emerging genuine intelligence and consciousness emerging

Emerging Genuine Intelligence and Consciousness Emerging Genuine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Emerging Genuine Intelligence and Consciousness Emerging Genuine Intelligence and Consciousness Superior Levels of Unreduced Interaction Complexity Superior Levels of Unreduced Interaction Complexity Intelligence Intelligence as a as a high

  1. Emerging Genuine Intelligence and Consciousness Emerging Genuine Intelligence and Consciousness Superior Levels of Unreduced Interaction Complexity Superior Levels of Unreduced Interaction Complexity � Intelligence Intelligence as a as a high enough high enough level of level of unreduced interaction complexity unreduced interaction complexity : : � chaotic, interaction- -driven adaptability and self driven adaptability and self- -development development chaotic, interaction Natural intelligence: electro- -chemical interaction in a neural network chemical interaction in a neural network Natural intelligence: electro � Consciousness Consciousness as a next higher level of unreduced complexity: as a next higher level of unreduced complexity: � complex- -dynamic (multivalued) dynamic (multivalued) bound states (SOC) complex bound states (SOC) Natural consciousness: SOC bound structures in the cortex Natural consciousness: SOC bound structures in the cortex � Parallel superpower: Parallel superpower: autonomous adaptability autonomous adaptability � logical, binding, supervising; separated self; multi- -level; level; logical, binding, supervising; separated self; multi control, imagination, anticipation (localised structures); control, imagination, anticipation (localised structures); emotions, desires, “ “é élan lan” ”; adaptable growth ; adaptable growth emotions, desires, � Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness: : � modified but unreduced unreduced versions of natural properties versions of natural properties modified but Properly designed structure/shape of AI and MC Properly designed structure/shape of AI and MC http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0409140 http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0409140

  2. COMPLEXITY TRANSITION IN ICT SYSTEMS COMPLEXITY TRANSITION IN ICT SYSTEMS COMPLEXITY TRANSITION IN ICT SYSTEMS The New Era of Intelligent Information Systems The New Era of Intelligent Information Systems The New Era of Intelligent Information Systems (1) Transition to useful useful dynamic complexity/chaos dynamic complexity/chaos (1) Transition to (1) Transition to useful dynamic complexity/chaos Priority R&D task and inevitable inevitable way of development way of development Priority R&D task and Priority R&D task and inevitable way of development (2) Complexity levels of global communication system (2) Complexity levels of global communication system (2) Complexity levels of global communication system - Quasi Quasi- -regular P2P network (modern internet, phone) regular P2P network (modern internet, phone) - - Quasi-regular P2P network (modern internet, phone) - Complex Complex- -dynamic P2P network (liberated internet) dynamic P2P network (liberated internet) - - Complex-dynamic P2P network (liberated internet) - Context Context- -based network: based network: “ human ” ” complexity levels complexity levels - “ human - Context-based network: “ human ” complexity levels (3) Intelligent and conscious information systems (3) Intelligent and conscious information systems (3) Intelligent and conscious information systems Unified, fractal “ quantum beat ” ” (physics/0409140) (physics/0409140) Unified, fractal “ quantum beat Unified, fractal “ quantum beat ” (physics/0409140) Unlimited coevolution of system Unlimited coevolution of system and and user complexity user complexity Unlimited coevolution of system and user complexity http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0603132 http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0603132

  3. Knowledge- -Based Structure Based Structure Knowledge of Intelligent Communication Networks of Intelligent Communication Networks personal or global knowledge branch personal or global (user interface) knowledge branch (user interface) autonomous development due to complex-dynamic branch interaction

  4. Knowledge- -Based Structure Based Structure Knowledge of Intelligent Communication Networks of Intelligent Communication Networks Principles of complex network realisation Principles of complex network realisation (1) Available “ (1) Available “interaction space interaction space” ” (2) Self- -amplifying (chaotic) interaction rule amplifying (chaotic) interaction rule (2) Self (3) Based on the unreduced complexity and (3) Based on the unreduced complexity and “complexity correspondence principle complexity correspondence principle” ” “ ↓ ↓ Universal criterion of intelligent operation Universal criterion of intelligent operation branch interaction process


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