ools lak ake sh shor ore ce central sc schoo

ools Lak ake Sh Shor ore Ce Central Sc Schoo Proposed General - PDF document

ools Lak ake Sh Shor ore Ce Central Sc Schoo Proposed General Fund Budget For the 2016-17 Year Jennifer Michalec, President Carla Thompson, Vice-President Kathleen Chiavetta William Connors, Jr. Jennifer Farrell Cynthia

  1. ools Lak ake Sh Shor ore Ce Central Sc Schoo Proposed General Fund Budget For the 2016-17 Year Jennifer Michalec, President Carla Thompson, Vice-President Kathleen Chiavetta William Connors, Jr. Jennifer Farrell Cynthia Latimore Dyan Scritchfield James E. Przepasniak, Superintendent Daniel W. Pacos – Assistant Superintendent for Administration & Finance Melissa Bergler – Assistant Superintendent for Instruction BOE Approved 4/19/16

  2. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed GENERAL SUPPORT Board of Education Conferences & Meetings $ 16,600 $ 21,600 Supplies & Materials 650 650 Total Board of Education 17,250 22,250 District Clerk Salaries 3,500 3,500 Contractual & Other 100 100 Materials & Supplies 300 300 Total District Clerk 3,900 3,900 District Meetings Clerks/Inspector Stipends 2,500 2,500 Legal Notices 14,000 14,000 Printing 1,000 1,000 Total District Meetings 17,500 17,500 Total Board of Education: $ 38,650 $ 43,650 2

  3. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Central Administration Chief School Administrator Salaries $ 454,935 $ 470,711 Equipment 0 0 Mileage & Conferences 9,600 9,600 Contractual & Other 3,000 3,000 Materials & Supplies 2,200 2,200 Total Central Administration $ 469,735 $ 485,511 Finance Business Administration Salaries 293,166 298,314 Mileage & Conferences 1,000 3,000 Contractual & Other 15,600 8,500 Legal Notices 6,000 2,000 Appraisal Services 5,000 15,000 Materials & Supplies 3,000 4,000 BOCES Services 149,986 149,986 Total Business Admin. $ 473,752 $ 480,800 3

  4. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Auditing Salaries $ 6,000 $ 7,000 Annual Audit Fee 29,000 29,000 Total Auditing 35,000 36,000 Treasurer Salaries 2,500 2,500 Materials & Supplies 350 350 Total Treasurer 2,850 2,850 Tax Collector Municipal Services 6,200 9,200 Postage 4,500 1,500 Printing 1,100 1,100 Total Tax Collector 11,800 11,800 Purchasing BOCES Services 1,895 1,910 Total Purchasing 1,895 1,910 4

  5. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Fiscal Agent Fees Fiscal Agent Fees $ 6,000 $ 8,500 Total Fiscal Agent Fees 6,000 8,500 Total Finance $ 531,297 $ 541,860 Staff Legal Services Contractual & Other 60,000 60,000 Total Legal Services 60,000 60,000 Personnel Salaries 43,420 48,760 Contractual & Other 62,000 62,000 Materials & Supplies 100 100 BOCES Services 16,710 16,710 Total Personnel 122,230 127,570 Records Management Contractual & Other 850 1,000 Materials & Supplies 500 350 Total Records Management 1,350 1,350 5

  6. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Public Information and Service Salaries $ 0 $ 0 Public Notices 20,000 23,000 Materials & Supplies 850 500 BOCES Services 40,470 41,280 Total Public Info. 61,320 64,780 Total Staff $ 244,900 $ 253,700 Central Services Operation of Plant Salaries 1,748,736 1,790,748 Equipment 112,764 112,764 Contractual & Repairs 260,000 260,000 Mileage 500 1,500 Conferences 300 1,500 Electricity 588,120 565,920 Gas 250,000 220,000 Water 36,000 36,000 Telephone 35,000 35,000 Materials & Supplies 80,000 80,000 BOCES Services 12,440 12,440 Total Operation of Plant 3,123,860 3,115,872 6

