control for the lundberg process

Control for the Lundberg process Reinsurance and investment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Control for the Lundberg process Reinsurance and investment Christian Hipp Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance University of Karlsruhe OeAW workshop Stochastics

  1. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Control for the Lundberg process Reinsurance and investment Christian Hipp Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance University of Karlsruhe OeAW workshop Stochastics with Emphasis on Finance Linz, October 20, 2008 Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  2. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Contents Intro 1 2 Optimal investment for insurers Problem for beginners Investment without leverage 3 Optimal reinsurance programs Unlimited XL reinsurance Limited XL reinsurance Verification argument Optimal investment and XL reinsurance 4 Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  3. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Control in Insurance Active research area with objectives: minimizing ruin probability, or maximizing dividend payment, or else; with control of investment, reinsurance, new business, premia, more than one of these. a) in the classical Lundberg model or b) in diffusion approximations. Asmussen, Hoejgaard, Taksar with (b), Schmidli, Schachermeyer, H. and Plum, Vogt, Schmidli, with (a). Good problems. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  4. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Simplest model for insurance Lundberg’s risk model (1905): R ( t ) = s + ct − X 1 − ... − X N ( t ) , s initial surplus, c constant premium rate, N ( t ) homogeneous Poisson prozess for occurence of claims, X 1 , X 2 , ... iid claim sizes, N ( t ) , t ≥ 0 , and X 1 , X 2 , ... independent. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  5. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Capital market Logarithmic Brownian motion for stock, index or similar: dZ ( t ) = µ Z ( t ) dt + σ Z ( t ) dW ( t ) , independence between Z ( t ) and R ( t ) , t ≥ 0 , with µ, σ > 0 . riskless asset (still existing?) dB ( t ) = rB ( t ) dt , r ≥ 0 . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  6. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Simplifications Simplifying assumptions are: short selling allowed; arbitrary sizes; equal interest rate for borrowing and lending; leverage possible; no transaction costs; no tax; ... Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  7. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance r = 0, leverage, investment in index Minimize ruin probability by dynamic investment in index. If θ ( t ) Z ( t ) = A ( t ) is invested at time t then the total position of the insurer has the dynamics dY ( t ) = cdt − dS ( t )+ dG ( t ) = ( c + A ( t ) µ ) dt − dS ( t )+ A ( t ) σ dW ( t ) , with claims process S ( t ) = X 1 + ... + X N ( t ) , t ≥ 0 , and investment gains (again existing?) � t � t G ( t ) = θ ( u ) dZ ( u ) = A ( u ) / Z ( u ) dZ ( u ) . 0 0 Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  8. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance General solution procedure HJB equation Existence of a smooth solution Verification argument numerical calculation of optimal strategy qualitative properties of optimal strategy Different degrees of difficulty! Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  9. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance HJB equation The HJB equation is { λ E [ V ( s − X ) − V ( s )] + ( c + A µ ) V ′ ( s ) + 1 2 A 2 σ 2 V ′′ ( s ) } . 0 = sup A Possible norming: µ = σ = 1 . Maximizer A ( s ) = − V ′ ( s ) V ′′ ( s ) defines the optimal strategy in feedback form: invest A ( s ) when you are in state s . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  10. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Equivalent system of equations With U ( s ) = ( V ′ ( s ) / V ′′ ( s )) 2 = A ( s ) 2 equivalent to the following system of interacting differential equations: λ ( V ( s ) − g ( s )) V ′ ( s ) = (1) c + 1 � U ( s ) 2 λ + 1 / 2 − λ g ′ ( s ) 1 � � � 4 U ′ ( s ) = U ( s ) + c , (2) V ′ ( s ) where g ( s ) = E [ V ( s − X )] . With boundary values U ( 0 ) = 0 , V ( ∞ ) = 1 this produces a stable and fast numerical algorithm for A ( s ) . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  11. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Exponentially distributed claim sizes If X ∼ Exp ( a ) with density f ( x ) = a exp ( − ax ) , x > 0 , a > 0 , we have g ′ ( s ) = a ( V ( s ) − g ( s )) and thus the equations separate with one equation being 1 λ + 1 / 2 − ac − a � � � � 4 U ′ ( s ) = U ( s ) U ( s ) + c . 2 Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  12. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Exponentially distributed claim sizes, λ + 1 / 2 = ac In this special case U ′ ( s ) = − 2 aU ( s ) + 4 c . U ( s ) = 2 c a ( 1 − exp ( − 2 as )) , or � � A ( s ) = 2 c / a 1 − exp ( − 2 as ) . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  13. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  14. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Typical behaviour for small claims distributions A ( s ) ∼ C √ s , s → 0; V ( s ) ≥ 1 − exp ( − Rs ) , where R = adjustment coefficient; R > 0 unique positive solution of λ + rc + µ 2 2 σ 2 = E [ exp ( − rX )]; fast convergence of A ( s ) → 1 / R ; V ( s ) ∼ 1 − K exp ( − Rs ) , s → ∞ . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  15. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Investment without leverage Leverage Leverage A ( s ) / s is unbounded for s → 0 : √ s → 0 A ( s ) / s = lim lim s → 0 K s / s = ∞ . The HJB for the case without leverage and short selling: (normed) { λ E [ V ( s − X ) − V ( s )] + ( c + A ) V ′ ( s ) + 1 2 A 2 V ′′ ( s ) } . 0 = sup 0 ≤ A ≤ s attained at A = 0 or A = s or at A = − V ′ ( s ) / V ′′ ( s ) . Here, V ( s ) need not be concave, V ′′ ( s ) = 0 possible, even for exponential claims. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  16. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Investment without leverage c = 2; m = 1; λ = 9; μ = 2; σ = 1; r = 1.5 ____________ the value function α ≡ ____________ the survival probability for the case of ( ) 1 t Tatjana Belkina, Moscow (2008): exponential claims, with r > 0 . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  17. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Investment without leverage Just after my presentation I learned from Stefan Thonhauser that the leverage problem has been solved completely by Pablo Azcue and Nora Muler in a paper which is accepted for publication in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics with title Optimal investment strategy to minimize the ruin probability of an insurance company under borrowing constraints . Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  18. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance General setup Risk sharing between insurer and reinsurer: X is divided as X = g ( X ) + X − g ( X ) , with 0 ≤ g ( x ) ≤ x the payment of the first insurer. Reinsurer charges a premium h . Optimization problem: find the optimal dynamic reinsurance cover, given a set g ( x , a ) , a ∈ A , of possible reinsurance contracts with prices h ( a ) , a ∈ A , to minimize ruin probability. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  19. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance HJB equation for maximal survival probability V ( s ) λ E [ V ( s ) − V ( s − g ( X , a ))] V ′ ( s ) = min , s ≥ 0 . c − h ( a ) h ( a ) < c Existence and uniqueness of a solution V ( s ) satisfying V ( ∞ ) = 1 and cV ′ ( s ) = λ V ( s ) is easy. Numerical computation cumbersome. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process

  20. Intro Investment Reinsurance Optimal investment and XL reinsurance Unlimited XL reinsurance Unlimited XL (excess of loss) reinsurance with A = [ 0 , ∞ ] and g ( x , a ) = min ( x , a ) . First: reinsurance price according to expectation principle: h ( a ) = ρλ E [( X − a ) + ] , a ≥ 0 , with ρλ E [ X ] > c (expensive reinsurance). Optimal strategy in feedback form: If we are in state s , then choose a ∗ ( s ) , where a ∗ ( s ) is the minimizer in HJB equation. Christian Hipp University of Karlsruhe Control for the Lundberg process


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