optimal layers for catastrophe reinsurance

Optimal Layers for Catastrophe Reinsurance Luyang Fu, Ph.D., FCAS, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Optimal Layers for Catastrophe Reinsurance Luyang Fu, Ph.D., FCAS, MAAA C. K. Stan Khury, FCAS, MAAA September 2010 Auto Home Business STATEAUTO.COM Agenda Introduction Optimal reinsurance: academics Optimal

  1. Optimal Layers for Catastrophe Reinsurance Luyang Fu, Ph.D., FCAS, MAAA C. K. “Stan” Khury, FCAS, MAAA September 2010 Auto Home Business STATEAUTO.COM

  2. Agenda Ø Introduction Ø Optimal reinsurance: academics Ø Optimal reinsurance: RAROC Ø Optimal reinsurance: our method Ø A case study Ø Conclusions Ø Q&A 2

  3. 1. Introduction Ø Bad property loss ratios of insurance industry, especially homeowners line Ø Increasing property losses from wind-hail perils Ø Insurers buy cat reinsurance to hedge against catastrophe risks 3

  4. 1. Introduction Reinsurance decision is a balance between cost and benefit Ø Cost : reinsurance premium – loss recovered Ø Benefit : risk reduction Ø Stable income stream over time Ø Protection again extreme events Ø Reduce likelihood of being downgraded 4

  5. 1. Introduction How to measure risk reduction Ø Variance and standard deviation Ø Not downside risk measures Ø Desirable swings are also treated as risk Ø VaR (Value-at-Risk), TVaR, XTVaR Ø VaR: predetermined percentile point Ø TVaR: expected value when loss>VAR Ø XTVaR: TVaR-mean 5

  6. 1. Introduction How to measure risk reduction Ø Lower partial moment and downside variance ∞ k LPM ( L | T , k ) ( L T ) dF ( L ) = ∫ − T Ø T is the maximum acceptable losses, benchmark for “downside” Ø k is the risk perception parameter to large losses, the higher the k, the stronger risk aversion to large losses Ø When k=1 and T is the 99th percentile of loss, LPM is equal to 0.01*VaR Ø When K=2 and T is the mean, LPM is semi-variance Ø When K=2 and T is the target, LPM is downside variance 6

  7. 1. Introduction How to measure risk reduction Ø EPD expected policyholder deficit Ø EPD=probability of default * average loss from default Ø Cost of default option Ø An insurer will not pay claims once the capital is exhausted Ø A put option that transfers default risk to policyholders Ø PML (probable maximum loss per event) and AAL (average annual Loss) 7

  8. 2. Optimal reinsurance: academics Ø Borch, K., 1982, “Additive Insurance Premium: A Note”, Journal of Finance 37(5), 1295-1298 Ø Froot, K. A., 2001, “The Market for Catastrophe Risk: A Clinical Examination”, Journal of Financial Economics 60, 529-571 Ø Gajek, L., and D. Zagrodny, 2000, “Optimal Reinsurance Under General Risk Measures”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 34, 227-240. Ø Lane, M. N., 2000, “Pricing Risk Transfer Functions”, ASTIN Bulletin 30(2), 259-293. Ø Kaluszka M., 2001, “Optimal Reinsurance Under Mean-Variance Premium Principles”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 28, 61-67 Ø Gajek, L., and D. Zagrodny, 2004, “Reinsurance Arrangements Maximizing Insurer’s Survival Probability”, Journal of Risk and Insurance 71(3), 421-435. 8

  9. 2. Optimal reinsurance: academics Ø Cat reinsurance has zero correlation with market index, and therefore zero beta in CAPM. Ø Because of zero beta, reinsurance premium reinsurance premium should be a dollar-to-dollar. Ø Reinsurance reduces risk at zero cost. Therefore optimizing profit-risk tradeoff implies minimizing risk Ø buy largest possible protection without budget constraints Ø buy highest possible retention with budget constraints 9

  10. 2. Optimal reinsurance: academics Academic Assumption Profit U1 U2 U3 B A Risk 10

  11. 2. Optimal reinsurance: academics Those studies do not help practitioners Ø Reinsurance is costly. Ø Reinsurers need to hold a large amount of capital and require a market return on such a capital. Ø Reinsurance premium/Loss recovered can be over 10 in reality Ø No reinsurers can fully diversify away cat risk Ø Only consider the risk side of equation and ignore cost side. 11

  12. 3. Optimal reinsurance: RAROC RAROC (Risk-adjusted return on capital) approach is popular in practice Ø Economic capital (EC) covers extreme loss scenarios Ø Reinsurance cost = reinsurance premium – expected recovery Ø Capital Saving = EC w/o reinsurance – EC w reinsurance Ø Cost of Risk Capital (CORC) = Reinsurance cost / Capital Saving Ø CORC balances profit (numerator) and risk (denominator) 12