  7. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Maintenance of Plant Salaries $ 370,936 $ 390,620 Contractual & Repairs 80,000 80,000 Materials & Supplies 90,000 90,000 Vehicle Maint. & Gas 8,000 8,000 Total Maint. Of Plant 548,936 568,620 Central Store Room Salaries 79,794 81,165 Contractual & Repairs 1,000 1,000 Materials & Supplies 1,000 1,000 Total Central Store Room 81,794 83,165 Central Printing & Mailing Salaries 26,908 27,200 Contractual & Repairs 3,000 18,000 Postage 50,000 50,000 Equipment Rental 5,000 5,000 Materials & Supplies 3,000 3,000 Total Central Printing 87,908 103,200 7

  8. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Central Data Processing Equipment $ 0 $ 0 Contractual & Repairs 1,000 15,000 Programming & Updating 10,000 10,000 Materials & Supplies 1,000 1,000 BOCES Services 610,135 606,595 Total Central Data Process. 622,135 632,595 Total Central Services $ 4,464,633 $ 4,503,452 Special Items Multi-Peril Insurance 212,000 236,075 School Board Assn Dues 20,000 22,000 Refund of Property Taxes 50,000 50,000 State Aid Adj, Legal Actions 15,000 15,000 Minor Insurance Claims 9,000 9,000 Water & Sewer Taxes 35,000 35,000 BOCES Administration 196,225 198,990 BOCES Capital & Rent 136,948 139,789 Contractual & Other 15,000 35,000 Total Special Items $ 689,173 $ 740,854 8

  9. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Total General Support $ 6,438,388 $ 6,569,027 Dollar Change $ 130,639 Percentage Change 2.03 % 9

  10. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed INSTRUCTION Administration & Improvement Curriculum Development and Supervision Salaries $ 21,000 $ 21,000 Mileage 200 200 Testing & Conferences 35,000 35,000 Supplies & Materials 2,000 2,000 BOCES Services 17,150 18,100 Total Curriculum Dev. 75,350 76,300 Supervision - Regular School Salaries 1,315,467 1,349,940 Equipment 3,600 4,300 Professional Dues 7,500 7,500 Mileage 1,950 1,400 Conferences 3,000 1,963 Repairs & Contractual 6,150 4,600 Materials & Supplies 74,115 71,760 BOCES Services 46,995 53,590 Total Supervision - Reg. 1,458,777 1,495,053 10

  11. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Supervision - Continuing Education Salaries $ 99,735 $ 83,109 Materials & Supplies 595 1,000 Total Supervision - Cont. Ed 100,330 84,109 Research, Planning & Evaluation Salaries 88,678 89,384 Mileage & Conferences 800 800 Contractual & Other 20,500 20,500 Materials & Supplies 10,595 10,595 BOCES Services 18,830 21,813 Total Planning & Evaluation 139,403 143,092 Inservice Training - Instruction Salaries 15,000 15,000 Contractual 30,000 30,000 Materials & Supplies 250 250 BOCES Services 41,911 41,989 Total Inservice Training 87,161 87,239 11

  12. Lake Shore Central Schools Proposed Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Description Budget Proposed Total Admin & Improvement $ 1,861,021 $ 1,885,793 Teaching - Regular School Salaries 13,052,301 13,413,874 Equipment 31,042 46,000 Mileage 6,000 6,000 Conferences 6,000 6,000 Rebinding & Rentals 8,545 8,545 Assemblies & Graduations 29,400 27,300 Student Fees & Registration 9,375 8,100 Repairs 15,000 15,000 Materials & Supplies 280,729 286,401 Tuition - Public Schools 45,000 45,000 Tuition - All Others 5,000 5,000 Tuition – Charter Schools 0 12,000 Textbooks 162,850 168,000 BOCES Services 363,515 394,082 Total Teaching - Regular School $ 14,014,757 $ 14,441,302 12


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