operational preparedness

OPERATIONAL PREPAREDNESS Are You Ready for the Storm? August 8, - PDF document

OPERATIONAL PREPAREDNESS Are You Ready for the Storm? August 8, 2018 | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM | Addison, TX Addison Conference Center, 15650 Addison Rd, Addison, TX 75001 Presented by WEAT Safety & Security Committee WEAT Electrical &

  1. OPERATIONAL PREPAREDNESS Are You Ready for the Storm? August 8, 2018 | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM | Addison, TX Addison Conference Center, 15650 Addison Rd, Addison, TX 75001 Presented by WEAT Safety & Security Committee WEAT Electrical & Instrumentation Committee

  2. Welcome Water Environment Association of Texas Welcome to the third biennial Operational Preparedness WEAT is your expert on water quality in Symposium. As federally designated Critical Infrastructure the state of Texas. We exist to preserve, facilities, it is important for water and wastewater protect, and enhance the state’s water utilities to guard against potential disruptions caused resources for Texans to enjoy. by both natural disasters and human conduct. In light of consistently increasing cyber attacks and severe storms which have ravaged Texas in recent years, the WEAT Safety and Security Committee and the WEAT Electrical and Instrumentation Committee have collaborated to produce this program for knowledge sharing between utilities across Texas as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. 20 sections This year’s focus is ARE YOU READY FOR THE STORM? to better serve our members to cover both literal and metaphorical storms which may afgect the water/wastewater industry. CONFERENCE MAP RESTROOMS 1 Registration ENTRANCE 2 2 Breakfast & Lunch 2 3 Safety & Security Sessions OFFICE 3 Electrical & Instrumentation Sessions 1 SPONSORED BY 2 Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Storm?

  3. AGENDA SAFETY & SECURITY : Buckhorn/Sycamore/Sophora Rooms ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION : Acacia Room Registration and Networking 7:30 AM Welcoming Remarks 8:00 AM Rick Hidalgo, PE - President - Signature Automation | Julie Nahrgang - Executive Director - WEAT | Jefg Sober, PE - Past President - WEAT DHS Cybersecurity Assessments and Resources Trinity Watershed Management Storm Water Protection 8:30 AM Chad Adams - Cybersecurity Advisor, Region VI - U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, Dhruv Pandya - Assistant Director, Trinity Watershed Management - City of Dallas Offjce of Cybersecurity and Communications Networking Break 9:15 AM Cyber War Game: How Will You React? *Table Top Exercise Media Relations During a Crisis Response *Panel Discussion Doug Short, CISM - Chief Information Security Offjcer - Trinity River Authority George Luke, PE - Engineering Manager - Gupta and Associates Todd Hatcher, CISSP, CEH - IT Cyber Security Operations Specialist - Tarrant Mary Gugliuzza - Media Relations and Communications Coordinator - City of Fort Regional Water District Worth Water Department 9:30 AM John Bennett - Program Manager - Trinity River Authority Denton Creek Regional Kevin Oden, CEM - Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator - City of Dallas Wastewater System Janet Rummel - Public Relations and Communications Offjcer - North Texas Kyle Parks - Security Consultant - Delta Risk LLC Municipal Water District Juliana Wafer, PE - Senior Project Manager - Signature Automation In the Face of Uncertainty: Preparation, Communication, and Performance Reliable Remote Communications 11:00 AM Brad Peck, CSP - Director, Safety & Health - Gulf Coast Authority Tim Reid - Enterprise IT Infrastructure Manager - Tarrant Regional Water District Jason Reedy - SCADA Automation Operator - Tarrant Regional Water District Lunch and Keynote Address 11:45 AM Sarah Haak, MBA, MSHSM - District Coordinator Garland, Field Response - Texas Div. of Emergency Management, Texas Homeland Security, Texas Dept. of Public Safety Weathering the Storm *Panel Discussion TRA CRWS Power Outage: April 21, 2018 *Panel Discussion Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Storm? Andy Paulson, PE - Design Manager - Signature Automation George Luke, PE - Engineering Manager - Gupta and Associates Dan Halter, PE, ENV SP - Senior Program Manager - Dallas Water Utilities Central Rudy Hinkle - Electrical Maintenance Supervisor - Trinity River Authority 1:00 PM Wastewater Treatment Plant Mike Querry - Construction Inspection Supervisor - Trinity River Authority Kenneth Knight - SCADA System Specialist - Corpus Christi Water Utilities Mike Young - Manager of Operations - Trinity River Authority Central Regional Sean McMillan, PE - Electrical Division Manager - Jones & Carter Wastewater System Brad Peck - (see presentation above) Preparedness Training Assistance Provided by Texas Dept. of Public Safety Garland Wastewater Treatment Process Redundancy Paul Hahn Jr - Training Unit Supervisor, Preparedness / FEMA Region VI Liaison Bill Gase - Director of Wastewater Treatment - City of Garland 2:15 PM to NDPC - Texas Div. of Emergency Management, Texas Homeland Security, Texas Alex Stuart - Plant Superintendent - City of Garland Duck Creek Wastewater Dept. of Public Safety Treatment Plant Networking Break 3:00 PM Emergency Preparedness Action Planning *Panel Discussion Portable Generator vs Permanently Installed *Panel Discussion David Milligan, CSP - Health and Safety Manager - North Texas Municipal Water Anthony Scudieri, PE - Design Manager - Prime Controls District Jon Kendall - Electrical Supervisor - City of Arlington Paul Hahn Jr - (see presentation above) M. Scott Thomas - General Manager, Sales Application Engineering - Cummins 3:15 PM JB Gregory, M.Ed - Environmental Health and Safety Training Manager - OSHA Sales and Service Training Institute Education Center, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service Ronnie Tyler - EPG Sales - Holt-Cat Darrell Lofton - Team North Regional Manager - Texas OSHA Consultation Program (OSHCON), Texas Dept. of Insurance Division of Workers’ Compensation 3