  13. 3. Optimal reinsurance: RAROC Probability With ¡Reinsurance Reinsurance ¡cost Capital ¡Saving 13

  14. 3. Optimal reinsurance: RAROC Ø There is no universal definition of economic capital Ø Use VaR or TVaR to measure risk Ø Only consider extreme scenarios. Insurance companies also dislike small losses Ø Linear risk perception. 100 million loss is 10 times worse than 10 million loss by VaR. In reality, risk perception is exponentially increasing with the size of loss. 14

  15. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Downside Risk-adjusted Profit (DRAP) DRAP Mean ( r ) * LPM ( r | T , k ) = − θ T k LPM ( r | T , k ) ( T r ) dF ( r ) = ∫ − − ∞ Ø r is underwriting profit rate Ø θ is the risk aversion coefficient Ø T is the bench mark for downside Ø K measures the increasing risk perception toward large losses 15

  16. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Loss Recovery 0 if x R <= ⎧ i ⎪ G ( x , R , L ) ( x R ) * if R x R L = − φ < <= + ⎨ i i i ⎪ L * if x R L φ > + ⎩ i Ø R is retention Ø L is the limit Ø Ф is the coverage percentage Ø x i is cat loss from the ith event 16

  17. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Underwriting profit N x G ( x , R , L ) RI ( x , R , L ) ∑ − + i i i EXP Y RP ( R , L ) + + i 1 r 1 = = − − EP EP Ø EP: gross earned premium Ø EXP: expense Ø Y non cat losses Ø RP(R, L): reinsurance premium Ø RI (xi, R, L): reinstatement premium Ø N: number of cat event 17

  18. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Max Mean ( r ) * LPM ( r | T , k ) − θ R , L U1 Profit U2 A C U3 B Downside Risk AB is efficient frontier U1, U2, U3 are utility curves C is the optimal reinsurance that maximizes DRAP 18

  19. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Advantages to conventional mean-variance studies in academics Ø An ERM approach. Ø Considers both catastrophe and non-catastrophe losses simultaneously Ø Overall profitability impacts the layer selection. High profitability enhances an insurer’s ability to more cat risk. Ø Use a downside risk measure (LPM) other than two-side risk measure (variance) 19

  20. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Parameter estimations Ø Theta may not be constant by the size of loss Ø For loss that causes a bad quarter, theta is low Ø For loss that causes a bad year and no annual bonus, theta will be high Ø For loss that cause a financial downgrade or replacement of management, theta will be even higher Ø Theta is time variant Ø Theta varies by individual institution 20

  21. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Parameter estimations Ø Theta is difficult to measure. Ø How much management is willing to pay to be risk free? Ø How much investors require to take the risk? Ø index risk premium = index return – risk free rate Ø Insurance risk premium= insurance return-risk free rate Ø cat risk premium= cat bond yield- risk free rate 21

  22. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Parameter estimations Ø k may not be constant by the size of loss Ø For smaller loss, loss perception is close to 1, k=1; Ø For severe loss, k>1 Ø Academic tradition: k=2 Ø Recent literature: increasing evidences that risks measured by moments >2 were priced 22

  23. 4. Optimal Reinsurance: DRAP Approach Parameter estimations Ø T is the bench mark for “downside” Ø Target profit: below target is risk Ø Zero: underwriting loss is risk Ø Zero ROE: underwriting loss larger than investment income is risk Ø Large negative: severe loss is treated as risk 23

  24. 5. Case Study A hypothetical company Ø Gross earned premium from all lines:10 billion Ø Expense ratio: 33% Ø Lognormal non-cat loss from actual data mean=5.91 billion; std=402 million Ø Lognormal cat loss estimated from AIR data Ø mean # of event=39.7; std=4.45 Ø mean loss from an event=10.02 million; std=50.77 million Ø total annual cat loss mean=398 million; std=323 million 24

  25. 5. Case Study Ø K=2 Ø T=0% Ø Theta is tested at 16.71, 22.28, and 27.85, which represents that primary insurer would like to pay 30%, 40%, and 50% of gross profit to be risk free, respectively. Ø UW profit without Insurance is 3.92% Ø Variance 0.263% Ø Downside variance is 0.07% (T=0%) Ø Probability of underwriting loss is 18.41% Ø Probability of severe loss (<-15%) is 0.48% 25

  26. 5. Case Study Reinsurance quotes (million) Upper Bound of Reinsurance Reinsurance Layer Limit Price Retention Rate-on-line 305 420 115 20.8 18.09% 420 610 190 21.7 11.42% 610 915 305 19.8 6.50% 610 1,030 420 25.2 5.99% 1,030 1,800 770 28.7 3.72% 1,800 3,050 1,250 39.1 3.13% 26


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