
OWFgraph A graph database for the off-shore wind farm domain Erik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OWFgraph A graph database for the off-shore wind farm domain Erik Quaeghebeur Sebastian Sanchez Michiel Zaaijer Wind Energy Group Delft University of Technology The Netherlands EUROS Programme Wind Farm Design Optimization

  1. OWFgraph A graph database for the off-shore wind farm domain Erik Quaeghebeur Sebastian Sanchez Michiel Zaaijer Wind Energy Group Ů Delft University of Technology Ů The Netherlands EUROS Programme Ű Wind Farm Design Optimization Ű Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms WESC 2017 27 June 2017

  2. OWF layout DESCRIBES efgective wind TI at hub turbine ambient TI height structure S E I B R S C E S D E OUTPUT_OF rotor B I INPUT_TO diameter R wind C S turbine E free D position stream wind direction O P T INPUT_TO thrust curve A _ R T T _ O U T O _ P O T F U T P N N _ I T I FarmFlow U wind P DESCRIBES N V free A I R DESCRIBES I A stream wind N T _ O velocity F wind OUTPUT_OF wake model speed at hub height APPEARS_IN PART_OF F wake O INPUT_TO _ speed T INPUT_TO N deĄcit A R I N _ I A S R V A E P P A free Katić stream mixed wake wind speed free model A at hub P P E A stream R S _ I N height wind speed A R S _ I N wind proĄle A P P E at set of wind power law O refere. . . turbines T _ T U P N APPEARS_IN N DESCRIBES I APPEARS_IN _ PART_OF I S R A E P wake P A expansion factor wind number of proĄle reference wind power law height OWF turbines exponent structure hub height

  3. Overview Goal Why build a graph database for the offshore wind farm domain? Content What do we put into the database? How do we structure the content in the database? Does everything fit easily in this structure? Practical setup What software and hardware do we use? Querying How do we add and extract data? Conclusions What is different from what we expected? What are our plans for the future?

  4. Overview Goal Why build a graph database for the offshore wind farm domain? Content What do we put into the database? How do we structure the content in the database? Does everything fit easily in this structure? Practical setup What software and hardware do we use? Querying How do we add and extract data? Conclusions What is different from what we expected? What are our plans for the future?

  5. Overview Goal Why build a graph database for the offshore wind farm domain? Content What do we put into the database? How do we structure the content in the database? Does everything fit easily in this structure? Practical setup What software and hardware do we use? Querying How do we add and extract data? Conclusions What is different from what we expected? What are our plans for the future?

  6. Overview Goal Why build a graph database for the offshore wind farm domain? Content What do we put into the database? How do we structure the content in the database? Does everything fit easily in this structure? Practical setup What software and hardware do we use? Querying How do we add and extract data? Conclusions What is different from what we expected? What are our plans for the future?

  7. Overview Goal Why build a graph database for the offshore wind farm domain? Content What do we put into the database? How do we structure the content in the database? Does everything fit easily in this structure? Practical setup What software and hardware do we use? Querying How do we add and extract data? Conclusions What is different from what we expected? What are our plans for the future?

  8. Goal – EUROS programme context Project 3 Wind Farm Design Optimization Work Package 3.2 Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms Challenge Develop a model for the accumulation of uncertainty from multiple sources in performance and cost of an entire OWF. • make inventory of sources of uncertainty; Activities • create causal map of uncertainty propagation; • assessment of uncertainty contributions to OWF CoE; • select uncertainty propagation approach. ⇒ Conclusion Create a structured description of the domain

  9. Goal – EUROS programme context Project 3 Wind Farm Design Optimization Work Package 3.2 Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms Challenge Develop a model for the accumulation of uncertainty from multiple sources in performance and cost of an entire OWF. • make inventory of sources of uncertainty; Activities • create causal map of uncertainty propagation; • assessment of uncertainty contributions to OWF CoE; • select uncertainty propagation approach. ⇒ Conclusion Create a structured description of the domain

  10. Goal – EUROS programme context Project 3 Wind Farm Design Optimization Work Package 3.2 Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms Challenge Develop a model for the accumulation of uncertainty from multiple sources in performance and cost of an entire OWF. • make inventory of sources of uncertainty; Activities • create causal map of uncertainty propagation; • assessment of uncertainty contributions to OWF CoE; • select uncertainty propagation approach. ⇒ Conclusion Create a structured description of the domain

