For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only ACEC RT Financial Wellness Program provided by Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC. Pensionmark is a contracted consultant with ACEC RT and not an affiliated entity. Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC is an investment adviser registered under the Investment 1 | P AGE 1 | P AGE Advisers Act of 1940
Bec ecome ome par art t of f somet methin hing g bi bigg gger er and nd over vercome come compl mplexit exity When you become part of the ACEC Retirement Trust, you get a powerful partner with strong resources, keeping your own resources focused on your business and reacting to, and taking advantage of, the latest business trends. ➢ Over $2 billion in asset ➢ Enhanced fiduciary protection for individual plans ➢ High quality, cost-effective administration and recordkeeping ➢ Access to a wide range of investment options available at a lower cost than individual firm plans ➢ Customized education, proactive plan design and quarterly review and reporting ➢ Student Loan Repayment Solution – tax advantage solution for employers 1.Information as of 8/2018, Empower Retirement For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 2 | P AGE
For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 3 | P AGE
A fi fidu duciar iary y you ca you can n trus ust ➢ Fully compliant 404(c) platform ➢ Continuous investment review, analysis and monitoring ➢ ERISA 3(38) plus investment fiduciary services and protection ➢ Review of plan service providers and related expenses ➢ Annual and ongoing fiduciary training in ERISA fiduciary compliance ➢ Quarterly Plan Sponsor Meeting For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 4 | P AGE
Ou Our co cons nsultant ultant tea eam For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 5 | P AGE
Your ur se servi vice e tea eam Each Plan Sponsor is provided a Client Service Manager and a local Relationship Manager ➢ Plan design, compliance, guidance and support ➢ Monitoring and briefing on regulatory updates ➢ Support with Enrollment Meetings and education ➢ Develop strategies to improve the overall health of your plan ➢ Option to provide paperless transaction processing and approval ➢ Real time plan level reports are available to Plan Sponsors ➢ Targeted Participant education materials are available to all plans at no additional cost ➢ Support with Enrollment and Education Meetings For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 6 | P AGE
ACEC RT Student Loan Repayment Solution SLR + Qualified plan contributions - ONLY TAX ADVANTAGED SOLUTION AVAILABLE ➢ Cutting-edge solution to the student loan debt crisis ➢ Tool to attract and retain talent Easy to understand and valued benefit by employees • ➢ Enables plan sponsors to make tax-qualified 401(k) plan contributions tied to an employee’s student loan repayments o Model amendment for ACEC RT plan sponsors • Employee makes after-tax payments of up p to 2% compe pensa nsati tion on toward qualified student loans • Employer contributes of up p to 5% compe pensa nsati tion on to employee’s 401(k) plan account – pre-tax contribution For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 7 | P AGE
Eligible student loans are the following: • Federal Perkins Loans • Private Student Loans • Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans (FFELP/Direct) • Health Professional Loans • Grad PLUS Loans (FFELP/Direct) • Student Consolidation Loans • Student Refinance Loans • State Loans • Other educational loans, as determined by the Administrator For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 8 | P AGE
Financial Wellness Program A co comp mprehe ehensi nsive e Fin inancial ncial Wel elln lnes ess s Progr gram ➢ Toll-free Financial Wellness Help Center Financ Fi ancial ial Well llness ess Help Center er ➢ Employee Gap / Needs Analysis ➢ Point-in-Time Advice ➢ Personal Financial Portal ➢ Employee Retirement Connect Employee loyee Retir iremen ement t Connect ect ➢ Monthly Education Webinars ➢ Online Education Center Person onal al Fi Finan anci cial al Portal al ➢ Social Media For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 9 | P AGE
Why ACEC RT? Why You Should Belong to ACE ACEC Re Retir tiremen ement t Trus Trust For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 10 | P AGE
