st study y of f hi hist story ory beg egin inning ning in in jun unio ior r yea ear r wit ith h IB IB History istory of f the e Amer eric icas as. In Instruction struction fo focuses ses on the e how and wh why of f si sign gnifican ificant t his isto tori rical cal events, ents, and inc include des s an em emphasi sis s on pea eace ce-mak aking ing in in his isto tory ry. IB Geo IB eogr graph phy y SL: A st stand d alone e course urse that t sa satis isfie fies s the e st state te re requir irem emen ents ts fo for r gra gradua uation tion in in the e hi hist story ory se seque uence ce. . Course urse fo focuses uses on is issu sues es of f sp spatia tial analysis ysis-urba rbaniza nization, tion, pop opula lation tion devel elop opmen ent t and en envi vironm nmen ental tal qualitie ities. s.
IB IB Sc Scie ience ce Se Sequen uence: ce: Virgini rginia a re requires ires 3 differ fferen ent t la lab b science ces s and 4 units s of of scien ence ce for or graduatio tion n with th an advanced ced studies dies dipl ploma. oma. IB re requires ires an SL or or HL HL scien ence ce cla lass. s. If a stude dent pu purs rsues ues the full ll IB dipl ploma, oma, Virgi rginia nia will ll accept ept the IB re requirem iremen ents ts (a (and thus 3 differ fferen ent t la lab b science ces s are re not ot re requi uired). red).
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