open data development and innovation in taiwan

Open Data Development and Innovation in Taiwan Karen Chang CSA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open Data Development and Innovation in Taiwan Karen Chang CSA ASEAN Summit 2015 Jun 12, 2015 Karen Hsin-Ling Chang Researcher, Office of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan of Taiwan Chairperson, Business Case and Application

  1. Open Data Development and Innovation in Taiwan Karen Chang CSA ASEAN Summit 2015 Jun 12, 2015

  2. Karen Hsin-Ling Chang  Researcher, Office of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan of Taiwan  Chairperson, Business Case and Application Working Group, Asia PKI Consortium (APKIC) • Focusing on government cloud computing strategy, open data and big data policy • Project Manager of International Collaboration for Advanced Security Technology (iCAST), which connected academia, research institutes and industries in Taiwan, UC Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University of the US • Chairperson of Business Case/Application Working Group (BAWG), Asia PKI Consortium (APKIC) 2

  3. Open Data Policy in Taiwan  Pushing Harder, Accelerate Key Data Strategy  Data Ranking System, Data Reuse  Legal and Regulations Improvement  Enlarge the Data Release Action  Data Pricing Policy for Government Data  Legislation for Open Data  Consultation Mechanism from Central Mechanism Government to Ministries 3

  4. Timeline Timeline Ever since Jan. 2012 Open Data Value- added Strategy Conference Apr. 2015 White Paper on 2013/11 Oct. 2014 Taiwan Network Kawasaki City MOU Signing Intelligence includes Oct. 2014 (Japan) visit with GovLab, US Open Data I nt’l Symposium, 4 countries with 210 Apr. 2013 participants Oct. 2015 data. Dec. 2013 Jun. 2014 I nt’l Conference Feb. 2015 platform 50 datasets 8 start-up of Asia Open Data MOU Signing released for each Announced Partnership with Thailand gov agency Nov. 2012 Open Data Foundation Period Approved in Application Period the Executive Yuan Oct. 2015 Feb. 2014 Jul. 2014 International 67 companies Sep. 2013 Interaction ICT Innovative Jan. 2015 develop open Taiwan Open Data with Leuven Services Open Data Show & data application Alliance formed University, Awards Exhibition Belgium 21 exhibitors Sep. 2015 May 2014 836 people Dec. 2013 Open Data for Visit UK, Oct. 2014 participated MOU Signing National Ireland and MOU Signing with ODI, UK Campaign Project France with Korea launch 4 ※ Font color: cooperation 、 Promotion 、 promotion 、 Interactive 、 5. Purple/Government data released

  5. Policy Framework  Top-down policy enforcement is required to maximize the value of open data in the era of data economy Consultation Committee Convener: Chief Information NDC Officer of Execute-Yuan (National Public : MOJ 、 MOEA 、 MOF 、 NDC Policy development Development Private: Associations, Civil Society, Progress Supervision Council Academy Convener: CIO of Ministries Objectives: • Development of Action Plan … MOI MOF MOE MOHW MOEA MOTC • Enhancement the quality and quantities • Setup the promotion and Consultation of Ministry Open Data management mechanism • Mediation of open data and classified data Provision of Datasets • Public-private partnership 5

  6. Public-Private Partnership  Submission of the requirement proactively  Joint mediation for inter-ministry data provision  Development of innovation applications Chief Information Officer CIO of Ministries Social Communities Legal Authorities Associations Experts 6

  7. The First 5-Star Open Data Project in Taiwan Vision Achievement • Complete 64 datasets related to aboriginal content and data in Taiwan. • Set up the first open data portal based on Linked Taiwan’s aboriginal culture and tourism data Taiwan’s aboriginal datasets and published over 200,000 triples on the LOD to LOD cloud cloud. • Hold APP competition that empowers the sharpest minds in tech, design, and business to show the value of open data. 7

  8. The Growth of Datasets # of datasets 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 # of datasets 8

  9. OKFN Open Data Index 9

  10. Achievements (2014)  Incubation (for startups)  Innovation camp  374 proposals received, 66 accepted  Tutorship  5 startups  Promotion (for applications)  Business applications  Chain stores, Exhibition, Merchandising, Tourism, Supply chain, Logistics, etc.  Creative solutions  Disaster Prevention, Transportation, Cultural & Creative, Real Estate, Public affairs, etc. 10

  11. From Now On…  The Premier: OKFN Top 10  Team up Consultation/Advisory Group, for Licensing and Pricing  Forming the Asia Open Data Partnership 11

  12. Thank You! Karen Chang +886-936-085447

  13. Mediation & Consultation Chain Store Application 《 Requirement 》 《 Agencies 》 《 Outcome 》 5 datasets required ◎ MOEA 24 datasets opened ◎ MOTC ◎ MOF ◎ MOI ◎ DGBAS ◎ Taipei City 13

  14. Mediation & Consultation Electronic Toll Collection(eTag) 《 Requirement 》 《 Agencies 》 《 Outcome 》 1 dataset required ◎ MOTC 9 datasets opened ◎ Freeway Bureau 1 dataset with legal issue is expected to be opened soon 14

  15. Mediation & Consultation Healthcare 《 Requirement 》 《 Agencies 》 《 Outcome 》 19 datasets opened 21 datasets required ◎ MOL ◎ MOHW 2 datasets with personal data and intelligent property consideration still in negotiation 15


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