
Overview Identify current epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in - PDF document

11/8/2017 Bacterial Meningitis 2016 LLSA Articles Post-PCV7: Declining Review Incidence and Treatment Payal Shah, M.D. Kowalsky RH, Jaffe DM. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2013; 11/13/17 29(6):758-766 Beaumont Health System 2 11/8/2017

  1. 11/8/2017 Bacterial Meningitis 2016 LLSA Articles Post-PCV7: Declining Review Incidence and Treatment Payal Shah, M.D. Kowalsky RH, Jaffe DM. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2013; 11/13/17 29(6):758-766 Beaumont Health System 2 11/8/2017 Bacterial Meningitis Learning Objectives Overview  Identify current epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in various age groups  Definition: Infection-mediated inflammation of the  Implement an evidence based approach to empiric pia, arachnoid, and subarachnoid space therapy in suspected bacterial meningitis  Aseptic versus bacterial  4% mortality in children  Neurologic sequelae in survivors 3 4 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Impact of PCV7 on Historical Background Pneumococcal Disease  Epidemiology has changed in the last 20 years  97% efficacy in preventing one of 7 serotypes  Before 1988 Hib accounted for 70% of bacterial  89% efficacy in preventing any of the remaining 90 meningitis in children younger than 5 serotypes  Now most common, Streptococcus pneumoniae  Prevention of other pneumococcal disease  PCV7 developed  Most positively impacted group was children less  Routinely administered to children younger than 23 than 2 years old months, and children 24-59 months if high risk 5 6 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 1

  2. 11/8/2017 Epidemiology of Bacterial Emerging Serotypes Meningitis  Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children  Nonvaccine serotypes 19A and 22F have been on  1-3 months: Strep agalactiae, gram neg rods, strep the increase pneumoniae  3m-3years: S. pneumoniae, N. Meningitidis, S.  PCV13 was licensed in 2010 agalactiae  3-10 yo: S. pneumoniae, N. Meningitidis  10-19 yo: N. Meningitidis, S. pneumoniae 7 8 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 History and Physical Laboratory Evaluation Examination  Obtain CSF and blood cultures early  Findings in older versus younger children  White blood cell count  Physical examination for shock, neurologic deficits,  CSF glucose, protein, cell count and differential, cutaneous findings, bulging fontanelle gram stain, viral testing  73% had been febrile within 72 hours of presentation  BMP , glucose, coagulation factors 9 10 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Effect of Pre-treatment on CSF Lumbar Puncture Findings  Sterilization of CSF was most rapid in children with  Herniation meningococcal meningitis  unlikely  WBC count and neutrophil count are the least likely  CT scan before LP to normalize  indications 11 12 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 2

  3. 11/8/2017 Bacterial versus Aseptic Empiric Therapy Meningitis  BMS  Monitoring and stabilization  Positive CSF Gram stain  Obtain CSF culture but do not wait to treat in shock  CSF Protein 80mg/dL or greater state  CSF neutrophils 1000cells/uL or greater  IV antibiotics  Peripheral ANC 10,000 cells/uL or greater  Seizure before or at time of presentation  Rapid detection of enterovirus by PCR  Procalcitonin 13 14 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Empiric Therapy Empiric Therapy  Younger than 1 month:  A word on steroids…  Coverage for S. agalactiae, E. Coli, Listeria  Ampicillin plus cefotaxime or aminoglycoside  Empiric Acyclovir  Older than 1 month:  Coverage for S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis  Vancomycin plus ceftriaxone or cefotaxime 15 16 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Summary  S. pneumoniae is still the most common agent of bacterial meningitis in children outside of the neonatal period Hyperglycemic Crisis  PCV7 vaccine has caused a decline in pneumococcal meningitis, but there is an increase in non-PCV7- Van Ness-Otunnu R, Hack JB. Hyperglycemic crisis. J serotype meningitis Emerg Med. 2013; 45(5):797-805  No single test is diagnostic  BMS can be used to identify patients at low risk for bacterial meningitis 1  The role of corticosteroids in unclear 8 17 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 3

