Interaction ear head nose neck elbow shoulder leg arm foot hand
Interaction ear head nose neck elbow shoulder leg arm foot hand Our bodies have three parts: head, torso and limbs.
Our locomotor system BONES MUSCLES Bones are hard and rigid. Muscles are soft and elastic. Bones form the skeleton. Muscles contract and relax. Our locomotor system is made up of bones and muscles.
Our bones skull femur ribs hip spine humerus
Our bones skull femur ribs hip spine humerus 206 bones form the skeleton. Bones are hard and rigid.
Our muscles biceps pectoral muscles abdominal muscles gluteus quadriceps calf muscles
Our muscles biceps pectoral muscles abdominal muscles gluteus quadriceps calf muscles Muscles contract and relax. Muscles help us move.
Our joints Are these sentences true or false? The wrist is a joint in the leg . wrist The knee is a joint in the arm . knee The elbow is a joint in the arm . elbow ankle The ankle is a joint in the leg . The shoulder is a joint in the leg . shoulder
Our joints Are these sentences true or false? FALSE! The wrist is a joint in the leg . wrist The knee is a joint in the arm . knee FALSE! The elbow is a joint in the arm . elbow TRUE! ankle The ankle is a joint in the leg . TRUE! The shoulder is a joint in the leg . shoulder FALSE! Joints make the skeleton flexible. Joints help us move.
Our senses Which sense do they use? hearing taste sight smell touch
Our senses Which sense are they using? hearing taste sight smell touch We have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Our nervous system Can you order this sequence? The brain and the nerves are part of our nervous system.
Our nervous system Can you order this sequence? The brain and the nerves are part of our nervous system.
Our nervous system Can you order this sequence? The brain and the nerves are part of our nervous system.
Our nervous system Can you order this sequence? The brain and the nerves are part of our nervous system.
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