Co Cost t be bene nefit fit to par artic ticip ipatin ating g fi firms rms Plan Sponsor cost: $25 per eligible participant annually to a max of $2,500 annual plan cost. Cost to Plans ns Standard rd Cost Service ce Part rtici icipa patin ing g in per Plan** ACEC EC RT Signature Ready 5500 Preparation Included $1,000 Annual & Interim Non-Discrimination Testing Included $500 Plan Document Services Included $350 amendment Trustees services Included $500 Participant Enrollment & Education Meetings Included $1250 / day Withdrawal / Distribution fee Included $35 / event * For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 11 | P AGE
Cost ost benefit nefit to p o particip ticipants nts Fees Analysi Fe lysis Total al Bundled dled Expens ense* e* ACEC Retirement Trust 0.46% Stand andard ard Cost t to Cost to Service vice Non-Tr Trust st Plan an Parti ticipants ipants in Parti ticipan ipants ts^ the e ACEC EC RT RT $75-$100 Participant Loans Included per loan $50-$75 Participant Distributions Included per request $50-$75 Financial Hardship Distribution Included per request Managed Account Services 0.35%-0.65% 0.15%-0.45% *Average Investment Expense represents dollar weighted average based on November 30, 2018 assets and Trust expenses from 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018 (Updated Annually) ^Based on industry averages. For informational purposes only. For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 12 | P AGE
Why ACEC RT? Our r in investm stment ent li line-up up an and d success ccess in in fund nd selecti lection on On average, 94% of the investments have performed at or above the market indices and/or peer groups* TOTAL NUMBER OF INVESTMENTS TOTAL For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only *Measured against market indices and/or peer groups. This is information represents actively managed investments only. 13 | P AGE
It’s Your Money…Keep it ACEC RT Dec T Decli lining ing Ave verage rage Bun undl dled ed Expen pense se Ra Rati tio o Char art ACEC RT 8 Year Average Expense Ratio* 0.90% 0.84% 0.85% 0.80% 0.76% 0.74% 0.75% 0.70% 0.65% bps 0.58% 0.58% 0.60% 0.56% 0.55% 0.52% 0.50% 0.46% 0.45% 0.40% 0.35% 0.30% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Date *Historical ACEC RT data, and current Average Investment Expense Ratio represents dollar weighted average based on September 30, 2018 assets and Trust expenses from 12/1/2018 (Updated Annually) . For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 14 | P AGE
De Dedi dicat ated ed to he help lpin ing our g our me memb mber ers F IDUCIA P LAN D ESIG F INA I NVES IARY IGN NANC NCIA IAL ESTMENT TMENT S UPPORT O PTIMIZA W ELL S ERVI IZATIO TION LLNE NESS RVICES ES • Minimize and clarify • Plan Health analysis • Personal Financial • Outcomes based plan costs Portal with Gap/Needs investment philosophy • Optimize design based analysis • Implement fiduciary on goals and • Focus on performance best practices & demographics • Toll-Free bilingual consistency and risk training participant call center mitigation • Automating plan • Monitor and features • Employee education • Trust-Level Investment benchmark service strategies Policy Statement • Increasing employee providers participation and • Point-in-Time Advice • Quarterly investment • Streamlining plan deferrals levels review process • Educational webinars administration • Maximizing employer • Online Education • Comprehensive plan contribution Center fiduciary deduction limits • Social Media documentation For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 15 | P AGE 15 | P AGE
Why ACEC RT? You say, “Let’s move.” We’ll do the rest. ➢ We will handle all aspects of the conversion process ➢ Dedicated conversion specialists, managers, and technical experts ➢ Weekly updates ➢ Customized transition plan timeline ➢ Measured results ➢ Conversions completed in approximately 60 - 90 days For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 16 | P AGE
Why ACEC RT? Wh Why s y should uld you you be belo long g to th the e ACEC Ret etir irement ement Trus ust? Enhanced fiduciary protection Advantage ges of $2 $2 billion n in assets Institutionally-priced inv nvestmen ents ts Con ontinuous pl plan an sponsor or &participant education Wide range of in inves estment options Continuing program review&development Included annual plan testing & 5500 preparation Operated by engineers fo for engineers For Broker, Advisor, TPA, or Plan Sponsor Use Only 17 | P AGE
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