  4. 11/8/2017 Introduction Introduction  Hyperglycemic crisis:  Prevalence of DKA at initial diagnosis was greater than 25%  Includes DKA and HHS  Extreme metabolic derrangements  Average duration of hospital stay is 3.6 days  Involves ICU care, significant morbidity, and mortality  Diabetes since 2010 effects 285 million adults worldwide and estimates health expenditures of  Mortality in both adults and children $376 billion  Improved understanding, prevention, and advances  Incidence of Type 1 diabetes is increasing globally in management has resulted in declining death in children <5 years old rates  There is an earlier age of onset of type 2 diabetes 19 20 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Diagnostic Criteria for DKA and Pathophysiology of DM HHS  DKA  Insufficient endogenous insulin resulting in  Blood glucose>250mg/dL hyperglycemia  Moderate ketonuria  Type 1 DM=autoimmune destruction of pancreatic  Arterial pH of <7.3 and bicarbonate<15mEq/L beta cells=absolute insulin deficiency  HHS  Type 2 DM=progressive insulin resistance and  Diabetic patient with altered mental status defects in insulin secretion=relative insulin  Glucose>600 mg/dL deficiency=requires exogenous insulin  No ketonuria  pH typically >7.3 and bicarbonate>15 mEq/L  Serum osmolality >320 mOsm/kg 21 22 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Risk Factors for Hyperglycemic Clinical Presentation Crisis  Young patients without health insurance  History  Age<2 years  ROS  Ethnic minority status  Physical examination  Infection  Inadequate exogenous insulin  Low BMI  Cardiac, psychological, GI, Neurologic, Toxicologic, Pharmacologic, Other 23 24 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 4

  5. 11/8/2017 Goals of Management of Diagnostic Testing Hyperglycemic Crisis in Adults  First critical step: bedside glucose  Uncover and manage the underlying cause  Screening ECG  Replace fluids  Urine ketones, BMP , lactic acid, venous pH, serum  Correct acidosis osmolality, beta-hydroxybutyrate  Improve mental status  Other tests based on clinical circumstance  Optimize renal perfusion  Replete electrolytes 25 26 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Fluids and Sodium Management Insulin in Treatment  Volume resuscitation: focus on hydration status,  Bedside glucose checks hourly initially, every 1-2 sodium correction(factor), urine output hours while on insulin drip  Special considerations for pediatric and elderly  Turn off any subcutaneous insulin pumps populations  IV insulin infusion of 0.14 units/kg/h  Consider bolus if glucose does not decrease in the first hour by 10%  Rate of glucose decrease should be 50-75 mg/dL/hr  Switch fluids/insulin overtime 27 28 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Resolution of Electrolytes to Consider Hyperglycemic Crisis  Potassium  For DKA:  Dehydration and Insulin therapy can cause a total  Blood glucose<200 mg/dL + 2 of the following: body depletion of potassium serum bicarbonate>15 mEq/L, venous pH>7.3, calculated anion gap <12mEq/L  Maintain a serum potassium between 4-5 mEq/L  If K<3.3 then add 20mEq K to normal saline bolus  For HHS:  Bicarbonate  Normalized serum osmolality, resolution of vital sign abnormalities, restored mentation  No sustained benefit  Phosphate  Not recommended 29 30 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 5

  6. 11/8/2017 Conclusion  Hyperglycemic crisis demands early recognition Fever in the  We in the ED are at the forefront of treatment Postoperative Patient  An organized approach to hyperglycemia, fluid balance, electrolyte abnormalities, and normalizing Narayan M, Medinilla SP . Fever in the postoperative acid-base status favors improved outcomes patient. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2013; 31(4):1045-58 3 2 31 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Introduction Inflammation and Healing  Definition of Fever: Temperature greater than 38  Immediate postoperative fever =during the degrees C or 100.4 F procedure or up to 1 hour following it  Early post-operative fever is usually noninfectious  Caused by release of inflammatory mediators which increase capillary permeability and are healing  Classic W’s of postoperative fever has fallen out of favor responders  Timing of the fever after a procedure is important:  Severity of the procedure in terms of extent of soft immediate, acute, subacute, and delayed tissue trauma leads to release of IL-6 which results in 90% of fevers occurring by the 5 th day post op have an fever  identifiable source  Usually a benign course with resolution of fever  Most common source at 5 days postop: wound infection>UTI>pneumonia 33 34 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 Emergent Causes of Early Emergent Causes of Early Postoperative Fever Postoperative Fever  Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections:  Pulmonary embolism:  Invasive: necrotizing fasciitis, clostridial gas  Associated with a low grade temp<38.3C gangrene, fournier gangrene, streptococcal cellulitis  Short lived fever  Present within hours to days of initial procedure  Prior to surgery risk factors  Broad spectrum antibiotics and early surgical debridement is the key to lower morbidity and mortality 35 36 11/8/2017 11/8/2017 6


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