2017 2017 MF MFRE GRADUATI GRADUATING NG PROJECT PROJECT PRESE PRESENTATIONS TATIONS AUGUST AUGUST 17, 17, 2017 2017 NAME GRADUATING PROJECT TITLE SUMMARY FACULTY SUPERVISOR ALVARO DE LA Assessment of the Business The objective of the project was to assess if there Wiseman VINA Opportunity for Black Soldier Fly is a business opportunity to mass produce BSFLM Larvae Meal (BSFLM) in Mexico in Mexico and sell it as an ingredient for animal as an Ingredient for Animal feed by making an analysis of the industry's Feed profitability and risks, with information gathered from secondary sources and interviews with experts and key players of the Mexican feed industry. Unfortunately, even in the best revenue scenario, the cost of sourcing the food waste to feed the larvae does not leave room for enough profits to compensate for the high risk. XIAO HAN The Analysis of Chinese In my graduating research project, Chinese Barichello Agricultural Sector agricultural sector performance during 1990 ‐ 2015 Performance, 1990 ‐ 2015 is analyzed by estimating total factor productivity (TFP) of all the 31 provinces and 5 major commodities—wheat, rice, soybean, cotton and hog, using the method of Malmquist Index. Results indicate that Chinese aggregate TFP is decreasing at the average annual rate of 2.3%, while, TFP of all the five commodities are increasing at the average annual rate of 0.97% ‐ 8.35%. QI YUE HUANG Valuing Inventories from the Valuing non ‐ purchased items in the Greater Vercammen (JOY) Greater Vancouver Food Bank Vancouver Food Bank warehouse by operational categories based on the prices found from grocery stores and estimated by hedonic regression. This project examined overall validity of the traditional $2.5/lb measure of donated items and provided a database that links UPC codes and average prices for individual items. JENNY BAO Valuing Inventories from the Valuing non ‐ purchased items in the Greater Vercammen Greater Vancouver Food Bank Vancouver Food Bank warehouse by operational categories based on the prices found from grocery stores and estimated by hedonic regression. This project examined overall validity of the traditional $2.5/lb measure of donated items and provided a database that links UPC codes and average prices for individual items. HANJUN LU The Impact of Cultural Diversity This research has used data from 2010 to 2017 Johnson (JERRY) on Voting Bias in the Ballon d'Or and methods of infographics, fixed ‐ effect models and regressions to discover the existence of voting bias in the Ballon d'Or and to explore possible factors contributing to it. The research has found evidences for the presence of voting bias; it also found that cultural differences, social relationships, and geographic variables are all important determinants for voting bias. AIJIE HUANG Market Analysis and Revenue Assessment of the competitive landscape and Wiseman (AMY) Model Development for Fresh business potential of Fresh Roots Urban Farm Roots through market analysis and assessment of
NAME GRADUATING PROJECT TITLE SUMMARY FACULTY SUPERVISOR financial feasibility using revenue models and breakeven analysis. AANCHAL Market Analysis and Revenue Assessment of the competitive landscape and Wiseman SANDHU Model Development for Fresh business potential of Fresh Roots Urban Farm Roots through market analysis and assessment of financial feasibility using revenue models and breakeven analysis. DOUGLAS EUPER Increasing Knowledge Extension Project with BC Ministry of Agriculture and in Taylor in BC's Dairy Industry partnership with the BC Dairy Association (BCDA) and the Dairy Industry Research and Education Committee (DIREC) to support knowledge extension in BC's dairy industry. Deliverables included templates and materials using post 2010 research and education projects funded by DIREC. SHENG KANG The Field Study of Crystal Guava Project objective was to add value to the Holowaychuk (HARRY) in Indonesia: A Report of Indonesian guava project by applying METR Project Monitoring and methodology including measuring its efficiency, Evaluation for Timely Responses effectiveness, impact, and sustainability in the village of Desa Cikarawang, Bogor, Indonesia. In addition, recommendations to stakeholders to improve the project operation and to achieve optimal outcomes for the existing and future guava projects were developed. XIAOZHU LI Analysis of Agricultural Trade Working in Ottawa with Agriculture and Agri ‐ Food Barichello (SHERYL) between Canada and Indonesia Canada data, constructed economic models on both supply and demand side to carry out price elasticities, which reveals price responsiveness and can be used to support policy decision making. XIAOHUN LI Development Performance and Assessment of the impact of the International Fercovic (ALLISON) Evaluation for the Transform Care Ministries’ (ICM) Transform Program on Program participants’ living standard. Using data sourced from pre ‐ and post ‐ surveys and utilizing difference ‐ in ‐ difference (DID) models and linear regression models, results demonstrate the program has significant impacts on participants' health condition, household income, and social capital. HAIYUE WEN Development Performance and Assessment of the impact of the International Fercovic (KELLY) Evaluation for the Transform Care Ministries’ (ICM) Transform Program on Program participants’ living standard. Using data sourced from pre ‐ and post ‐ surveys and utilizing difference ‐ in ‐ difference (DID) models and linear regression models, results demonstrate the program has significant impacts on participants' health condition, household income, and social capital.
NAME GRADUATING PROJECT TITLE SUMMARY FACULTY SUPERVISOR HAOKUN LU Assessment of Rubbish Bank To provide suggestions regarding a waste Holowaychuk through METR evaluation in management system called Rubbish Bank through Bogor, Indonesia evaluations of three relevant counterparts by conducting SWOT analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis. The results indicate that the villagers near Bogor should establish recycling stations to deal with recyclable materials and build liquid fertilizer manufacturing site to handle organic waste. JIAHE MIAO Investigating monsoon paddy Barichello (SICILY) production in Myanmar using policy analysis matrix BAOTING NIE Research and Development on Project involved: 1. Market research on consumer Taylor (HARRY) Marketing Tools for Clear Ocean interest and choice in frozen scallops at retail and Seafood Ltd. foodservice level in North America and 2. Based on acquired information and marketing analysis, establish marketing tools or make recommendations to Clear Ocean Seafood pertaining to the current company progress. TERESA HAO Regulatory barriers to commercializing hydrogen Gulati internal combustion MENGJIE NIU Identifying price leadership in This project examines the existence of a price Vercammen (CANDICE) Vancouver grocery market leadership structure in the Vancouver grocery market. After examining sample sourced from three major grocery stores, Save ‐ On ‐ Foods, Superstore and Stong's, results from different regression methods indicate that there may be two leaders in this market. SARAH SHEN An Econometric Analysis on Investigation of factors at farm, financial, and Barichello Factors Affecting Dairy Quota policy levels affecting dairy quota price in BC from Price in BC 2003 to 2015. Findings will be used to explain the complexity of dairy quota price determination in BC and provide suggestions for future dairy policy implications. PAULINA Of Capital and Development: Project working with Columbia Basin Trust and Wiseman GONZALEZ Assessing the challenges of researching the challenges small to medium MIRANDA financing small producers in the producers in the Kootenay regional districts face Kootenay regions. when accessing financing for their operations and assessment of possible options that could fill the gaps between the industry's specific needs and the financing options available for them. TIANTIAN ZHANG Examine Dairy quota rental Discussing the effect of Canada Supply Barichello values under Canada supply Management Policy via calculating policy risks. management Also, understanding the rules for transferring credits in BC market and Alberta Market. JUN SHU ZHANG Impact of the Foreign Buyer's The objective of the project was to evaluate the Johnson (ELVIS) Tax on Real Estate Prices in effectiveness of the foreign buyer's tax on the real Greater Vancouver estate market in Greater Vancouver using quantitative analysis methods. BINGLING ZHOU (HELEN)
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