orange line community workshops

ORANGE LINE COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS JULY 2016 Project partially funded - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Photo: Mission Meridian(Moule & Polyzoides) ORANGE LINE COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS JULY 2016 Project partially funded by Metro AGENDA Pre se nta tio n Gro up Disc ussio ns We ll a sk yo ur input o n 3 the me s: L a nd Use

  1. Photo: Mission Meridian(Moule & Polyzoides) ORANGE LINE COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS JULY 2016 Project partially funded by Metro

  2. AGENDA  Pre se nta tio n  Gro up Disc ussio ns  We ’ ll a sk yo ur input o n 3 the me s:  L a nd Use  Mo b ility & Pa rking  Urb a n De sig n  Afte r e a c h disc ussio n, sta ff will ro ta te  Yo u will ha ve a c ha nc e to sha re yo ur ide a s o n e a c h the me  Gro up Disc ussio n 1  Gro up Disc ussio n 2  Gro up Disc ussio n 3

  3. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT  De ve lo p a nd a do pt la nd use a nd zo ning re g ula tio ns  Cre a te lo ng -ra ng e la nd use a nd tra nspo rta tio n pla ns  Re vie w c e rta in de ve lo pme nt pro je c ts

  4. POLICY FRAMEWORK  Ge ne ra l Pla n F ra me wo rk (1996)  Co mmunity Pla ns  Co mmunity De sig n Ove rla ys  Co mmunity Re de ve lo pme nt Ag e nc y Pla ns

  5. TRANSIT NEIGHBORHOOD PLANS OBJECTIVES  E nc o ura g e liva b le c o mmunitie s ne a r tra nsit  I mpro ve mo b ility fo r e ve ryo ne  Re duc e e nviro nme nta l impa c ts  Cre a te a b e tte r b uilt e nviro nme nt

  6. TRANSIT NEIGHBORHOOD PLANS POTENTIAL REGULATORY TOOLS  E nc o ura g e liva b le c o mmunitie s ne a r  Zo ning & la nd use re g ula tio ns tra nsit  I nc e ntive s fo r pub lic b e ne fits  I mpro ve mo b ility fo r e ve ryo ne  Urb a n de sig n sta nda rds  T ra nsit-suppo rtive pa rking  Re duc e e nviro nme nta l re g ula tio ns impa c ts  Cre a te a b e tte r b uilt e nviro nme nt


  8. ORANGE LINE  18 b us ra pid tra nsit sta tio ns c urre ntly in o pe ra tio n  Po te ntia l upg ra de to ra il  Pla n inc lude s 5 sta tio n a re a s: She rma n Wa y, Re se da , Se pulve da , Va n Nuys, No rth Ho llywo o d

  9. PROCESS FLOWCHART Dr aft Plan F inal Plan Community Plan E nvir onme ntal & Ope n & Imple me ntation De ve lopme nt E ngage me nt Re vie w House Adoption

  10. ORANGE LINE TODAY  Dive rse sta tio ns  No rth Ho llywo o d Arts Distric t  Re side ntia l Re se da  Ma in Stre e t Ca no g a Pa rk  I ndustria l Co rrido r  L o we r-de nsity, po te ntia l fo r a dditio na l de ve lo pme nt  E xte nsive pla nning studie s & wo rk a lre a dy c o mple te d  Ne e d fo r mo re wa lka b le pub lic re a lm  Po te ntia l fo r hyb rid industria l a re a s

  11. WHY ARE WE HERE?  To hear from you! We’ll discuss and record your thoughts and ideas about the future of the area.

  12. DISCUSSION TOPICS Land Use Mobility & Parking Urban Design

  13. LAND USE Mix of Land Uses  Building Height & Size  Adaptive Reuse  Infill Development  Amenities  Zoning 

  14. MOBILITY & PARKING Accessibility  Range of Modes  Pedestrian Circulation  Bicycle Amenities  Parking Supply/Demand  Parking Location  Car Sharing 

  15. URBAN DESIGN  Building Design focuses on what buildings look like, how they’re arranged, and how they interact with the street  Site planning and building orientation to the street  Building massing  Entrances and active ground floor uses and transparency  Walkability and pedestrian orientation  Design and arrangement of parking and driveways

  16. URBAN DESIGN – SITE PLANNING  Mid-block passageways, particularly on long blocks, facilitate pedestrian movement  Enables direct access for pedestrians rather than requiring them to walk around the block

  17. URBAN DESIGN – TRANSPARENCY Encouraged Discouraged  Provides rhythm to the pedestrian experience  Creates a visually rich and inviting environment  Creates a relationship between indoor and outdoor space

  18. URBAN DESIGN – ACTIVATION Encouraged Discouraged  Adds interesting and creative spaces  Creates a sense of place and identity  Greatly enhances walkability and the pedestrian experience

  19. NEXT STEPS  De ve lo p dra ft re g ula tio ns b a se d o n pub lic input  Re le a se dra ft pla n  Se c o nd ro und o f pub lic wo rksho ps Visit us at:

  20. CONTACTS Patr ic ia Die fe nde r fe r Se nio r City Pla nne r pa tric ia .die fe nde rfe r@ la c ity.o rg 213.978.1170 David Olivo City Pla nne r da vid.o livo @ la c ity.o rg 213.978.1205 L aur a Kr awc zyk Ora ng e L ine Pro je c t L e a d la ura .kra wc zyk@ la c ity.o rg 213.978.1212

  21. AGENDA  Pre se nta tio n  Gro up Disc ussio ns  We ’ ll a sk yo ur input o n 3 the me s:  L a nd Use  Mo b ility & Pa rking  Urb a n De sig n  Afte r e a c h disc ussio n, sta ff will ro ta te  Yo u will ha ve a c ha nc e to sha re yo ur ide a s o n e a c h the me  Gro up Disc ussio n 1  Gro up Disc ussio n 2  Gro up Disc ussio n 3


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