open ended intelligence

Open-ended Intelligence Viktoras Veitas The Individuation of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open-ended intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Open-ended Intelligence Viktoras Veitas The Individuation of Intelligent Agents What is Intelligence? Theory of Individuation David Weinbaum (Weaver) Intelligence, Cognition,

  1. Open-ended intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Open-ended Intelligence Viktoras Veitas The Individuation of Intelligent Agents What is Intelligence? Theory of Individuation David Weinbaum (Weaver) Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making Viktoras Veitas A Framework for Open-ended Intelligence Conclusion Global Brain Institute References Vrije Universiteit Brussel Artificial General Intelligence, Berlin, July 2015 1 / 37

  2. What is Intelligence? → The Current Understanding Open-ended Definition of Intelligence intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas ◮ Intelligence has many definitions in diverse disciplines. What is Intelligence? ◮ The most comprehensive collection of definitions of The Current Understanding Critique of the GOI concept intelligence to date: (Legg and Hutter, 2007). A New Conceptual Approach ◮ A widely accepted definition of General Intelligence Theory of Individuation in AGI circles: Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making A Framework for The ability to achieve complex goals in complex Open-ended environments. (Goertzel, 2012) Intelligence Conclusion References Let us refer to this kind of intelligence as Goal Oriented Intelligence (GOI) 2 / 37

  3. What is Intelligence? → The Current Understanding Open-ended Goal-oriented Intelligence intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas Observations What is Intelligence? The Current Understanding Critique of the GOI concept Actions A New Conceptual Approach Theory of Individuation Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making Rewards A Framework for Agent Environment Open-ended Intelligence Conclusion Goal-oriented Intelligence is a measure of an agent’s References competence to match actions to observations such that it will achieve optimal rewards in a variety of environments. 3 / 37

  4. What is Intelligence? → Critique of the GOI concept Open-ended Critique of Goal-oriented Intelligence intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas The definition is based on a few presumptions: What is ◮ A sharp agent-environment distinction; Intelligence? The Current Understanding ◮ that imply well defined interactions. Critique of the GOI concept A New Conceptual ◮ The environment is initially unknown but is observer Approach Theory of independent and a priori given; Individuation ◮ Goals given in terms of reward functions are a priori Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making given and unchanging; A Framework for ◮ The agent’s computational capacities; Open-ended Intelligence These presumptions appeal strongly to common sense Conclusion and frame the concept of intelligence in a reasonable and References pragmatic manner. 4 / 37

  5. What is Intelligence? → Critique of the GOI concept Open-ended Limits of the definition intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas However, these presumptions also limit the generality of What is the concept in at least three profound ways: Intelligence? The Current Understanding ◮ They disregard processes of agent-environment Critique of the GOI concept A New Conceptual differentiation and boundary formation; Approach Theory of ◮ They disregard processes of goal and value Individuation formation – intelligence never starts with solving a Intelligence, Cognition, problem but much earlier in the formation of the Sense-making problematic situation; A Framework for Open-ended ◮ They also disregard reflexivity: interactions with other Intelligence Conclusion intelligent agents whose goals are unknown and their References behaviors are not yet determined. 5 / 37

  6. What is Intelligence? → Critique of the GOI concept Open-ended Going beyond the limits intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas What is In short: Intelligence? The Current Understanding ◮ The current definition of intelligence covers only a Critique of the GOI concept A New Conceptual well determined kind of intelligence; Approach Theory of ◮ But neglects the more profound and difficult to define Individuation process of the emergence of intelligent behaviors. Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making ◮ Therefore, it would be interesting to ask: A Framework for Open-ended Intelligence What is intelligence prior to anything intelligible ? Conclusion References 6 / 37

  7. What is Intelligence? → A New Conceptual Approach Open-ended Minimizing Constraints intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) What if we give up: & Viktoras Veitas ◮ the clear boundaries and distinctions between agent What is and environment; Intelligence? The Current Understanding ◮ the implied observations and actions that are made Critique of the GOI concept A New Conceptual Approach possible by such boundaries and distinctions; Theory of ◮ and finally, the definite goals with their associated Individuation Intelligence, mapping of rewards. Cognition, Sense-making A Framework for It seems as if nothing is left to build upon: Open-ended Intelligence ◮ If there are no prior distinctions, Conclusion References ◮ how is one to make sense out of a non-sense situation where no agents or objects can be identified to begin with? 7 / 37

