our goal


4/9/2016 A GENDA S IMPLIFYING AAC IN THE C LASSROOM TO D EVELOP E ARLY L ITERACY S KILLS Modeling Core Vocabulary Meghan Conover Implementation through Literacy Assistive Technology Consultant, Saltillo Corp. Resources Gretchen

  1. 4/9/2016 A GENDA S IMPLIFYING AAC IN THE C LASSROOM TO D EVELOP E ARLY L ITERACY S KILLS � Modeling � Core Vocabulary Meghan Conover � Implementation through Literacy Assistive Technology Consultant, Saltillo Corp. � Resources Gretchen Storm Sites.google.com/site/stormspeechtherapy/ SLP, Littleton Public Schools M ULTIMODAL C OMMUNICATORS OUR GOAL: Verbal TO HELP YOU FIND WAYS IN YOUR DAY TO NATURALLY FACILITATE COMMUNICATION & TEACH TO YOUR STUDENTS . Communicators Verbal +AAC= Nonverbal Augmented W HAT IS IT LIKE FOR MY STUDENT / CHILD ? Follow the directions W HAT IS COMMUNICATION LIKE FOR MY STUDENT ? L ET ’ S SEE … 1

  2. 4/9/2016 W HAT IS IT LIKE FOR MY W HAT IS IT LIKE FOR MY STUDENT / CHILD ? STUDENT / CHILD ? Follow the directions Follow the directions 放 您的 手 上 最佳 您的 頭 Put your hand on top your head WHAT IS MODELING? WHAT ABOUT A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE? SIGNING 2

  3. 4/9/2016 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOUR LANGUAGES DON’T MATCH? WHAT CAN WE DO? When you look at a typically developing child, who do you think plays the biggest role in their language development? H OW DOES THE SLP THEN REACH ALL THE B E R EALISTIC LAYERS BELOW ? � Speech Pathologist cannot be the Start Simple only person teaching language. Provide concrete, 84 Years …amount of time it would take a step-by-step directions child who has a communication system receiving Provide continued Empower the people Do not assume support for questions speech /language therapy 2 times per week for with the most facilitating and frequently ask contact with the 20-30 minute sessions to reach the same amount communication for feedback on how student to model through a of language exposure the typically developing 18 things are going communication month old child has been exposed to over 4380 device is natural or hours of oral language at a rate of 8 hours per easy day from birth. Jane Korsten: http:atto.buffalo.edu/registered/ATBasics/populations/aac/consider.php 3

  4. 4/9/2016 W HAT IS C ORE V OCABULARY ? � Messages and words that are frequently used by many individuals across many contexts. This vocabulary typically consists of "functor" words C ORE VOCABULARY such as "is, was, he, she" and common nouns and primary verbs (e.g. person, like, want). (Beukelman & Mirenda, 1992) Core Vocabulary C LASSES OF W ORDS – CORE VOCABULARY � VERBS: � Go, get, do, want, like, make, play, stop � ADJECTIVES: � 250-400 words make up 75-85% of the words � Big, little, red, funny, wet, dry, we say. � PREPOSITONS: � Under, over, on, off, in, out � Same words across � PRONOUNS: � Gender � I, my, you, yourself, his, her, she, it � Age � INTERJECTIONS: � Yes, no, please, all done, cool, hey � Topic CORE � QUESTION WORDS: What class of words is � Setting VOCAB! missing? � What, where, when, why � Disability � ADVERBS NOUNS � What are these words? � Here, there, always, never, not Vanderheiden and Kelso (1987) � Fringe Vocabulary T RANSCRIPT OF M&M C OMMERCIAL � So then I said Mr. Prime Minister, I'm flattered that you love chocolate, but I'm here strictly in a professional … � More specific than core vocabulary � What's wrong with him? � May be different for different people � He thinks you're naked. � My shell is brown, it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. Only a fool would think I'd actually show up � Mostly nouns naked. 57 words 11 fringe (19%) � So it's that kind of party?? Hit it! 46 core (81%) 4

