Orientation Sidney Middle School Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be a Learner!
WEB Program: The mission of SMS WEB program is to assist our sixth graders or new students in making a smooth transition from elementary school to middle school. This began when our 5 th grade students visited the middle school for a brief talk and tour. This will be followed by an orientation day on the first day of school for 6 th graders and new students only Wednesday, August 22nd. (see calendar)
Basic Middle School 6 th Grade Schedule /8-45 Minute periods of class per day 1. Reading 2. Language Arts 3. Math…Level 1, 2, 3, 4 4. Social Studies 5. Science 6. Fitness/Computer 7. Band or Choir 8. Study hall or Shop/Art
Academic Information Students can score--Advanced, Proficient, however, if they score Nearing Proficient, Novice- tests scores on SBAC (national assessment) they may be targeted for additional supports. One Title tutor-Maria Jensen After-school study hall, after-school detention. Time to Care…TTC Resource Room for students with IEP Homework- 70 minutes… parents play a key role-wearing glasses, minimizing absences
Summer School Mandatory: More than 20 missed days of school in a year, failing any class for semester or year Optional…Fastbridge or other test scores, teacher recommendation If you were given an invitation by Mrs. Romo, a teacher, or Mr. Shane Jensen to attend, I STRONGLY suggest you take advantage of this free opportunity.
Middle School Basics 7:40-doors open-drop off instruments, pay lunch money, get sports make-up slips, get planner stamped — parent note required…MUST CALL or EMAIL by 9 AM 7:55 First Bell Rings (8:00) Clothing (dress code hand- out)… PE Shoes and shirt/shorts Calendars, Grades, Lesson Plans online Parent Email Reminders and Facebook reminders School issued student Planners-Hallway passes, makeup work Lunch Tickets Tardies--- 2 free passes per quarter, detention if late
Closed Campus Lunch All students are required to eat in the lunch room. Students get salad bar and hot lunch items every day! Special occasions get off campus lunch privilege
Opportunities to Get Involved Middle School Activities – football, basketball, track, volleyball, wrestling, golf, Builder’s Club, cheerleading, Art Club, jazz band, CLASH, STAND, Student Council other…get physicals this summer $100 total for whole year…includes activity card---$ 40 activity fee $60 part fees
Cell Phone Policy SMS Cell phones or any type of wireless communication device are not to be used on school grounds during regular school hours. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Cell phones must be kept in student’s locker and TURNED OFF during the instructional day. Students utilizing these devices during that time (7:55-3:10) will have these devices confiscated by a teacher, teacher’s aide, administrator, or other school district employee. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the school day. Unauthorized use of such devices will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Progressive Discipline Policy.
Other Items 6 th grade registration day will be in August before school. August 9 th . Questions?
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