p11213 modular student attachment to the land vehicle for

P11213: Modular Student Attachment to the Land Vehicle for Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P11213: Modular Student Attachment to the Land Vehicle for Education Jared Wolff, Andrew Komendat, Oyetunde Jolaoye, Dylan Rider Contents Project Goals Customer Needs Engineering Specifications Concept Selection Design

  1. P11213: Modular Student Attachment to the Land Vehicle for Education Jared Wolff, Andrew Komendat, Oyetunde Jolaoye, Dylan Rider

  2. Contents  Project Goals  Customer Needs  Engineering Specifications  Concept Selection  Design Considerations  Student Project  Prototype  Testing  Results and Status  Future Plans and Suggestions

  3. Project Goals  Attachment to Land Vehicle for Education (LVE)  Introduce freshman engineers to design tools and processes  Removable and interchangeable Modular Student Attachment (MSA)  Utilize RIT facilities  Hands on example  Team project

  4. Customer Needs Some significant customer needs: • The MSA must teach first year RIT Mechanical Engineering students design principles. • MSA must also utilize in house facilities for the manufacturing of MSA components. • MSA must be of a low cost so that more would be purchased, MSA must be easy to store in the allocated storage and it • must also be safe to use. • MSA must be impressive such that other schools and faculty would want to emulate it.

  5. Engineering Specifications Some engineering specifications:  MSA shall require each student to design, model, and manufacture 1 to 3 parts  MSA shall required assembly in CAD of 5 to 15 parts  MSA shall include at least 5 components  MSA shall have less than 10 customable parts  MSA shall require between 0.5 and 2 hours to teach per class  MSA shall have not exceed 5 pounds, including payload  MSA shall require less than 5 repairs during its lifetime

  6. Concept Selection

  7. Concept Selection

  8. Design Considerations  Feasibility and user friendliness  Detailed motor and torque analysis  Budget limitations  LVE integration and attachment  Control interfacing and communication  Power consumption analysis

  9. Mechanical Design  Front/Aft Motor Interchangeable  Controls integral to LVE  Two motors required

  10. Torque Analysis  Calculator in Matlab  Finds geometric angles based on 90 degree rotation  Uses 9x9 matrix to solve for torque required  Checking tool for professors to validate student design  Help visualize real world limitations

  11. Torque Analysis  Standard square geometry  Full range of motion  No inflection point  No added range in the reach

  12. Torque Analysis  Offset geometry  Full range of motion  Visible inflection point

  13. Torque Analysis  Offset geometry  Full range of motion  Visible inflection point

  14. Power Consumption  72.2 oz in at 4.8V  90.3 oz in at 6V  Worse Case Transients ~0.700 mA  Normal Under Load Current ~0.500 mA  5V provided by the Buck Circuitry  Power = 2*0.500 * 5V = 5W  Current = 1 A

  15. PCB Design and Layout

  16. PCB Design and Layout

  17. PCB Design and Layout

  18. PCB Design and Layout

  19. PCB Design and Layout

  20. Control Communication  USART Interface  115200 BAUD  1 stop bit  Normal Inverted Operation  No parity  Data protocol  All data is sent via UART from the LVE controller.

  21. Structural Analysis  Subject to drop requirements  Limited payload weight  Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

  22. LVE Mounting  Quick attachment and removal  Easy to use  Robust to repeated use  Press fit with cotter pin

  23. Component Selection  Standardized bolt and nut sizes  Off the self gripper, motors  Less customized parts when possible  Budget restrictions

  24. Student Goal  Lift an object from 6-9 inches off the ground between shelves across the room

  25. Student Components and Analysis  Geometric analysis  Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) modeling of designed parts  CAD assemblies using parts library available  Manufacturing  Assembly and test

  26. Student Components and Analysis  Links  Brackets Student Made  Pins Student Made Student Made

  27. Student Components and Analysis

  28. Prototype

  29. Prototype

  30. Prototype

  31. Testing  Test plan includes 18 tests  Passed all tests Survey Feedback from ME Professors P11211-P11213 Land Vehicle for Education (LVE) Megan Ott and Andrew Komendat Response # Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Question #5 1 5 4 - 4 2 2 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 5 4 - 3 5 4 4 5 5 3.5 6 TOTALS 80.00% 92.00% 80.00% 80.00% 70.00% GRAND TOTAL 80.43%

  32. Testing  10/3 time to complete ratio  Scrap material

  33. Results and Conclusions  Working prototype  Lacks robustness in strength and durability  Budget restrictions were overlooked  Fun project  Room for improvement  Contains potential multidisciplinary projects

  34. Future Suggestions and Improvements  Better material selection color for aesthetics  Manufacture gripper in house (cost reduction)  More robust and capable drive servo  Decrease size and capability of MSA  Improve multidisciplinary projects

  35. Acknowledgements  Special Thanks To:  Guides:  Phil Bryan  Leo Farnand  Vince Burolla  Sponsors and Faculty Advisors  Dr. Edward Hensel  Dr. Beth Debartolo


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