  8. What is Intelligence? → A New Conceptual Approach Open-ended A truly general kind of intelligence intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas What is Intelligence? ◮ By reducing to the minimum the presumptions that The Current Understanding Critique of the GOI concept constrain the conventional concept, we develop the A New Conceptual Approach new concept of Open-ended Intelligence (OEI): Theory of Individuation Open-ended Intelligence (OEI) precedes the well char- Intelligence, Cognition, acterized concept of Goal-oriented Intelligence (GOI), it Sense-making makes fewer presumptions and therefore is A Framework for Open-ended fundamentally more general . Intelligence Conclusion References 8 / 37

  9. What is Intelligence? → A New Conceptual Approach Open-ended A Conceptual Leap intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & Viktoras Veitas A conceptual leap needs to be taken here: What is While the concept of Goal-oriented Intelligence answers Intelligence? the question “what does it mean to be intelligent?”, The Current Understanding Critique of the GOI concept A New Conceptual the concept of Open-ended Intelligence focuses on a Approach Theory of prior question: “what does it mean to become Individuation intelligent?”. Intelligence, Cognition, Sense-making A Framework for Open-ended Open-ended Intelligence: Intelligence The process of becoming intelligent – Conclusion References the sense-making that precedes clear distinctions and goals and brings them forth. 9 / 37

  10. What is Intelligence? → A New Conceptual Approach Open-ended Goal-oriented vs. Open-ended Intelligence intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) Whereas Goal-oriented Intelligence is the well defined and & Viktoras Veitas thus visible tip of the ‘intelligence iceberg’, Open-ended intelligence is the vast and mostly invisible iceberg itself. What is Intelligence? The Current Understanding Critique of the GOI concept Goal-oriented Open-ended A New Conceptual Approach Intelligence Intelligence Theory of Individuation Intelligence, ◮ Definite ◮ Fluid Cognition, Sense-making boundaries boundaries A Framework for ◮ Definite ◮ Progressively Open-ended Intelligence goals determined Conclusion goals and ◮ Definite References capacities capacities ◮ metastable, problematic 10 / 37

  11. Theory of Individuation Open-ended Ontology of Individuals intelligence David Weinbaum (Weaver) & ◮ To develop a theory of Open-ended Intelligence a Viktoras Veitas new ontology is required. What is ◮ Our conventional system of thought is grounded in Intelligence? Theory of entities called Individuals . Individuation ◮ Individuals are primary ontological elements. The Conditions of Individuation ◮ Unambiguously definable (Aristotle’s principle of the Transduction Assemblages excluded middle). Intelligence, Cognition, ◮ We understand the world by identifying individuals Sense-making and relations among them. A Framework for Open-ended ◮ Everything starts and ends with individuals. Intelligence Conclusion ◮ The genesis of individuals is merely the manner by References which one individual transitions into another. ◮ Stable entitites are primary; change is secondary. 11 / 37

  12. Theory of Individuation Open-ended Ontology of Individuation intelligence David Weinbaum We base the concept of Open-ended Intelligence on a (Weaver) & radically different ontology: Viktoras Veitas ◮ Individuals are replaced with individuation. What is Intelligence? ◮ The theory of individuation is an ontological Theory of paradigm shift developed by G. Simondon. Individuation The Conditions of ◮ Instead of positing individuals as the primary Individuation Transduction ontological elements, Assemblages Intelligence, ◮ It posits as primary the process of their becoming i.e. Cognition, Sense-making their individuation. A Framework for Open-ended Intelligence Individuation: Conclusion Individuation is the formation or becoming of individuals. References It is a primal formative process whereas boundaries and distinctions arise without assuming any individual(s) that precede(s) them. 12 / 37


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