  11. Goal – EUROS programme context Project 3 Wind Farm Design Optimization Work Package 3.2 Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms Challenge Develop a model for the accumulation of uncertainty from multiple sources in performance and cost of an entire OWF. • make inventory of sources of uncertainty; Activities • create causal map of uncertainty propagation; • assessment of uncertainty contributions to OWF CoE; • select uncertainty propagation approach. ⇒ Conclusion Create a structured description of the domain

  12. Goal – EUROS programme context Project 3 Wind Farm Design Optimization Work Package 3.2 Uncertainty Model of Wind Farms Challenge Develop a model for the accumulation of uncertainty from multiple sources in performance and cost of an entire OWF. • make inventory of sources of uncertainty; Activities • create causal map of uncertainty propagation; • assessment of uncertainty contributions to OWF CoE; • select uncertainty propagation approach. ⇒ Conclusion Create a structured description of the domain

  13. Goal – other contexts • Evaluation of multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization workflows (Sebastian’s project) 1 X i, Y i X i, Y i X i, Y i X i, Y i 2 θ, Uθ, P (Uθ) Uθ, P (Uθ) 3 X*i , Y*i 4 CT CT 5 ∆ Ui 6 Ui Ui Ui 1. Optimiser 7 Pi 2. Inflow wind (4) 8 TI 3. Order layout (1) 9. Seabed depth (4) 4. Wind turbine 9 H i 10. Support structure design (2) thrust coefficient (6) 10 Cs 11. O&M (1) 5. Downstream 11 A CO&M 12. Infield cable topology (3) wake effects (5) 12 {Ti} Cc 13. Cable efficiency (1) 6 . Wake merging (3) 13 14. AEP ηc 7. Wind turbine power (6) 14 AEP 15. Total costs 8 . Wake adde 15 CT 16. LCOE turbulence (6) 16 Obj. fun. • Teaching: • domain exploration; • analysis of how different disciplines are coupled. • . . .

  14. Goal – other contexts • Evaluation of multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization workflows (Sebastian’s project) 1 X i, Y i X i, Y i X i, Y i X i, Y i 2 θ, Uθ, P (Uθ) Uθ, P (Uθ) 3 X*i , Y*i 4 CT CT 5 ∆ Ui 6 Ui Ui Ui 1. Optimiser 7 Pi 2. Inflow wind (4) 8 TI 3. Order layout (1) 9. Seabed depth (4) 4. Wind turbine 9 H i 10. Support structure design (2) thrust coefficient (6) 10 Cs 11. O&M (1) 5. Downstream 11 A CO&M 12. Infield cable topology (3) wake effects (5) 12 {Ti} Cc 13. Cable efficiency (1) 6 . Wake merging (3) 13 14. AEP ηc 7. Wind turbine power (6) 14 AEP 15. Total costs 8 . Wake adde 15 CT 16. LCOE turbulence (6) 16 Obj. fun. • Teaching: • domain exploration; • analysis of how different disciplines are coupled. • . . .

  15. Content

  16. Content as node labels Object support structure, active yaw system, rotor bearing,. . .

  17. Content as node labels Object storm, wake,. . . Phenomenon

  18. Content as node labels Procedure turbine maintenance, OWF installation,. . . Object Phenomenon

  19. Content & its structure as edges and their type DESCRIBES Procedure state, structure, cost D E S C Attribute R I B E S APPEARS_IN CAUSES Object Phenomenon

  20. Content & its structure as edges and their type Procedure wind Attribute AFFECTS Object Phenomenon wake

  21. Content & its structure as edges and their type RNA assembly Procedure OUTPUT_OF INPUT_TO Attribute Object RNA rotor, nacelle Phenomenon

  22. Content & its structure as edges and their type MODIFIES Procedure RNA state INSTRUCTS MEASURES Attribute air state Object crew Phenomenon

  23. Content & its structure as edges and their type Virtual world Real world Procedure Attribute Object Phenomenon

  24. Content & its structure as edges and their type Virtual world Real world OUTPUT_OF Variable Procedure DESCRIBES yaw angle, temperature, interest rate,. . . Attribute Object Phenomenon

  25. Content & its structure as edges and their type Virtual world Real world Variable Procedure APPEARS_IN OUTPUT_OF INPUT_TO Attribute Object Model wake model, ECN Install, Phenomenon FAST,. . .

  26. Content & its structure as edges and their type Virtual world Real world Variable Procedure Attribute Object Model RELATES_TO ECN FarmFlow Phenomenon wake

  27. Content & its structure as edges and their type Virtual world Real world Variable Procedure PART_OF PART_OF PART_OF Attribute PART_OF geometry structure PART_OF Object PART_OF Model turbine OWF Phenomenon

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