out of chaos organization

Out of Chaos Organization? Patricia Frost RN, MS Director Contra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Contra Costa County Data Infrastructure Proj ect Out of Chaos Organization? Patricia Frost RN, MS Director Contra Costa Emergency Medical Services EMS S ystem Data Environment 86,134 EMS Responses 64527 Transports 25 EMS

  1. Contra Costa County Data Infrastructure Proj ect Out of Chaos… Organization? Patricia Frost RN, MS Director Contra Costa Emergency Medical Services

  2. EMS S ystem Data Environment • 86,134 EMS Responses • 64527 Transports • 25 EMS Data System Sources ▫ 9 Emergency Receiving Hospitals ▫ 9 Fire Districts ▫ 3 Fire-EMS Dispatch ▫ 3 Emergency Ambulance Providers ▫ 1 Base Hospital • National, State and Local Platforms • Clinical/QI (Core Metrics) • Trauma System (Local and Region) • STEMI System (Local) • Stroke System (Local and State) • EMS Disaster Communications ▫ ReddiNet and Radio Testing

  3. EMS S ystem Redesign In Progress

  4. Contra Costa Health S ervices IHI and Lean S ix S igma Culture

  5. S ystems are Perfectly Designed to Produce S uccess and Failure Intelligent Design-Coordination (Processes)-Protocols (Standard Work)

  6. Our Goal: Create Reliable Data Cycles S upporting Improvement and a S afety Culture

  7. Contra Costa EMS Experience Patient Care Data and HIE • MEDS (AMR) ▫ 2004 • First Watch ▫ 2006 • Zoll (Fire) ▫ 2007 • HL7-Ready Platforms ▫ January 2014 • CARES • Trauma One • California Stroke Registry • LifeNet & CodeSTAT

  8. The Problem S taff working for the Data S ystems

  9. With Lots of Heavy Lifting

  10. Drowning in Data… S tarving for Information

  11. Fragile Data S ystems S ingle (People) Points of Failure

  12. Obj ective: Develop the Reliable Data Infrastructure to Focus on the “ What Matters”

  13. Began with the S imple Questions… What Do We Currently Do? And Is There An Easier Way?

  14. CCEMS Proj ect Deliverables • Workflow assessment and recommendation • Pilot dashboard development supporting EMS System data integration • Explore CCHS EPIC Health Information Exchange Opportunities

  15. Pre-hospital Data Integration Assessment and Implementation S upport • Data Silos: 13 individual information systems • Staff Intensive Data Workflows: Report Access and Automation Gaps • Internal and External Costs: Supporting Data Management • Unique Opportunity: By 2016 hospitals countywide on EPIC.

  16. Information Processing Workflow Program Current Current Staff Opportunity Flow Trauma 20 steps 2-3 EMS staff , 1 hospital, 20+ 9 steps MICN/ED staff & field personnel Stroke 22 steps 2-3 EMS staff, 7 hospital staff, 7 steps field personnel STEMI 13 steps 2-3 EMS staff, 6 hospitals, ED 4 steps staff, field personnel CARES 28 steps 4-5 EMS staff, 9 hospitals, ED 16 steps staff, field personnel

  17. Findings: Unsustainable Workflows

  18. Findings: Unsustainable Costs Data Managem ent & Oversight by Program Annual Expenditure : $ 98 4,238 Contract Compliance, $79,702, QI/Safety, 10% $194,893, 25% IT/Data HIE $99,836, 12% IT/Data Systems, $144,587, 17% Cardiac Arrest, $156,001, 20% Dispatch, $34,945, 4% Trauma, STROKE, $84,692, STEMI, $60,390, 11% $69,080, Fire ePCR $9,806, 1% 8% 9%

  19. S o What Have We Learned S o Far?

  20. Planning for Efficient Data Flow Is a Challenging but S olvable Problem

  21. Right Tools for the Job Needed

  22. Many Levels for EMS Health Care Inform ation Exchange…In Motion Prehospital EMS-Health Evidenced Based Information EMS Care CARES Exchange Situation Awareness and Management Consolidated Dispatch First Watch Reddi-Net Real Time Decision Support

  23. EMS as a Valued Partner Delivery of Population Based Health Care

  24. Matching Patient Need to Health Care Resource Mobile Mental Health S ervices

  25. Understanding Workflows Essential

  26. EMS S ystem-Wide HIE S TEMI 12 lead transmission • What It Took ($$$$$$) • What We Did (Consensus) ▫ AFG Regional Grant for over 2 ▫ Entire STEMI System Wired million ▫ 6 STEMI Centers ▫ 850K of matching EMS funding ▫ Single Spec for 12 lead monitors ▫ National Vendor Savings 350K ▫ All ALS First Responders ▫ Each STEMI Center buying ▫ All ALS Transport Providers own transmission platform (LifeNet: 10K per year) $ 5,000 per false activation False Activation Rate 26-41% Potential STEMI Center Savings $25,000 - $80,000/year/hospital Total (6 SRC): $150,000 – $480,000/ Annual system savings

  27. Our First S uccess with HIE Push Next Steps Facilitate SRC Trust in HIE Technology

  28. Dashboards, Reporting and Alerts • Situation Awareness • Process Improvement • Engaged Workflows • Transparency • Real Time • Automated Reporting • Data Management Efficiencies • Performance Based • System Flow Management • Interval Status Reports

  29. First Watch Hospital Offload Dashboard Real Time S ituation S tatus

  30. Improvement Focused Discussions Timely Offload Essential to Support System Response and Capability Capturing Hospital Internal Process Improvement Offload time reduced from 17 to 13 minutes Now 11-12 minutes

  31. EMS -ED Patient Handoff Workflow Transport After Patient Handoff Workflow Estimated average ePCR completion time 15 minutes $160/unit hour = $40/call 55K Transports/ year =$2,20 0 ,0 0 0

  32. EPIC-EMS / ED Interface Exploration Patient Disposition Access

  33. Forging Ahead… Data Pathways for Valued-Based Health Outcomes

  34. NO FEAR!

  35. Contact Information Patricia.Frost@ hsd.cccounty.us


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