overview background

Overview Background Overall mandate of the College is to protect - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview Background Overall mandate of the College is to protect the public as consumers of medical care and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by physicians in Manitoba Mandated by legislation to supervise the

  1. Overview

  2. Background  Overall mandate of the College is to protect the public as consumers of medical care and promote the safe and ethical delivery of quality medical care by physicians in Manitoba  Mandated by legislation to supervise the practice of its members  Current Manitoba Physician Achievement Review (MPAR) Program has fulfilled this function since 2011 via multisource feedback process  MPAR will be phased out by the end of 2018, in order to implement a more robust review of physicians’ practices

  3. Background  QI program is a made-in-Manitoba program  Environmental scan done of other similar programs operating across Canada  Collaboration throughout the development process with Doctors Manitoba, Shared Health, College of Family Physicians of Canada (Manitoba and national levels), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

  4. Purpose  To help ensure provision of safe care to Manitobans  To encourage continuing quality improvement activities, and continuing practice improvement for its members  To provide a new mechanism for the CPSM to interact with members to gather detailed information about their practice, to encourage them to reflect on this information, and to plan their continuing professional development and practice improvements around needs they identify in their practice

  5. Goals  To have a program which:  is meaningful to its members and the public  is educational in nature, collegial and non-invasive  promotes quality improvement throughout the span of a member’s career  fulfills the legal and ethical responsibility of the College  is reproducible, and is comparable with other programs nationally

  6. Timeline  Pilot to begin November 2018 for Family Physicians  Full program to begin for Family Physicians when RHPA comes into effect (2019)  Specialists to begin January 2020  To run on a 7 year cycle

  7. Review Process  Questionnaire with instructions to gather information about a member’s practice, where they work, what type of patients they see, what type of work they do, CPD information  Some participants will be selected for off-site chart review, multisource feedback, and/or on-site practice review  All participants will receive feedback and practice resources  All participants will be asked to complete an action plan based on their individual practice needs

  8. Benefit to Members  Opportunity to analyze their practice  Enables members to choose CPD opportunities that match their practice and learning needs  Identify unique opportunities to provide better care to patient populations  Links to new resources  Eligible for CPD credits

  9. How will we know we are successful?  Individual learning needs/challenges identified  Plan for continuing professional development/practice improvement in place and carried through  Feedback from participants and reviewers for program improvement  All participants will be asked to provide anonymous feedback about their experience with the program

  10. Questions? College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba website – cpsm.mb.ca Quality Improvement Program email – quality@cpsm.mb.ca


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