  5. 4/9/2016 333 M OST F REQUENTLY O CCURRING P RESCHOOL W ORDS : T HE M ARVIN S AMPLING “V OCABULARY -U SE P ATTERNS IN P RESCHOOL C HILDREN : E FFECTS OF C ONTEXT AND T IME S AMPLING ” or C ORE V OCABULARY AND AAC about bite doesn't goes hum maybe still today we're our after black dog going I me some together well ours again blue doing gonna I'll mean somebody too went out ah both don't good I'm messy someone top were over 3-Tier Model for Choosing Vocabulary all box done great if middle something toys what paint almost boy door green in mine sometimes trees what's people already bugs down guys inside mom somewhere try when pet also but drink had is mommy stop trying where name an buy duck hair isn't more stuff turn where's pick and by eat hand it most swing turtles which Tier 3 piece another bye eating hands it's move tape two while play Technical Words – frequency of ant call else has juice much tell um who please climatology use is low and limited to specific any came even have jump must than up who push are can everybody haven't jumped my that us whole put domains aren't can't everything he jumping myself that's use why ready around candy face he's just Name the used with really as car fall her kind name their very won't red Tier 2 at catch find head know named them wait would remember away cause finger hear last need then want ya Academic Curriculum Words – ride baby chair fire hello leaves never there wanted yes Rain forest, right used by mature language users back come first help let new there's was yet room humid bad comes five here let's next there's wasn't you run bad cookie fixed here's lift nice these watch you'll said ball corn fly hi like no they water you're same Tier 1 bathroom could foot high little not they'll way your saw Core Words – Known, common words; be couldn't for hill long of they're we yours say bean cup from him look off thing we'll see rarely requiring instruction to their meaning because cut found his looking oh things Wet she before day get hold lot other this she's Hot being did gets home lunch ok those show bet didn't getting horse made old three Christine A. Marvin, shut Dry David R. Beukelman, better different girl hot make on threw side Denise Bilyeu big do girls house man one through Cold sit AAC , Vol. 10, Dec., 1994 bird does give how many only time so Developed by Isabel Beck birds doctor go huh may open to CORE VOCABULARY – AAC U SERS � It’s the “lowest common denominator” of language Do core words � Tree: big thing outside � Jump: go high support sight � Run: go fast � It can be used in multiple situations words? � Play doh/ legos/ iPads/stories/academics/social F RY ’ S INSTANT 100 SIGHT WORDS VS . 100 S IGHT WORDS C ORE WORDS � Sight words , often also called high frequency sight words, are commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode (Ravitch, Diane. (2007). � Sight words account for a large percentage (up to 75%) of the words used in beginning children's print materials. ( Kear, D. J., & Gladhart, M. A. (1983). 5

  6. 4/9/2016 W HY USE / TEACH CORE ? � Overlaps with academic vocabulary � Supports literacy L ET ’ S DISCUSS IMPLEMENTATION R OLE OF SLP IN READING , WRITING , COMMUNICATION IMPLEMENTATION � Integrated Therapy- Modeling � Teachers � Paras � Students � Reading � Writing M ODELING - T EACHING OTHERS TO USE THE M ODELING - W HY ARE WE DOING THIS ? DEVICE � Can’t model if they don’t know the device � Meghan Video � Encourage everyone to use “Word Finder” or “Word Search” if that is a function on the device the student is using � Teach paras/parents/teachers through shared reading and structured errorless activities � Doesn’t matter the symbol set but have to specifically teach icon location in each device 6


  8. 4/9/2016 S TRUCTURED ERRORLESS ACTIVITIES W HERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE ? � Phrase boards to use with activities in the � Moving into more structured and unstructured classroom activities which don’t always include the exact � Question boards with icon sequences pathway. � Games/Activities with specified phrases P HRASE BOARDS M ODIFIED BOOKS � Give specific instructions written on the board � Something like “Pick one or two phrases that apply to an activity. Flip the board over and Velcro only the target phrase/s to the back.” � Use these phrases yourself and encourage _____ to use the phrase to participate as well. Q UESTION B OARDS WITH I CON S EQUENCES M ORNING Q UESTIONS � Develop question boards with the icon sequences � I like to start with morning routine type questions and expand from there � What is for lunch? What did you do last night? What special do we have today. � Encourage peers to do this with the student � Teach peers to gesture prompt if needed and then also to answer the questions using the communication device 8

  9. 4/9/2016 B ACK AND FORTH COMMUNICATION WITH SYMBOLS P ARA I NTERVIEW : Z OE G AMES WITH PHRASES G AME WITH P HRASES � Simple matching game � Identify if “same” or “different” C LASSROOM A CTIVITIES � Target speech-language goals just as you would for a speaking student, just include the communication device whenever possible. � Look at it as extra visuals to support the language strategies you are teaching. C LASSROOM BEAVER ACTIVITY (2 VIDEOS ) 9


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