ORS Enhancements Presented by: Yvette Christman, Vice-President, Registration Chris Brettman, Manager, Business Systems and Information Center Patrick Alfich, Manager, Investigations, Registration
What t We’ e’ll T ll Talk A About T Today • Firm Application (Form 7-R)/Annual Registration Update Changes • Individual Application (Form 8-R) Changes • Upcoming Initiatives 2
Business I Informatio ion S Scr creen The NFA Membership application was separated from the CFTC Form 7-R. To accommodate this change in the Application/Annual Update processes, the questions from the CFTC Form 7-R were moved in front of the NFA Membership questions. 4
Principal al Holding companies now include fields for additional information—Federal EIN, State and Country. 5
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation n – Crimina nal D Discl closur ures es Current Version Question C Is the firm or sole proprietor a party to any action, or is there a charge pending, the resolution of which could result in a "Yes" answer to the above questions? New Version 6
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation n – Reg egul ulatory D Disc sclosu sures s Current Version Question D In any case brought by a domestic or foreign governmental body (other than the CFTC), has the firm or sole proprietor ever been permanently or temporarily enjoined after a hearing or default or as the result of a settlement, consent decree or other agreement, from engaging in or continuing any activity involving: • any transaction in or advice concerning futures, options, leverage transactions or securities; or • embezzlement, theft, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses, bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property? New Version 7
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation n – Reg egul ulatory D Disc sclosu sures Current Version Question E In any case brought by a domestic or foreign governmental body (other than the CFTC), has the firm or sole proprietor ever been found after a hearing or default or as the result of a settlement, consent decree or other agreement, to: • have violated any provision of any investment-related statute or regulation; or • have violated any statute, rule, regulation or order which involves embezzlement, theft, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses, bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property; or • have willfully aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced or procured such violation by any other person? New Version 8
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation n – Reg egul ulatory D Disc sclosu sures Current Version Question I Is the firm or sole proprietor a party to any action, or is there a charge pending, the resolution of which could result in a "Yes" answer to the above questions? New Version 9
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation n – Fi Financial D Disc sclosu sures Current Version Question J Has the firm or sole proprietor ever been the subject of an adversary action brought by, or on behalf of, a bankruptcy trustee? New Version 10
Discl closure M Matter Summary P Page If a firm previously filed a matter page and/or a disclosure matter page, a summary of the filings will be available for 11 review in the Annual Registration Update.
Registr trati tion on C Contact ct I Infor ormation Email address is now required for all contact types. 12
Membership I p Inform rmation P n Page First page of the Membership Application. 13
Mem embership ip C Con ontacts • Email address is now required for all membership contacts. • Now have the option of copying the Membership Contact information for additional contact types. 14
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es New navigation to access the DMP Filing System (click the applicable disclosure matter summary link under the Disciplinary Information section). 16
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Disclosure matter summary screen in the DMP Filing System. 17
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Current disclosures will appear under the Current Disclosure header along with a total of the number of DMPs on file. 18
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Matter pages have been converted to DMPs and can be 19 updated if needed.
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es To create a DMP, click the “Add DMP” button. 20
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es New Firm DMPs will have data fields similar to the Individual DMPs. 21
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es You will have the option to upload supporting documentation in the DMP. We will accept PDF, word, text and .tif document types. 22
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es You can "Save" the DMP if it's not complete, "File" the DMP, or "Cancel" the DMP. 23
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Saved DMPs will appear as “In Process” in the grid and can be deleted. 24
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Click the link in the Date DMP Filed column to view or edit an “In Process” DMP or the current version of a filed DMP. 25
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es Click the Amend button to put the DMP in edit mode. 26
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es If you edit a previously filed DMP, it will create a new version and the prior version will move to the Prior Filing(s) Column. 27
Firm D Disclos osure M e Matter er P Pages es NFA staff will have the ability to archive DMPs, for example, duplicate DMPs filed for the same matter and/or DMPs filed for matters NFA deemed to be non-disclosable or no longer disclosable. 28
Discip iplin linary ry I Inform rmatio ion C Cri rimin inal D l Disclo losure Ques estions: ns: M Minor R Rev evisions ns t to Form 8-R Current Version Question C (1) Are you personally OR (2) is any entity of which you were a Principal at the time the activities occurred a party to any action, or is there a charge pending, the resolution of which could result in a "Yes" answer to the above questions? New Version
Disc sciplinary I Information R Regul egulatory D Disc sclosu sure e Ques estions: ns: M Minor R Rev evisions ns t to Form 8-R Current Version Question D In any case brought by a U.S. or non-U.S. governmental body (other than the CFTC), (1) have you personally OR (2) has any entity of which you were a Principal at the time the activities occurred ever been permanently or temporarily enjoined after a hearing or default or as the result of a settlement, consent decree or other agreement, from engaging in or continuing any activity involving: • any transaction in or advice concerning futures, options, leverage transactions or securities; or • embezzlement, theft, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses, bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property? New Version
Disc sciplinary I Information R Regul egulatory D Disc sclosu sure e Ques estions: ns: M Minor R Rev evisions ns t to Form 8-R Current Version Question I (1) Are you personally OR (2) is any entity of which you were a Principal at the time the activities occurred a party to any action, or is there a charge pending, the resolution of which could result in a "Yes" answer to the above questions? New Version
Discipl plina nary I Inf nformation E n Employmen ent D Disclosur ure e Ques estions: ns: M Minor R Rev evisions ns t to Form 8-R Current Version Question L Have you ever been discharged or permitted to resign for cause as a result of allegations of: • embezzlement, theft, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses, bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property; or failure to supervise another person in the conduct of such person's activities as a registrant of the CFTC, SEC, NFA, FINRA or • other U.S. or non-U.S. self-regulatory organization? New Version
Summary S Scr creen Added FBI Privacy Act Statements to the summary screen. 34
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