P as t and F ut ur e R es ear ch P as t and F ut ur e R es ear ch P as t and F ut ur e R es ear ch P as t and F ut ur e R es ear ch Dir ect ions at Oakl and Dir ect ions at Oakl and Dir ect ions at Oakl and Dir ect ions at Oakl and U niver s it y U niver s it y U niver s it y U niver s it y Ronald J. Srodaw a Oakland University Rochester MI 48309-4478
S our ces of Manpow er S our ces of Manpow er S our ces of Manpow er S our ces of Manpow er ! Research Assistants " Shujie Dong, Ulvi Cemal, Xuan Li ! Courses " Networks, Operating Systems, Multimedia ! Directed Studies ! Thesis research " Shujie Dong, Richard Frost, Eric Bates, Jim Huber, Alex George
W hat is w r ong w it h W hat is w r ong w it h W hat is w r ong w it h W hat is w r ong w it h commer cial s w it ches ? commer cial s w it ches ? commer cial s w it ches ? commer cial s w it ches ? ! Tangled web of vendor interests " Proprietary specifications " Expensive licensing of developer information " Protective of developer interests " Support only for certain operating systems ! Insufficient information available to begin software project planning and development
E xper iment s E xper iment s E xper iment s E xper iment s ! Multicast video routing ! Switch control and performance monitoring ! Distributed Parallel Processing ! Video Streams
Mul t icas t Video R out ing ! Shujie Dong and Ronald Srodawa ! MPEG Server transmits an MPEG2 file " Output is native ATM AAL5 stream " Data rate (bps) is adjustable ! MPEG Player receives and displays an MPEG2 stream " Input is native ATM AAL5 stream " Multiple players can receive a multicast ATM stream
P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing ! Different Approaches " Use NCCP C+ + Classes ⌧ five projects " Run Jammer Instances ⌧ one project " Generate Control Cells ⌧ one project
P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing ! Use NCCP C+ + Classes ⌧ Jammer is written using a set of undocumented C+ + classes • Greg Buchmann developed a simple performance monitor by modifying the Jammer source code – Vamsi Atluri and Naveen Nagaraja - dynamic plot of the switch load – Ahmad Milhim, Ulvi Bucak, Caijian Pan, and Tom Brusca - dynamic performance monitor – Kenneth DeMonn, Vilasita Malpeddi, Srideva Thamma and Sudha Bhogaraju - graphical user interface for jammer – Cindy Weng - performance monitor in Java
P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance P er f or mance Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing Monit or ing ! Run Jammer Instances • Usha Chintalapati - graphical user interface for jammer - spawned a Jammer process and sent commands to it. ! Generate Control Cells • Priyadarsini Chandrasekaran - performance hardware monitor by sending control cells to the switch
Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing " Durga Kothandaraman, Mike Kroetsch, and Brian Pavlik compared performance of PVM ⌧ Matrix multiply ⌧ Technologies varied • 100 Mbps ethernet • 155 Mbps ATM (AAL5) • 1 Gbps ATM APIC NIC (AAL5) ⌧ Comparable results to University of Minnesota study using Fore ATM switches and NICs.
Performance Graph Matrix Multiply
Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing ! Paul Szafranski compared performance of PVM ⌧ Pong program ⌧ Technologies varied • 100 Mbps ethernet • 155 Mbps ATM (AAL5) • 1 Gbps ATM APIC NIC (AAL5) ⌧ Comparable results to University of Minnesota study using Fore ATM switches and NICs
Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el Dis t r ibut ed P ar al l el P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing P r oces s ing " Muthusamy Vador, Mahitha Balasubramaniam, and Ramya Raghavachar measured performance of APIC DMA ⌧ Native ATM (not TCP/IP) ⌧ Adjusted pacer clock (sets CBR) ⌧ Data rates up to 762 Mbps
P acer cl ock s et s CB R P acer cl ock s et s CB R P acer cl ock s et s CB R P acer cl ock s et s CB R 94.3 MB/s 28.5 MB/s 256 cycles 8192 cycles
W hy is cl as s ical IP over AT M s l ow ? Application Application Process Process Kernel Kernel AL Iface AL Iface TL TL Mbufs Mbufs NL NL Phy/DL Phy/DL APIC APIC
AP IC P r oces s t o P r oces s DMA Application Application Process Process DSXs and Buffers DSXs and Buffers Kernel Kernel AL Iface AL Iface TL TL Mbufs Mbufs NL NL Phy/DL Phy/DL APIC APIC
Real Reason Found!!! ! Hostname overrides selection! " Wrote script to let students change hostname and IP address. " Data tracks speed of interface
S w it ched AP IC Adapt er s WUGS-20 Switch APIC APIC APIC APIC Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation
Dais y- Chained AP IC Adapt er s APIC APIC APIC APIC Fiber Ribbon Fiber Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation
Distributed Processing over Internet2 APIC APIC APIC APIC I PC PC PC PC N T ATM Tunnel E R N E T APIC APIC APIC APIC 2 PC PC PC PC ATM Tunnel
Video S t r eams Video S t r eams Video S t r eams Video S t r eams " Yangsi Boppana, Mamta Maddireddy, Niloufer Mathew, and Bob Person ⌧ effect of cross-traffic on video streams " Gordon Rimac ⌧ Converted video client and server to use Native ATM over APIC cards.
E xper ience concer ning E xper ience concer ning E xper ience concer ning E xper ience concer ning s t udent pr oj ect s s t udent pr oj ect s s t udent pr oj ect s s t udent pr oj ect s " WIN-WIN Situation ⌧ Students enjoy using research grade equipment ⌧ Assists our research program (manpower) " Courses ⌧ Advanced Networking ⌧ Distributed Processing ⌧ Multimedia
Future Research Directions ! Distributed Processing ! Industrial/Office Traffic Shaping ! Multimedia Serving
Distributed Processing ! Convert MPICH to use APIC library ! Experiment with communication over Internet2 ! Investigate OpenMP
Industrial/Office Traffic Shaping ! Factory Floor Network Requirements " Timely and reliable delivery " Safety critical requirements " Token ring or dedicated ethernet ! Benefits of using building ethernet " Less expensive " Management control and status reports
Multimedia Serving ! Multimedia serving on demand " Active network elements " Multicasting " Traffic Shaping " Time shifted streams
THANK YOU! ! Given us opportunities " Collaboration with a dedicated and helpful team " Open and versatile hardware " Open and extensible software " Friendly licensing
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