Parameters and confidence inter v als FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E Jo Hardin Instr u ctor
Research q u estions H y pothesis test Con � dence inter v al Under w hich diet plan w ill participants lose Ho w m u ch sho u ld participants e x pect to more w eight on a v erage ? lose on a v erage ? Which of t w o car man u fact u rers are u sers What percent of u sers are likel y to more likel y to recommend to their friends ? recommend S u bar u to their friends ? Are ed u cation le v el and a v erage income For each additional y ear of ed u cation , linearl y related ? w hat is the predicted a v erage income ? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Parameter A parameter is a n u merical v al u e from the pop u lation E x amples ( contin u ed ): The tr u e a v erage amo u nt all dieters w ill lose on a partic u lar program The proportion of indi v id u als in a pop u lation w ho recommend S u bar u cars The a v erage income of all indi v id u als in the pop u lation w ith a partic u lar ed u cation le v el FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Confidence inter v al Range of n u mbers that ( hopef u ll y) capt u res the tr u e parameter "95% con � dent that bet w een 12% and 34% of the entire pop u lation recommends S u bar u s " FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Let ' s practice ! FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E
Bootstrapping FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E Jo Hardin Instr u ctor
H y pothesis testing Ho w do samples from the n u ll pop u lation v ar y? ^ p Statistic , proportion of s u ccesses in sample → Parameter , proportion of s u ccesses in pop u lation → p FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Confidence inter v als No n u ll pop u lation , u nlike in h y pothesis testing ^ Ho w do p and p v ar y? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Polling # Original data Original data Source: local data frame [30 x 3] Candidate X Total v oters Proportion X flip_num flip 17 30 0.5667 <int> <chr> 1 1 H 2 2 H 3 3 H 4 4 T 5 5 H 6 6 H # ... with 24 more rows FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Polling # First resample First resample Source: local data frame [30 x 3] Candidate X Total v oters Proportion X replicate flip_num flip 17 30 0.5667 <dbl> <int> <chr> 1 1 7 H 14 30 0.4667 2 1 17 T 3 1 13 H 4 1 14 H 5 1 24 H 6 1 28 T # ... with 24 more rows FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Polling # Second resample Second resample Source: local data frame [30 x 3] Candidate X Total v oters Proportion X replicate flip_num flip <dbl> <int> <chr> 17 30 0.5667 1 2 21 H 2 2 19 T 3 2 25 H 14 30 0.4667 4 2 24 T 5 2 21 H 18 30 0.6 6 2 28 T 7 2 13 H 8 2 23 H 9 2 24 T 10 2 24 T # ... with 20 more rows FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Polling # Third resample Third resample Source: local data frame [30 x 3] Candidate X Total v oters Proportion X replicate flip_num flip <dbl> <int> <chr> 17 30 0.5667 1 3 6 H 2 3 19 H 3 3 1 H 14 30 0.4667 4 3 24 T 5 3 11 H 18 30 0.6 6 3 28 T 7 3 16 H 12 30 0.4 8 3 13 H 9 3 21 T 10 3 29 H # ... with 20 more rows FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Standard error Obtained standard error of 0.09 b y resampling man y times Describes ho w the statistic v aries aro u nd parameter Bootstrap pro v ides an appro x imation of the standard error FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Variabilit y of p - hat from the pop u lation # A tibble: 1 × 1 # Compute p-hat for each poll `sd(prop_yes)` ex1_props <- recommend %>% <dbl> group_by(poll) %>% 1 0.08523512 summarize(prop_yes = mean(vote == "yes")) # Variability of p-hat ex1_props %>% summarize(sd(prop_yes)) FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Variabilit y of p - hat from the sample ( bootstrapping ) # Select one poll from which to resample # Variability of p-hat one_poll <- all_polls %>% ex2_props %>% filter(poll ==1) %>% summarize(sd(stat)) select(vote) # A tibble: 1 × 1 # Compute p-hat for each resampled poll `sd(stat)` ex2_props <- one_poll %>% <dbl> specify(response = vote, 1 0.08691885 success = "yes") %>% generate(reps = 1000, type = "bootstrap") FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Let ' s practice ! FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E
Variabilit y in p - hat FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E Jo Hardin Instr u ctor
Ho w far are the data from the parameter ? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Ho w far are the data from the parameter ? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Ho w far are the data from the parameter ? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Standard error of p - hat FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Let ' s practice ! FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E
Interpreting CIs and technical conditions FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E Jo Hardin Instr u ctor
Creating CIs # Compare confidence intervals # Find 2.5% and 97.5% of p-hat vals one_poll_boot %>% summarize( one_poll_boot %>% summarize( lower = p_hat - 2 * q025_prop = quantile(prop_yes_boot, sd(prop_yes_boot), p = .025), upper = p_hat + 2 * q975_prop = quantile(prop_yes_boot, sd(prop_yes_boot)) p = .975)) # A tibble: 1 × 2 # A tibble: 1 × 2 lower upper q025_prop q975_prop <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 0.536148 0.863852 1 0.5333333 0.8333333 FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Moti v ating CIs Goal is to � nd the parameter w hen all w e kno w is the statistic Ne v er kno w w hether the sample y o u collected act u all y contains the tr u e parameter FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Interpreting the CIs Bootstrap t - CI : (0.536, 0.864) Percentile inter v al : (0.533, 0.833) We are 95% con � dent that the tr u e proportion of people planning to v ote for candidate X is bet w een 0.536 and 0.864 ( or 0.533 and 0.833) FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Technical conditions Sampling distrib u tion of the statistic is reasonabl y s y mmetric and bell - shaped Sample si z e is reasonabl y large Variabilit y of resampled proportions FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Let ' s practice ! FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E
S u mmar y of statistical inference FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E Jo Hardin Instr u ctor
Testing H : There is no gender discrimination in hiring 0 H : Men are more likel y to be promoted than w omen A FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Estimation What proportion of the v oters w ill select candidate X ? FOUNDATIONS OF INFERENCE
Congrat u lations ! FOU N DATION S OF IN FE R E N C E
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