song of songs song of solomon

Song of Songs Song of Solomon Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Ch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Song of Songs Song of Solomon Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Ch Choru rus Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, that we may gaze on you! Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He Why would you gaze on the Shulammite as on the

  1. Song of Songs Song of Solomon

  2. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Ch Choru rus Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, that we may gaze on you!

  3. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He Why would you gaze on the Shulammite as on the dance of Mahanaim?

  4. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He 1 How beautjful your sandaled feet, O prince’s daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of an artjst’s hands.

  5. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He 2 Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies.

  6. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He 3 Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle. 4 Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.

  7. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He 5 Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your hair is like royal tapestry; the king is held captjve by its tresses. 6 How beautjful you are and how pleasing, my love, with your delights!

  8. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He 7 Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit. 8 I said, “I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.”

  9. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) He May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples, 9 and your mouth like the best wine.

  10. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She May the wine go straight to my beloved, fmowing gently over lips and teeth. 10 I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me. 11 Come, my beloved, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages.

  11. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She 12 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom— there I will give you my love.

  12. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She 13 The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my beloved.

  13. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She 8:1 If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother’s breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.

  14. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She 2 I would lead you and bring you to my mother’s house— she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the nectar of my pomegranates. 3 His lefu arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me.

  15. Song of Songs 6:13-8:4 (NIV) Sh She 4 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love untjl it so desires.

  16. True Lo e Love’ e’s S s Soul oulma mate Creatj tjng ng a a soul soulma mate fri e frien endl dly ma y marria iage. e. • You our r Former R ormer Rela latj tjonsh onship ips Ar s Are N No L o Long nger Y er Your ur Priority Pri ity • Fos oster a er a sa safe pl e place ce fr free ee of in intj tjmi mida datj tjon, on, man manip ipul ulatj tjon, a n, and nd abuse use • Giv Give pri e priori ority t ty to y o your m ur marri rriage relatj tjon onshi ship • Cheri erish momen sh moments t ts tog ogethe ther • Refm fmect ct the be the best t in on n one a e anoth nother ( er (mi mirr rror) or)

  17. True Lo e Love’ e’s S s Soul oulma mate Creatj tjng ng a a soul soulma mate fri e frien endl dly ma y marria iage. e. • Enc Encour ourage one ne anothe other r to grow a w and nd bec ecome wh who o God w God wan ants ts th them t em to be • Rejo joice in hi n his/h s/her g er growth th

  18. True Lo e Love’ e’s S s Soul oulma mate Creatj tjng ng a a soul soulma mate fri e frien endl dly ma y marria iage. e. • Sha hared ed F Faith ith in a n and nd S Ser ervice ce t to G o God d  Sho howin wing Hosp Hospit itality ity Paul…went to Corinth. 2 There he met a Jew named Aquila, a natjve of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them,3 and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Acts 18:1-3 (NIV)

  19. True Lo e Love’ e’s S s Soul oulma mate Creatj tjng ng a a soul soulma mate fri e frien endl dly ma y marria iage. e. • Sha hared ed F Faith ith in a n and nd S Ser ervice ce t to G o God t d tog ogeth ther er  See eeking ng A Anoth nother er’s Growth th He (Apollos) began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately. Acts 18:26 (NIV)

  20. True Lo e Love’ e’s S s Soul oulma mate Creatj tjng ng a a soul soulma mate fri e frien endl dly ma y marria iage. e. • Sha hared ed F Faith ith in a n and nd S Ser ervice ce t to G o God t d tog ogeth ther er  Sacrifj fjcing ng for God a or God and nd Othe Others Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. 4 They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentjles are grateful to them. Romans 16:3-4 (NIV)


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