other lessons from primary school

(Other) Lessons from Primary School Aka The Diversity Dilemma Paula - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

(Other) Lessons from Primary School Aka The Diversity Dilemma Paula Burton (Ngov) Shennae Searle Kudos: John Sullivan, Co-Founder of original @paulangov @shennaesearle Diversity Dilemma talk #beautyOfTech Transcript for Video 1

  1. (Other) Lessons from Primary School Aka The Diversity Dilemma Paula Burton (Ngov) Shennae Searle Kudos: John Sullivan, Co-Founder of original @paulangov @shennaesearle “Diversity Dilemma” talk #beautyOfTech

  2. Transcript for Video 1 ■ Grade 6 Girls asked question “What did you used to think STEM was? ■ Student 1 - You said it would be something to do with Science and Technology and I said “I have no idea what that is”. And like I knew nothing at all about STEM, didn’t even know what it stood for. Nothing. Student 2 - Well, I didn’t really know much about Science when I started, so I think I just left the question blank. ■ ■ Student 3 - I knew a couple of things here and there from my dad. He’s a Project Manager, so I’ve been to his construction site and have seen what’s going on. Student 4 - All I really knew is what it stood for. And I knew it was something to do with Science but I never knew ■ more about it. Because in Year 2, I really wanted to do Science but I never got the opportunity to expand my interest in Science because we didn’t do a lot of it.

  3. Primary School Standardised Science Testing Australian Council for Education Research Term 1 2016 Results 1 Girl in Top 15

  4. Primary School Standardised Science Testing Australian Council for Education Research Intervention 1 ½ Terms Term 1 2016 Results Mid Term 2, 2016 Results 1 Girl in Top 15 11 Girls in Top 15

  5. Over 50% of the population is female, yet females only represent 20% of IT Professionals 25% of STEM workforce

  6. Plenty of ponytails, very few females. #beautyOfTech

  7. Why diversity? High-performing teams, not ratios ■ Top companies with women on boards perform better ■ invigorates problem solving ○ ○ balances biases perspectives and values ○

  8. Why diversity? ● In the US, women account for 85% of all consumer purchases ● We need to tap into as much of the population as possible By 2022, Australia will need 700,000+ skilled ICT workers ○ 5.1 million jobs at risk from digital disruption over the next 20 years ○ If we shift just 1% of our workforce into STEM roles, we could see a $57.4bn ○ increase in GDP Ref: PWC

  9. Primary School Standardised Science Testing Australian Council for Education Research Intervention 1 ½ Terms Term 1 2016 Results Mid Term 2, 2016 Results 1 Girl in Top 15 11 Girls in Top 15

  10. How did we improve these results? Perception ■ Connection to world/reality ■ Connection to experts/role models ■ Connection to cause ■

  11. 10 Things to consider trying To unpack the diversity dilemma at your organization and within your community #beautyOfTech

  12. 1. Raise Awareness Tracy Chou @triketora ■ bit.ly/1LgtliM

  13. 2. Be aware of unconscious bias Embrace uniqueness ● Unpack ‘bossy syndrome’ ●

  14. 56% of women leave tech 3. Connect people to cause encourage internal initiatives ● C S + X ●

  15. Women in business Tech Tasters for Primary / Secondary Go Girl Go For IT

  16. 4. Know your audience Re-think typical technical hiring processes renttherunway.com

  17. HR team #BFF 5. Always interview women 6. You can go to market specifically for women 7. Re-define work/life balance Department of Primary Industries, Check out Workplace Gender Equality Agency Parks, Water and the Environment (WGEA)

  18. Panel pledge 8. Panel Pledge + #panelhack http://bit.ly/1Hz29f9

  19. 9. Tech is pervasive. Talk tech up! Males made up: 97.83% of Engineering graduates 92% of Software Development graduates 97% of Systems Engineering graduates Ref: 2016 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Results (VCAA )

  20. 10. Be a role model Shortage of talent coming through. Children opt out of possible careers at kinder age. Think long-term, and exponentially. You can’t be what you can’t see. #beautyOfTech

  21. #beautyOfTech Ref: itwasneveradress.com

  22. Transcript for Video 2 Grade 6 Girls asked question “What do you think of STEM now? ■ ○ Student 1 - I love it. Every time I had a session I’d be like “Oh I can’t wait for the next session!” ○ Student 2 - I found that it made my love for Science grow. Grade 6 Girls asked question “What career do you think you’ll pursue?” ■ ○ Student 3 - Either be a vet or engineer. So they both include Science. I didn’t really want to be an engineer but now I think it would be cool. ○ Student 4 - Architect, Forensic Scientist slash Detective. Or maybe some art on the side ○ Student 1 - Now I want to do something with Science, but also have that Journalist job. ○ Student 2 - I’ve always loved Forensics. I would love to meet people that do Forensics. ■ Grade 6 Girls asked question “What’s made the difference in the last year?” Student 3 - I’ve kind of been more included in like, the Science sort of area. So I’ve kind of just gone along with it and now I really ○ love it. Student 4 - People around me. My dad, he talks about all this technical stuff and it’s made me want to learn about what he’s ○ saying. Student 2 - Show them what the outcome can be, what Science can do. And how it can help people. ○

  23. RESOURCES Why diverse teams are smarter - bit.ly/2e8tqvX ● Sheryl Sandberg on ‘bossy syndrome’ - http://bit.ly/1TvLiN1 ● Jobs at risk from digital disruption - pwc.to/2xffK7d ● Children ruling out careers that don’t fit with their gender at ● Shortage of skilled tech talent - bit.ly/2q8TXip ● preschool age bit.ly/1FVWT3g Product Management Salary Survey - bit.ly/2wzkto9 ● Tracy Chou - Releasing gender numbers bit.ly/1LgtliM ● Diversity - Phillips, K, Liljenquist, K.,& Neale, K. (2010) ● Women buy 85 % of all consumer products -bit.ly/1EYITll ● Heterogeneity can boost group performance stanford Females in ICT stats bit.ly/2wehMHQ, and ABS ● and North Western University Companies with women on boards perform better - ● 56% of women leave tech bit.ly/2B3h1kK and ● bit.ly/1Dk1Vk0 anitab.org/resources/ 2016 VCAA Results - vcaa.vic.edu.au/ ● Paula Burton (Ngov) Shennae Searle @paulangov @shennaesearle pburton@dius.com.au shennae.searle@edumail.vic.gov.au Dr of Education (Current) Master of Education Specialising in Gifted Education Educational Consultant - Mensa

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