ה”ב Investing Investing Our Future in One person at a time... ...thousands of times. I N T E R N AT I O N A L F O U N D A T I O N
WHY? WHY? Why we do it: The greatest Why we do it: The greatest goodness in life is achieved when goodness in life is achieved when one helps others. That’s why Chabad one helps others. That’s why Chabad on Campus practices and promotes on Campus practices and promotes Tikkun Adam — literally the Tikkun Adam — literally the perfection of mankind. Conventional perfection of mankind. Conventional wisdom says people are imperfect. wisdom says people are imperfect. We say people are a process of We say people are a process of perfection. perfection. WHAT? WHAT? What we do: Chabad on Campus What we do: Chabad on Campus serves as a hub that connects serves as a hub that connects students, faculty and campus students, faculty and campus community members to each other, community members to each other, their heritage, and their future. their heritage, and their future. HOW? HOW? How we do it: The lifelong How we do it: The lifelong commitment to the happiness, commitment to the happiness, success and healthy growth of success and healthy growth of their communities enables Chabad their communities enables Chabad emissaries to engage people as one emissaries to engage people as one heart to another with unparalleled heart to another with unparalleled sincerity and truthful concern. sincerity and truthful concern.
The Challenge Young people face a lifetime of rules prior to arriving on campus and the natural tendency is frequently to throw off that yoke, at times quite intensely. This often leads to an experience that is fraught with challenges, while clarity and direction are hard to come by — especially in a socioeconomic and political climate that is increasingly defjned by moral ambiguity and corruption . As society’s guides and educators we ask ourselves: How do we address the issues our students are facing? What can we provide so that they can experience independent critical thinking without losing their way? What can we do to ensure that the students of today receive the support and guidance they need to develop into the strong and proud leaders of tomorrow? 4 Chabad on Campus
The Approach Chabad believes in higher purpose. A Chabad House on campus organizes activities and programs, and serves as a family-like presence that grounds, inspires, and supports — a home away from home for students, and a hub for the campus community. The husband and wife teams who direct Chabad Houses on Campus are immersed in this work 24/7 . They are called “Emissaries,” as their commitment is forever and unconditional — it is not a career move, and there is no exit strategy. That’s why they build relationships that last forever. They are committed to helping young people explore their spirituality and develop their love for humanity without imposing more rules — by showing them a path of fulfjllment through personal meaning and joy , and through leading by example. They provide guidance and inspiration that fosters real growth and the realization of one’s potential. It is a path of self-empowerment that allows the individual to progress from one level of perfection to the next, constantly discovering new things about one’s self and one’s place in the world. The Chabad House provides opportunities for the holistic development and enhancement of the inner potential of individuals — intellectual, moral, emotional, physical, social, cultural, spiritual. It prepares students to become not only highly educated, but also accountable leaders with a sense of responsibility who will carry these values with them into their public and private lives. This is happening on the ground every day with tremendous success on 177 campuses worldwide. Investing in Our Future 5
What is Chabad on Campus? Chabad is a movement inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe dedicated to helping people attain their greatest inner potential. With over 3,000 educational institutions worldwide, it has a tremendous track-record of success in various settings. Chabad on Campus is a growing network of on-campus Jewish student centers that provide a stable environment and a model of integrity for all students during an often- turbulent time of life by focusing on principles of decency and spiritual awareness. There are currently 177 Chabad Houses that are part of the Chabad on Campus network serving students and campus communities around the world, focused on the growth and success of students from all backgrounds. Chabad on Campus International Foundation serves as the “headquarters ” of the Chabad on Campus affjliate centers and is committed to the needs of the emissaries and their families to ensure success in their efforts on behalf of their campus communities. 6 Chabad on Campus
Growth Growth 1969-2013 Arizona Binghamton Boston Cornell Indiana McMaster Northwestern NYU Buenos Aires, Argentina Albany Pittsburgh Columbia/Barnard Buffalo Rice Delaware McGill Rochester Hebrew University Michigan SUNY Stony Brook Harvard Texas Syracuse Maryland Tulane UPENN Ohio State UCBerkeley Western Ontario S. Diego State UCLA UmassAmherst Wisconsin Tel Aviv 1960 1970 1980 1990 8 Chabad on Campus
Arizona State Amherst/Hampshire/Mt. Holyoke/Smith American University Brandeis Ben Gurion Amsterdam BrooklynLaw Ben Gurion Eilat Berlin Brown Brighton Birmingham Cambridge Bristol Brock University Chicago Bryn Mawr/Haverford/Swarthmore Case Western Reserve University CUNY Baruch Cal Poly Clark University Dalhousie Cal State Chico Debrecen Universities Dartmouth Cal State Northridge Drexel Dawson/Vanier Cardozo Georgia State Denver Carnegie Mellon Georgia Tech Emory Central Florida Guelph Florida International City College Humbolt State University Florida State College of New Jersey James Madison University Hunter Colorado Kennesaw State University Illinois Colorado State Laval Iowa Concordia Liverpool Johns Hopkins Denver CC Manchester Kingsborough Edinburgh Minnesota Miami Einstein Medical School Missouri Monash, Melbourne Florida Atlantic North Texas Oxford Franklin and Marshall Oberlin Penn State George Washington Oneonta Pratt Georgia Paris Princeton Hartford Philadelphia Art Schools Queens College Hofstra Queen’s U. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Illinois - Chicago Sarah Lawrence St.Louis Kansas Sceaux, France Stanford Leeds University of Cincinnati 2000 2010 2020 SUNY New Paltz Lehigh Technion USF Tufts London - Bloomsbury Temple UW Milwaukee 177 UC Davis London - East End Texas A&M Wesleyan UC S.Barbara London - Kensington Toronto UC S.Cruz Nevada Towson UF Northern Arizona UC Irvine Washington Northern Florida UC S.Diego UNSW/Sydney Nottingham UConn USC Oregon Union UNC/Duke Ottawa Vanderbilt Virginia Reed Vermont Wash. University, St. Louis S. Francisco State Virgina Tech CHABAD Wellesley S. Monica Waterloo, Ontario Yale South London West Virgina SUNY Oswego Western Washington HOUSES Sussex York ON CAMPUS + 400% To date, more than 94 campus Chabad Houses campus own their properties. SINCE 1999 Investing in Our Future 9
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