  4. Program Hosts TECHNICAL CHAIRS SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR / PROGRAM HOST Rick Hidalgo, PE Rick is President of Signature Automation, an engineering design fjrm specializing in electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the water/wastewater industry. He began his career in 1988 as a systems integrator, programming and commissioning industrial control systems for clients throughout the U.S. In 1998, Rick transitioned to the design arena and has since delivered projects ranging from master planning through fjnal commissioning. In 2012, he co-founded Signature Automation, which was recognized in 2017 by the Dallas Business Journal as one of the fastest growing, privately held companies in the area. Rick is a longtime WEAT volunteer, currently serving as Vice President, as Co-Chair of the Safety & Security Committee, and as a member of the Electrical & Instrumentation Committee. In 2013, he joined forces with Kyle Parks and Chris Fogle to organize the fjrst Operational Preparedness Symposium. Since then, he has garnered the assistance of numerous volunteers from the two WEAT committees to make this recurring event a success. SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR / MODERATOR David Milligan, CSP David is the Health and Safety Manager for North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), and leads a team of professionals to identify hazards in the workplace and recommend efgective risk mitigation strategies. He is a member of the Z490 Accredited Standards Committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z490 Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health & Environmental Training standard. Prior to joining NTMWD, David served in Safety and Occupational Health positions with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NASA, Texas A&M University Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), and Disneyland Resort. As a former U.S. Army Aviation Safety Offjcer, David held various safety and health positions and supervised both military and civilian personnel. At the invitation of the Assistant Secretary of Labor, OSHA, he also served as a U.S. Delegate to the 5th EU-US Joint Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, 2007, in Cascais, Portugal. ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION COMMITTEE COORDINATOR / MODERATOR George Luke, PE George is the Engineering Manager at Gupta and Associates, where he manages a stafg that includes 12 PEs and over 20 other professionals. He is an electrical design engineer with 35 years of professional engineering and project management experience. His background includes electrical distribution and controls as well as instrumentation and controls engineering with extensive applications in both domestic and international projects. He has designed and managed projects for oil/gas operations, semiconductor manufacturing, and water and wastewater facilities. HOST ORGANIZATION - WEAT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PAST PRESIDENT Julie Nahrgang Jefg Sober, PE 4 Operational Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Storm?

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