optimizing the algorithm hard margin objective

Optimizing the Algorithm Hard-Margin Objective Current objective: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Optimizing the Algorithm Hard-Margin Objective Current objective: want to relax hard constraint Soft-Margin Objective New objective: Loss Function Loss Function takes into account window overlaps up to 50% Soft-Margin

  1. Optimizing the Algorithm

  2. Hard-Margin Objective ● Current objective: ● want to relax hard constraint

  3. Soft-Margin Objective ● New objective:

  4. Loss Function

  5. Loss Function ● ● takes into account window overlaps up to 50%

  6. Soft-Margin Objective ● New objective: ● Will use 1-slack cutting plane ○ Want faster, more highly scalable and parallelizable solver

  7. 1-Slack Formulation ● new objective: ● Extremely sparse solutions ○ Number of non-zero dual variables independent of number of training examples ● Size of cutting plane models and number of iterations bounded by ○ Regularization constant ○ Desired precision of solution

  8. 1-Slack Formulation ● new objective: ● Extremely sparse solutions ○ Number of non-zero dual variables independent of number of training examples ● Size of cutting plane models and number of iterations bounded by ○ Regularization constant ○ Desired precision of solution

  9. 1-Slack Formulation ● new objective: ● where ○ most violated constraint ● greedily find all entries

  10. 1-Slack Formulation ● new objective: ● same as:

  11. Cutting Plane Approximation ● find lower bound approximation by piecewise linear functions

  12. Cutting Plane formulation ● current objective: ● bounded by: ● R(w) is the empirical risk ○ how violated the constraints are

  13. Approximating R(w)

  14. Approximating R(w)

  15. Approximating R(w)

  16. Cutting Plane Algorithm ● Reduced objective: Iterate j = 1,...,t until convergence: 1. Find by solving the reduced objective ■ t will typically be small (~10-100), so we can use off-the-shelf solvers 2. Save hyperplane ■ needed to update


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